Ahhh, warm weather is upon us, which means it’s time to take our activity outdoors for the summer! As you might know, we’re huge advocates for body resistance exercises, even ones that don’t require equipment of any kind, so we figure why not share some of our favorite circuits for YOU to squeeze in on your next walk to the park.

Of course, it’s always important to warm up a bit before you begin. I recommend a light jog, brisk walk, or some jumping jacks with some upper and lower body stretches to get you started. Nothing crazy complex, just enough to warm up the body to prep it for some work!

Always, always, always stretch.
Always, always, always stretch.

Here are my favorite circuits to take outdoors:

  1. Core Circuit: Every move is 1 minute. (Try downloading a timer app or simply use the timer app incorporated into your clock on your smartphone).
If plank isn’t enough for you, dip down into chaturanga (elbows hugging into the rib cage). If THAT’s not enough, lift a leg. Hello, core AND triceps!

Plank Hold

In traditional plank position, stage the hands directly underneath the shoulders and the feet pressing back through the heels. To modify, drop one or both knees, but remember the keep the hips facing the ground and the belly lifted.


From a seated position, place the hands either in front of the hips or behind for lower back support and bicycle/pedal the feet. To modify, limit your range of motion (always the first step in modification!), or lower all the way down onto the back.

Flutter Kicks

Lying on the back with heels toward the sky, simply flutter the feet down toward the ground, and then back up to the sky. To modify, bend the knees and limit your range of motion.

Plank Oblique Knees

In plank position (as described in Move #1), drive the right knee toward the right elbow, then the left knee toward the left elbow in a march style movement.

Diamond Crunch

Lying on the back with the soles of the feet together and lifted above the ground, and hands interlocked behind the head, crunch yourself up (elbows toward the knees), and lower back down.

This is a 5-minute circuit, so repeat 2-3 times OR add onto one of the next Upper or Lower Circuits!

2. Upper Body Circuit: Maximum Reps

Bench dips. Great for the triceps!
Bench dips. Great for the triceps!

Wide Push-Ups

Hands nice and wide, heels press back in a wide plank position. Lower into a push-up.

Modification: Knees down.

Bench Dips

Find the closest picnic table or chair and grab hold of the edge. Move your feet away from your glutes and begin to bend the elbows, lifting your body weight and lowering until fatigue. To modify or to make a wrist adjustment, these can also be done on the ground. To progress, lift a leg.

Arm Circles

Arms extended fully out to the sides (no bend in the elbow). Circle the arms forward until you can circle no more!

Cobra Lifts

On the belly, lift the hands and feet while keeping the neck in neutral spine. Simply lift and lower.

This is a Max Rep circuit. Repeat 3 times.

3. Lower Body Circuit: Max Reps.

Bulgarian Squat.
Bulgarian Squat.

Traditional Squats

Feet underneath the hips, squat down (as if sitting in an imaginary chair), and stand back up. To modify, limit your range of motion, or to progress, add a small hop at the top!

Forward and Back Lunges

Step forward into a forward lunge, and then back into a reverse lunge on the same leg until fatigue. Repeat on the other side.

Wall Squat or Chair Pose

Find a wall or post and drop into a squat, back against the support. Feet should be directly under the knees at a 90-degree angle. To modify, ease up a bit from the squat. Hold until fatigue. If a wall doesn’t exist, try chair pose: Feet together, arms lift up toward the sky and you drop into a low squat, knees bent. Hold.

Sumo Squats

Feet are wide, pointing outward. Drop down into a low squat and simply stand back up. Repeat until fatigue.

Bulgarian Squat

The foot behind you extends into a long stride, toe resting on a bench, chair, or otherwise. (Option: This can also be done with the back foot on the ground). Keeping the chest upright and the knee tracking out over the toe, dip down and up. Repeat on the other side. (See photo for form).

Calf Raises

Feet directly underneath the hips, lift up onto the toes and lower back down to the ground. Repeat, increasing intensity and speed, until fatigue. Option for progression: Find a step on which you can place the balls of your feet, allowing your heels to drop even lower.

This is a Max Rep circuit. Repeat 3 times.

To make things extra killer, combine all 3! Remember, it’s important to always keep your neck in line with your spine, and to keep all of your weight in your heels in any form of squat.

Next time the sun is out, bring those guns out! Enjoy your outdoor workout.

To learn more about workouts you can follow on your smartphone or tablet, read this!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric

Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Certified in P90X, Insanity, and PiYo

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