
“You don’t have to live in a city to be an inspiration…you really just need to have a big heart and open mind.”

Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway.

I am from small town USA, where everyone knows everyone and people have watched you grow up right before their eyes. I never thought I’d amount to anything great coming from a small town in Northeast Michigan, so all I wanted to do was get as far away as possible. I graduated high school, went to college, went to grad school, lived in a “Big City” and survived… and now I’m back to where it all started and I couldn’t be happier. Home is where your heart is and my heart never left this little town. I’m inspiring others that it is possible to amount to something great!

I’ve always said since high school, one day I’m going to come back to Oscoda and I’m going to make a difference, I just never knew how or to what extent. At first I thought it was going to be through teaching and counseling, then I thought it would be providing people the opportunity to secure their financial future, but it’s through doing what I love: volunteering and sharing my health and fitness journey. I became a Coach in October 2014 because I wanted to make a difference in my own life and then help others. I didn’t realize how many people were actually following me on my journey and motivated by it. I kept thinking, Who in their right mind would think my story is interesting, let alone motivating? Friends and strangers were starting to open up around me and ask lot of questions in regard to what I was doing. At this point I realized this is how I’m going to make a difference. I want people to feel the happiness and success that I have been feeling.

I started stepping out of my comfort zone and showing my community who I was becoming and what was fueling my happiness and energy. The feeling you get when someone approaches you and says how you’ve inspired them is simply priceless! I want to pay it forward and reflect my happiness to others. It’s okay to be strong, confident, and to surround yourself with greatness. I no longer want to hide in the shadows… I want to shine and I want others to shine bright, too.

I realized my true potential from my Team of coaches and because of that I’m happier than ever, my relationship with my significant other is strong, I’m proud of who I am, I see the good in things, and my passion is exploding. I want everyone to amount to something great and unleash their potential. I need to lead by example and be true to what I preach. As much as I’m helping others, most people don’t realize how much they’ve helped me and how blessed I am for it.

I moved back to my hometown for this reason… to change lives one day at a time! Whoever said a small town girl can’t do great things? Let’s do this, Oscoda.


Kelly is an Emerald Coach on our Body Electric Team, and she’s certainly doing great things in her area of Michigan! She works full-time in insurance sales and is the proud Momma of Brix, her awesome german shepherd. 

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