By now, you’ve probably seen some posts from me (or maybe read my newsletter) which said that I’m writing an e-Book, and you’re thinking, “What? Like, for sale?” I’ve received messages from some of you asking what the topic is, and if you can get on the wait list to receive a preview copy. So, consider this my Tell All.

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved to write. But what I’ve loved to do even more is create a feeling, an inspiration, within people who read what I have to say. I love speaking, I love leading, and I love reaching people right at their heart strings so as to motivate them to feel a certain way. When I was undergoing daily chronic headache a few years ago, I found myself jotting notes into my iPhone… Notes about the pain I was feeling, the paths that were being crossed with random people, and the mental versus physical struggles I had. Why did I make notes? Because I didn’t have the mental focus and relief to write more than just a few words and phrases. Because I knew that someday, I would be rid of the pain and my words would be able to relate to someone and help them, but in the moment, I could barely make it through the day. I was saving my thoughts, saving my feelings, and saving my words to mean something later. The cool thing? I didn’t know that at the time. I just instinctively did it.

Fast forward 3 years and here I am, a health and fitness Coach, motivator, and headache-free, and I’ve got these notes. I’ve found my calling, and I’ve got people relying on me for inspiration, and for change in their lives. So far, I’ve been keeping these notes, and this story, to myself.

Until now.

Now, I get to truly open up. I get to not only tell my story, but hopefully get you to see your own story in a way that brings the truth to light. This goes for sufferers of chronic pain along with the rest of the human civilization, because guess what?

We all feel.

Human emotion is the one thing we all have in common. It’s what makes us cry when we see a sad movie, or laugh when others are laughing. We, as humans, relate to each other even if we have all the differences in the world.

So if my story can inspire you to take action with your health, my words are worth it. The notes in my iPhone have meaning. My reaching out to you is for good reason. My purpose is fulfilled.

In the height of my physical struggle, my husband took me to a speaking event with Rob Bell, American author and pastor with an impressive and creative outlook on life as we live it. During the event, he had each of us take out an index card and pencil from underneath our seat and write the following phrase with our non-dominant hand:

“I know how you feel.”

Of course, everyone laughed, knowing that writing with their non-dominant hand was going to look foolish and child-like. But in the end, when we finished the exercise, Rob instructed us to hand our index card to someone nearby, someone we didn’t know… to look them in the eye, hand them the card, and say, “I know how you feel.”

So we did. And he went on to explain that despite the vast differences between this neighbor and ourselves, we all had something in common in that moment. We all knew how it felt to write with our non-dominant hand. Awkward. Embarrasing. Inexperienced. Foolish. We, as humans, get each other. Sometimes, though, in the hustle of everyday life, when someone asks us how we’re doing we tell them we’re fine. We move on. What if we’re not fine? What if we’re holding some deep down burden, stress, or pain?

In this e-Book, I will take you through the day-to-day of someone who didn’t see themselves as worthy of success. I’ll share with you the struggles I’ve had, the relationships I’ve made, and the obstacles I’ve overcome. In the end, I will teach you how to overcome your own setbacks by way of a method I have used to achieve success in my life, which I call the “Get Your Shit Together” plan. Yeah, I talk like that.

You must have your health in order to have your life. You must be willing to look others in the eye and say, “I know how you feel.” You must be willing to share your story in hopes of inspiring someone else to opt for writing the rest of theirs versus letting it be written for them.

Hi, my name is Jenny, and I’m a writer. A writer of my own life. And I know how you feel. I’m writing this e-Book so as to get it off my chest, and to inspire you to pick up the pen and write your own story. As in YOU. The one who deals with pain, and stress, and a lack of confidence. You are amazing, and you are worth the introspection. Let’s dive in together. After all, I know how you feel.

This e-Book will be made available by late August. Click here to be added to the wait list.

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