Sure, that Budweiser sounds extremely refreshing on this Super Bowl Sunday, as do the heavy dips and pizza. But before you head out the door to your neighbor’s party, consider this:

* 1 out of 4 football fans admits to gaining over 10 lbs. of the NFL season.

* 16% admit to gaining 20 lbs. of the NFL season.

* Super Bowl Sunday is the 2nd biggest day of the year for food consumption in the U.S., second only to Thanksgiving!

On Super Bowl Sunday, the following amounts of food will be consumed by Americans:

* 4,000 tons of popcorn

* 8 million pounds of guacamole

* 14 tons of chips

* 5,000 lbs. of hot dogs

Beer sales will increase by 17.9 million dollars in Super Bowl week

Pizza sales go up 44% on Super Bowl Sunday alone

6% of NFL fans call in sick on Monday, and most of the time it’s moreso due to FOOD hangover or food illness than it is alcohol.

That said, we’re not trying to scare you. We know it’ s a fun day of the year we get to indulge and in order to “get our game right” (pun intended), we’ve got to indulge in moderation. If you missed it, we shared a great post earlier today with healthy recipes to take to (or serve at) the party! That’s a great way to make sure you have healthier options available at your Super Bowl party.

So we get it. It’s time to head out the door, and you’re probably going to have at least a little bit of that Velveeta dip. Fine. But know this: There IS something you can do AT THE PARTY to not only make things more fun, but to let out your inner weirdness and get your heart rate up to burn some of those calories on game day.

We introduce to you… Our Body Electric Super Bowl Workout Game.

In the past, you’ve likely played a drinking game or two while watching football. Take a drink every time your Team scores, punts, runs, passes, whatever. But have you ever EXERCISED in the same spirit? No? Well consider today your first opportunity.

Here goes:

* For every PUPPY and/or CLYDESDALE you see on TV during the game… Do 10 Jumping Jacks.

* For every BEER COMMERCIAL you see on TV during the game… Do 10 Body Weight Squats.

* For every GODADDY COMMERCIAL you see on TV during the game… Do 10 Ab Crunches.

* For every time the PATRIOTS score… Flip the bird at your TV. OK, wait, that’s only optional. Instead, do 10 Push-Ups.

* For every time you hear one of the following phrases: DEFLATE, INFLATE, DEFLATEGATE… Do 10 Power Jumps.

* For every INTERCEPTION… Do 10 Tricep Dips. 

In a traditional power jump, you begin in a squat position with knees bent, springing from the floor and bringing the knees toward the chest. When landing, be sure to land softly with knees bent. If this is too high impact for you, march with high knees for 10 seconds as a modification.


In a traditional triceps dip, knees are bent and fingertips point toward the glutes. Lift the hips and bend the elbows as deep as you can go. Remember, it is NOT about how high the hips lift but rather, how deep the elbows bend. To make this harder, move the feet further from the body (or even lift one leg at a time). To make it easier, move the feet in toward the glutes (as pictured).



And here’s the kicker.

If you’ll do this and take a photo, sharing it to Facebook and tag the Coach who shared this article with you, you’ll be entered to receive a SWEET Body Electric gift in the mail! Hint: Everyone wins SOMETHING.

Our goal is to distract you ever so slightly from the beer, the Doritos, and the junk food that is thrown up all over the TV this evening and instead, turn your attention to helping motivate the folks around you to simply MOVE. If you must, you can sip on that Budweiser or indulge in that dip, but hey, moving and burning some calories never hurt anyone. And neither did inspiring others to be weird along with you.

Stay healthy, friends.

~ Body Electric

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