Exciting Announcement: SYNC Fitness Launching May 2024!

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #231!

In this episode, I share an exciting announcement regarding the launch of our upcoming SYNC fitness program happening in May of 2024!

I reference a previous podcast episode where I interview our SYNC trainer, Kelsey Lensman, which can be found here. 

If you’re interested in a virtual consult with myself and Dr. Paige Gutheil, learn more here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com


[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today I’m sharing with you an exciting announcement. As you know, I like to make product launch announcements here on the podcast. I’ve done this with previous course launches and opportunities and today is no different, but it is super exciting.

[00:01:13] Jenny Swisher: Maybe the one I’ve been most excited for and I’m so ready to let you in on this little secret. So as you know, I’m a fitness girl and I have been for close to two decades or more. I love turning women onto fitness, especially strength training to help them learn that muscle is the key to longevity.

[00:01:29] Jenny Swisher: And when we can train in alignment with our cycles, we can better help ourselves reach maximum energy. So launching this May of 2024, I have partnered with an amazing trainer to launch the sync fitness program. This will be a 28 day program designed to align with the average 28 day menstrual cycle to really teach you how to cycle sync.

[00:01:50] Jenny Swisher: I find that when women can apply their learning to the doing, it really sinks in. I’ve partnered with the amazing Kelsey Linsman, who is a five time bodybuilding competitor, four time powerlifting competitor, powerbuilding competitor, and half marathon and Spartan runner. She is a true powerhouse in women’s fitness.

[00:02:08] Jenny Swisher: She’s the owner of Empower Her Fitness, where she coaches both mind and body for women. She recently competed in something that she calls Mission 48, Mission 48. Where she competed in 48 fitness competitions in 48 states in 48 days. She even brought her massage therapist along for the ride. This woman is true strength, talent, and skill.

[00:02:26] Jenny Swisher: And I can’t wait for her to share her expertise and to lead women in a first of its kind cycle syncing program. Next week here on the podcast, I’ll actually be having Kelsey here to talk more details as we share more questions and answers that we’ve been getting from our SYNC course taking community.

[00:02:41] Jenny Swisher: By the way, they are so excited for this program. They’ve been asking for this for quite some time, but I do want to share with you a little overview of the program itself. It’s 28 days aligned to your menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, depending on what you’ll be syncing to. We’re utilizing the science and the research done on women in the last decade to help guide the design of these workouts.

[00:03:00] Jenny Swisher: From the movements themselves to rep counts, to recovery between sets, and we’re mixing it with EMOM and AMRAP style higher intensity training so that you get that in the right places of your cycle, along with mobility and restorative yoga and the appropriate phases of the cycle for that as well. Your body needs certain types of workouts at certain points in your cycle, and that’s exactly what we’re delivering here.

[00:03:21] Jenny Swisher: We’re focusing on functional movements. So think squats, lunges, push ups, bench presses, and so forth. All with home equipment such as dumbbells. Kelsey will be guiding you through the movements and the modifications through video form. There will be principle worksheets to correspond to each workout so that you can track your progress because after all the goal here is progressive overload and she’ll be educating you about where your energy should be in every given phase of your cycle when you approach these workouts.

[00:03:47] Jenny Swisher: We’re also giving you proper form and technique videos because we know that at home workouts can leave many women thinking that they’re doing proper form when actually they could be causing injury. We’re also providing four weeks worth of phase specific meal plans

[00:04:02] Jenny Swisher: so that we can help you align your nutrition with each week of the program. So there will be a follicular meal plan, ovulatory meal plan, luteal meal plan, and PMS meal plan. We are literally taking the guesswork out of the equation for you and giving you what you need to do this right. In addition to the month of workouts, the form and technique videos, and the nutrition plans.

[00:04:21] Jenny Swisher: We’re also throwing in some extra bonus videos from my partner in health consultations, Dr. Paige Gutile. That’s where she’ll be educating you on the other aspects of hormone health, such as sleep, supplementation, weight loss, resistance, and other things to help ensure that you’re getting the most out of this experience.

[00:04:38] Jenny Swisher: This will all be housed within an app and available to the public. Any woman can do this program, whether she has a menstrual cycle or not. If you’re post menopause, if you’ve had a hysterectomy, we will just sync you up to the moon. As I said. It’s never been easier. I’ll be featuring Kelsey on the podcast very soon.

[00:04:54] Jenny Swisher: I’ll make sure that I link up in the show notes for you a previous interview that I did with her from over a year ago, but I’m truly so excited for this program. I spent years trying to make home workouts that were designed for male physiology aligned with cycle syncing for women. And it just got to be too difficult.

[00:05:10] Jenny Swisher: It’s time that we create a program designed for women by women using the science of what we know delivers results. And it’s good for muscle health, longevity, and hormones. So if you’d like to hop on the email list to hear more about this upcoming release, that way you’re the first to know when it’s launching, please visit sync.

[00:05:27] Jenny Swisher: jennyswisher. com slash fitness. That is sync. jennyswisher. com slash fitness. I hope that you are as excited about this as I am. Big things are happening. I’m so excited to dig into this with Kelsey to share more with you next week in our interview and to keep you in the loop as we get closer to launch coming up in May.

[00:05:45] Jenny Swisher: So I’m off to complete filming as we speak. So until next time, my friends, we’ll talk soon. Bye bye.