Introducing the SYNC Monthly Fitness & Nutrition Membership!

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #275! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the exciting announcement that we are launching the SYNC Fitness & Nutrition monthly membership on 9/1/24! 

To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. You will need access to the core program before moving into the monthly membership. 

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:57] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today I’m sharing with you an exciting announcement. This is actually a clip from a recent live stream that I did in my sync community alongside my sync trainer, Kelsey Linsman. We launched our sync fitness program back in May of this year and now three months later, we’re ready to debut our new sync fitness nutrition membership.

[00:01:20] Jenny Swisher: In this clip, you’ll hear us talk about the details, what’s included in this membership, everything you need to know to get going on your path. But if you’ve not already invested in the sync fitness program, I will make sure that I link that up for you in the show notes. I recommend that you start there, right?

[00:01:34] Jenny Swisher: Start with the 28 day fitness program and then move into the monthly membership so that you can continue your progressive overload, continue cycle syncing to reach maximum energy. So without further ado, let’s talk more about the sync monthly membership. Here are Kelsey and I from a previous live stream last week.

[00:01:50] Jenny Swisher: well, hi everybody. We don’t want to take up your whole night, but we did just want to come on here as promised and talk about our new SYNC monthly membership, what that’s going to look like, what’s involved, why we’re doing it.

[00:02:02] Jenny Swisher: , of course, if you guys have questions from here, you’re welcome to comment on this live stream. We can always come back later and answer your questions, but we’re going to keep this short, sweet, to the point. First of all, let me just kick things off by saying to everybody here, , who is, doing the Sync Fitness program.

[00:02:18] Jenny Swisher: You’ve been , following it now for two to three months. You’ve been following this idea of progressive overload. For those of you who are doing that and sticking with it. I love seeing your, your social media. I know Kelsey, you’re probably getting tagged and stuff. I

[00:02:29] Kelsey Lensman: love it. I love it. Yeah.

[00:02:33] Jenny Swisher: Even the comments on the workouts, like when you finish the workout, you have the ability to comment and say what you think.

[00:02:38] Jenny Swisher: And I always read those like before I go to do my workout every day, I just started my third month of it as well. And I’m keeping track of my weights and watching myself get stronger and stronger as, as the months go on. But I know I’m eager to do something different and to kind of mix it up a little bit.

[00:02:54] Jenny Swisher: And that’s the whole purpose of introducing the sync monthly membership. So. Kudos to all of you who are doing this, who are following this whole idea of progressive overload, you know, not to beat a dead horse, but it really is just taking functional movements that we should be able to do well with good, proper form and technique and really mastering them and getting stronger, right?

[00:03:14] Jenny Swisher: Over the course of time, how much can you lift? Can you get stronger? Can you lift heavier weights? Can you Deepen that range of motion, right? For me, I definitely see that. I have weird imbalances, I always get these weird like, lower back, you know, hip issues, I’ve had those for years and I love Kelsey’s cueing.

[00:03:32] Jenny Swisher: It’s helped me with just my, like, mind muscle connection and I can feel myself getting stronger in the hamstrings which for me was very, very needed. And also I’m realizing where I was compensating. So I do, I have really strong traps. And so I was doing a lot of work in the shoulders where maybe the delts and upper back should have been working.

[00:03:49] Jenny Swisher: So it’s been game changing for me to just slow down, to take that adequate rest between sets, to really focus on how much stronger I can get to lift heavier over time, and I’m seeing you guys in your stories, cause you, you tag me, plus I just like to look through your stories and I’m seeing you guys doing the same thing.

[00:04:05] Jenny Swisher: So I am so proud of you for doing that. Yeah. But, you know, we’re at the point now where a lot of you guys are three months in and you’re ready for something different. You’re like, well, now what do I do? Right? Like, what can I do to kind of keep things interesting and spicy? So that’s why we’re introducing this membership.

[00:04:21] Jenny Swisher: And, I want Kelsey to talk, to speak to this because we have the chance to meet like in person, , last month. And I was like, we’ve got to do something right now for the people who, uh, I’ve been doing Sync Fitness all summer. We’re heading back into the school year. They want to keep with this progressive overload concept, but they’re ready to do some new workouts and some new movements.

[00:04:40] Jenny Swisher: So Kelsey’s already created our first It’s done. It’s done. She’s already sent it to me. I’ve already looked it over. Everything, the videos are complete and finished. So Kelsey, tell us like, first of all, what are the workouts for this first month? And tell me more about just what we’re doing, like these three, three new workouts a month.

[00:04:57] Jenny Swisher: So do you guys know three new workouts per month? I’ll also touch on the meal plans that’ll be added into this membership as well, but three new workouts per month. And I’ll let her explain to you sort of this idea that we’re calling plug and play, right? So we’re gonna plug and play these three new workouts moving forward, , month to month.

[00:05:14] Jenny Swisher: So Kelsey, tell us more about these three workouts, how we’re mixing it up and how you would go about putting this into the core sync program moving forward.

[00:05:23] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah, definitely. And I’m going to piggyback real quick off what you said earlier. I love seeing everybody’s stories and the tags and even just the questions of, Hey, Kelsey, this is what I’m feeling like.

[00:05:33] Kelsey Lensman: It has been so cool to be a part of every single one of your journey. And for those that are doing it and maybe not tagging, keep going. Right. And all of that is amazing. And so. Like Jenny said, I’m really excited to come up with a membership. Cause I know even for me, like when I train, I’m like, okay, yes, I know progressive overload.

[00:05:48] Kelsey Lensman: Yes. I know. It’s not about doing a different exercise every single week, but at the same time, I’m like, all right, like I’m ready to mix it up a little bit. Like I’m ready to make it also exciting again. And that’s why when Jenny and I were talking, I’m like, this is perfect timing and also a perfect strategy where.

[00:06:03] Kelsey Lensman: It’s not like your cycle changes every single month, right? It’s not about completely flipping it. And, um, the style of programming and everything every single month, but how can we still make it exciting, still make it fun. And at the end of the day, get the results that you want to get to. Right. And so that’s where actually I, and I had one of my clients join me in the workouts and she texted me the next weekend.

[00:06:25] Kelsey Lensman: She’s like, Kels, I am so sore from this lower body one. So it’s, it’s a great combination of what we have been doing from a strength component, but different exercises, different little flares, different, just exciting components of the workout. So you’ll see in this specific first month that I have a new upper body, a new lower body, and a new, more intensity based workout.

[00:06:47] Kelsey Lensman: So that’s the EMOMs and the AMRAPs that you might guys might have seen initially, um, in the different phases. And so you’ll see for this lower body one, and even the upper body is it’s all about. Yes, still doing the compound movements. We talked about squat. We talked about overhead press. We talked about even deadlifting and doing RDLs, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t add some variability into that.

[00:07:09] Kelsey Lensman: So I’ll, I’ll give you an example. Okay. So in the first fit fitness sync program, we did a goblet squat, right? And that’s such great mechanics. That’s great to build your glutes, your quads, your hamstrings. How do we still do the squat mechanics? Cause we should. But do it and tax your body in a different way.

[00:07:26] Kelsey Lensman: Well, you know what? This next one, I’m not going to completely give it away. But for example, this next one, we’re going to load it in one arm. And that works your obliques. That still works your glutes. That still works your quads, your hamstrings. And so you’ll see kind of it getting mixed up in different ways.

[00:07:41] Kelsey Lensman: But still targeting the same muscle groups, just like we talked about with that progressive overload and getting better on over time. And so that’s where Jenny and I really wanted to hit home with this membership of how can we still have this a similar program, similar style, right? But then also be able to add that variability into it and just have fun in the process.

[00:08:01] Kelsey Lensman: So I know I was sore. I know my client was sore. And so it’s going to be really exciting as we keep going on these next few months with it.

[00:08:08] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, I love that. And I think too, like It’s all about getting better and getting , stronger as you go. So I know when Kelsey and I had, had talked, uh, in July, I said, you know, I think as we move on from now through, let’s say the holidays, right.

[00:08:20] Jenny Swisher: These women are ready to, you know, come getting stronger in my SWAT. What’s the next step or how can I keep going right and so to do the one sided movements to do things like plyometrics, add plyometrics into your movements like those are ways that you can progress as the time goes, we also know there’s a joint benefit and stuff like that for women as we move on.

[00:08:38] Jenny Swisher: So it’s just so cool to see like how. It doesn’t have to be these weird, we’ve talked about this before, like compound movements should still be functional movements, right? So, they shouldn’t necessarily be like a Turkish get up with a twisting side punch and a left kick. Like, we don’t need to like do all these crazy things that typical cardio classes and stuff teach us.

[00:08:58] Jenny Swisher: It really is as simple as, okay, I’ve gotten good at the squat. I’ve gotten stronger. My weights have gone up. My range of motion has increased. Now, what can I do to get even stronger and to make, sort of mix it up for my body, right? Well, now I can work the core. I can work my core a little bit differently.

[00:09:13] Jenny Swisher: We can change where the weight is placed in that squat movement, or in some cases, maybe we drop the weight and we add some jumps, right? , whatever it is, we have a way to now intensify the movement. But yet still giving you guys the option of modification as well. So I love that Kelsey has a client in these workouts.

[00:09:30] Jenny Swisher: This was a piece of feedback that you guys gave us. You said it would be really awesome if maybe we hear more of Kelsey talk teaching and indicating form and technique. , and then, you know, kind of pushing somebody else in the workout. So Kelsey, tell us like, who are we going to see in these workouts?

[00:09:44] Jenny Swisher: You know, tell us more about how you set up the scene for these monthly workouts. Yeah.

[00:09:50] Kelsey Lensman: Oh, yes. And I love the feedback. And I, I actually asked for it too, with a lot of you give me feedback on things we can continually improve. And that was one thing of, Hey, can we have somebody else in too, to go over the form and technique, but also have that.

[00:10:01] Kelsey Lensman: So you will see her name is Jill. I love her dearly. She has. Actually been with me for about three to four years and came from the world of really under eating and Just the cycle that many of us has been through right has tried all the different diets and you know It was running a ton back in the day and the same thing that she was doing to elicit change back in the day Hasn’t really listed change, you know when she reached that perimenopause menopause time frame and so You will see her.

[00:10:26] Kelsey Lensman: She went from never stepping foot in the gym till now being a badass and deadlifting and squatting with the barbell and all the things, but you will see different modifications from what I do and also with what she does. And so I always say kind of a level two and level one level two is not any better than level one.

[00:10:43] Kelsey Lensman: It’s just a different variability. And so I’ll have her there going over some of the movements and you’ll see some different. styles of the same movement. Like if, for example, if we’re doing a split leg Bulgarian, which you’re going to see in there, I’m doing the full range of motion. She has an assistant with a pole that she’s holds on to.

[00:11:01] Kelsey Lensman: Right. And so there’s just some variability there to be able to give you guys the options to truly make these workouts customizable for you, but for you to also get the max benefits out of them too.

[00:11:11] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And I love that you just said that about like level one, level two, level three. There’s no, there’s nothing that’s better than the other.

[00:11:16] Jenny Swisher: It’s just different variations, right? I can remember when I used to teach, , Insanity classes in my gym, right? This like high intensity cardio classes, there was a woman who came to all of my classes and she was just, she really worked her heart, right? Like she was really good at working her heart. Like, yeah.

[00:11:30] Jenny Swisher: The jump knee tucks were just like a little rabbit hopping off the floor. So we finally had a conversation that like, actually you might get more out of it. And you might even be able to raise the intensity if you’re just squatting and full range of motion. Right. So it’s not necessarily that one is better than the other.

[00:11:45] Jenny Swisher: It kind of just depends on what you’re going for and what you’re working. But even, even, you know, like, I, just today, I was doing a workout today and I’m like, I, this, in this moment, this is what I need, right? Whereas tomorrow, in that, I could be doing the exact same type of workout and need something different.

[00:11:58] Jenny Swisher: So, there’s not one way that’s better than, it’s just all about doing, meeting yourself where you are each day. Okay, so we have a modifier in these workouts. Like she said, upper body, lower body interval. Intervals with Kelsey are my favorite by far.

[00:12:10] Kelsey Lensman: My butt, you will go good interval. I am dripping sweat.

[00:12:15] Kelsey Lensman: It’s challenging. So it’d be good. Yeah,

[00:12:17] Jenny Swisher: I did them poolside and Hilton head. And it was so funny because my mom who’s 76 was like sitting, reading a book. And I see her like, pull the book down. And she’s like, This is crazy. I’m like, it’s really not that crazy, but it’s really fun actually. So I’m loving it.

[00:12:31] Jenny Swisher: But okay, so what we want you guys to do is that 28 day sync program is the core program, right? So it’s intended to be two, three, four months of following those workouts. If you’re ready for something different, if you’re like, okay, I’m, maybe you’re not getting as sore as you were with the lower body in the, in the first three months of the program.

[00:12:50] Jenny Swisher: Now you can take this lower body and you can plug it in as your follicular lower body strength day, right? So we’re going to tell you where they go in the calendar. You can pop it in if you want to, right? Same thing for the upper body, same thing for the intervals. So the goal is actually over the course of these next several months to have an awesome library for you guys to choose from so that you can say like, Okay, I’m due for an interval today because I’m in my Luteal phase and this is where I am in my cycle, but now, because I’m a monthly member, I have three to choose from, right?

[00:13:19] Jenny Swisher: I don’t necessarily have to follow the one that’s in the core program. So, I wanted to just mention, we’re calling it plug and play, right? The whole idea here, remember, is for you to learn and understand cycle syncing or moon syncing for yourself. But now it’s like, okay, now you have more, you have more variations of these workouts to plug in.

[00:13:37] Jenny Swisher: Okay, so that’s the fitness piece. Um, three new workouts each month sent on the first of the month. So that means yes, we’re ready to launch this September 1st, which is coming in just over a week. , I have the registration ready for you, so I’ll be posting that this week. You will sign up, , through the link that I give you by Thursday of this week, and you will get the monthly membership starting on the first of the month.

[00:13:57] Jenny Swisher: Of course, I know people are always going to ask me, like, can I cancel it if I need to? Of course. Like, I’m not some weirdo that’s going to, like, stick you into some 12 month commitment or anything. Like, you can cancel it if needed, but I don’t think you’re going to want to because it’s going to be so good.

[00:14:09] Jenny Swisher: So, when Kelsey and I were talking about what we wanted to put in this, I was like, I’m always about like over delivering, like how can we over deliver, everything that you guys are looking for. So the three new workouts from Kelsey, you’re also going to get two new meal plans from me, one for follicular phase, one for luteal phase, right?

[00:14:26] Jenny Swisher: We know that nutrition can shift over the course of the month, especially for those of you with true menstrual cycles where you’re having hormone highs and lows. So we’re going to have one new meal plan option included for follicular, one new meal plan option included for luteal. And then To pay homage to my original monthly membership, which was a huge hit back in the day before we had workouts with Sync.

[00:14:48] Jenny Swisher: I’m also including just links to newest research. So the newest research that’s out here in the last month. I follow PubMed. I follow ScienceDirect. I follow all these different things because I like to learn it, but I’m sharing it with you. So if you’re interested in learning, like, what is the up to date science on fitness and nutrition, I’ll be including links to that.

[00:15:05] Jenny Swisher: two or three links each month for you to just read through in that email. And you’ll also be getting links to my new favorite things. So if there’s like a new water bottle that I’m a fan of that’s non toxic, or if there’s a new, you know, pre workout drink or, , I don’t know, a new creatine, I don’t know, whatever it is.

[00:15:21] Jenny Swisher: Like I’ve got some, lots of ideas, right? Like I literally have like 200 favorite things at the moment. I’m just going to plug those in there so that you can, , check those out as well. So you’re going to be getting three workouts. Two new meal plans, links to relevant and newest research, and then a couple of my favorite things in each and every issue of the monthly membership.

[00:15:39] Jenny Swisher: It’s going to come to you via email. We’re keeping it really simple. So the workouts themselves will not be in the Playbook app. They will just be included as links in the email for monthly members. There’s a reason for this. As Kelsey and I talk through what we want to create and build as the year goes, and as we enter the new year, building this library is amazing and it’s going to afford us the opportunity to be able to have something really incredible later.

[00:16:05] Jenny Swisher: But right now, this is what’s best for us. So, Kelsey doesn’t have the ability to add workouts into a published project. Fitness program on her app. So we’re doing this as sort of just a bonus offer. Like if you guys want this, awesome. We will email you the, the, the direct workouts. It’ll come in one pretty little email that will have everything I just mentioned in one place.

[00:16:24] Jenny Swisher: So that’s that. So that’s nutrition, that’s fitness. And then the most exciting thing of all is again, when we were having a conversation about like, well, how can we really deliver value here? Not just new workouts, Kelsey and I were like, well, the one thing that we feel like has been missing that we’ve heard from some of you is the community element of going through this program together and of having access to understanding why you’re doing what you’re doing, you know, what should you be focused on form a technique?

[00:16:52] Jenny Swisher: Like all those types of questions that I know you guys have. So Kelsey and I are offering a private group that will be outside of this sync group. So this sync group, of course, you guys always have access to this. This is part of just the course that you purchased. So you have access to this community.

[00:17:07] Jenny Swisher: We are going to be starting a sync fitness community for our monthly members. So if you have purchased the Sync Fitness Program, you’re moving forward into the monthly membership, you’ll be invited into this fitness group where Kelsey and I will do occasional live streams, we’ll be posting in there from time to time, we’ll be answering questions.

[00:17:23] Jenny Swisher: I’ve even had some women say, like, if I video myself in a squat, can you look at it? Sure, you can post it in this group, we can offer you feedback. Right, that’s going to be a great, um, just awesome resource for you. And for those of you who are Sync Certified Coaches, if you have customers doing Sync Fitness, yes, they have access to it too.

[00:17:40] Jenny Swisher: Right, so anybody doing the fitness piece of this can have access to the monthly membership. Okay, so we talked about, uh, let’s see here. So registration link coming by Thursday. , the cost for this is 24 per month with the three new workouts, two new meal plans, links to research, all the things I just mentioned.

[00:17:57] Jenny Swisher: Um, and let’s see, am I missing anything else?

[00:18:00] Kelsey Lensman: Jenny, I’m going to pay 24 just to get your links to what you like. Yeah. All the things in the nose. I’m excited about that. Yeah.

[00:18:07] Jenny Swisher: And it’s changing, you know, like I, people used to ask me all the time, like my favorite magnesium supplement and my favorite magnesium supplement has changed, right?

[00:18:14] Jenny Swisher: Like I used to love, I mean, I still love the same one that I used to endorse, but now there are better ones out there. So, , And coffee is a big one. People want to know like what coffee I approve of or what coffees I like or, or whatever. So I saw recently my, Kelsey, you’re looking for running shoes, right?

[00:18:29] Jenny Swisher: That’s something I can’t help you with my friend. I saw it on your stories. And I was like, I had two that is like, there’s a bear or something like behind me. So I don’t care about my shoes at that point. I don’t, I don’t run. Kelsey is getting ready to do it. What is it again? A hundred miler.

[00:18:45] Kelsey Lensman: A hundred miler in December.

[00:18:47] Jenny Swisher: Yes. We just chatted before this and I’m like, why? And she’s like, I have to be challenging myself constantly. I got to raise the bar. I love that. Yeah. I bet. So cool. So you’re going to still be strength training as you train for the hundred miler.

[00:19:01] Kelsey Lensman: Oh, it’s a non negotiable. I mean, I did not come this far and build this much muscle to lose it.

[00:19:05] Kelsey Lensman: And we’ll talk about this later, but we have some really cool community things with the sync fitness community coming next year and opportunities to actually get people together in person. And so I’m like, well, if I want to challenge other people to things, I got to do it first, you know, strategy behind it.

[00:19:22] Kelsey Lensman: There’s definitely some things that I’m excited to bring to all of you going in the future too.

[00:19:26] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Well, we were just talking about how, you know, there’s definitely what runners. Or just their own. I married one, right. I don’t know if you guys know this story, but I have to share it because I can’t not share the story.

[00:19:37] Jenny Swisher: I had a tank top from Victoria’s Secret one time, like the pink brand, you know, and it said, I hate running. And I wore it when I used to teach fitness classes at my gym. I wore it all the time. I thought it was funny, you know, like just a graphic tank. I had someone unfriend me and block me on Facebook because of the shirt because she was a runner, which validated my point that runners are their own caliber of people.

[00:20:01] Jenny Swisher: And I love you all. I married one. My husband’s a runner. He was a division one cross country, all American. , but it took me years of telling him like, you should strength train, no, I just need to run. Right. And finally, like, if he was here right this moment, he would be like, yeah, she was right. His hips started to give right.

[00:20:19] Jenny Swisher: Like, Oh, I’m still thinking like he had a lot of, yeah. So I mean, we’ve got to keep the stream training going, but yeah, I want to just touch on something Kelsey said, and we will do a live stream later in the year as we, as we continue to work together. , but. She’s right. So Kelsey’s forte is in live events.

[00:20:36] Jenny Swisher: And so when we met in July in Columbus and we kind of had this round table discussion, Dr. Page included, we were like, okay, you know, what is your wheelhouse? And Kelsey’s like, for me, it’s live events. It’s empowering women to see how strong they are through these like strength events. And I was like, okay, well, I think my people would love that.

[00:20:53] Jenny Swisher: And I would love to help you fuel that. And so one thing we’re looking at doing heading into the new year is. Number one, right. Serving you on a monthly basis with these new workouts so that you are training and getting stronger, but then also like, what if just throwing the idea out there, like, what if you guys decided I want to train for something?

[00:21:11] Jenny Swisher: Like I might want to go meet Kelsey at one of these events and see what I’m really made of. , she’s constantly showing women or I should say girls and women age seven to 87, how strong they are through, through these events. So. In partnering up with Kelsey and doing this stuff with Sync Fitness, like if that’s of interest to you, it’s certainly not required.

[00:21:30] Jenny Swisher: But if it’s something that you’re like, this is intriguing, she’s doing these all over the country, we want to give you the tools that you need to train at home, uh, to be able to, you know, participate in one of those events and to be part of it. So, the other thing I’ll say, and I know this is going to be a question, because I’ve had several people ask me this just personally, , If you follow Dr.

[00:21:48] Jenny Swisher: Stacey Sims, if you follow any of the people that I point to in the course on fitness for women, you know that a lot of them believe, myself included, that there comes a point where we might need more equipment, and Gym, I’ll say gym machinery for lack of better terms and equipment that you’d find at a gym in order to get stronger, right?

[00:22:09] Jenny Swisher: So there’s kind of only so far we can go with dumbbells, kettlebells, bench, et cetera. And Kelsey, we haven’t even scratched the surface, right? Like you guys are, we’re just doing the fundamentals right now. But one thing that I did mention to Kelsey last month that we’re working toward is what if we have workouts for women to take with them to the gym so that they can take them with them, they can pick up a barbell, they can use some machinery.

[00:22:31] Jenny Swisher: What would that look like? And so that’s something that Kelsey and I are working on as well. That will become an option for you with the monthly membership. But for now, we’re like, we are, have just scratched the surface. So let’s just start with core 28 day program, start mixing in these new workouts month to month.

[00:22:45] Jenny Swisher: I think it’ll be a great opportunity for some variability. Um, but yeah, that’s what we have for you. So Um, let me see, let me make sure I covered everything. Okay. 24 a month, progressive overload. We talked about that. Three new workouts, all the things that are included. Um, the group I’m most excited about, like it, it brings me back to my days of running a good old challenge groups.

[00:23:05] Jenny Swisher: Right. But like the whole premise here is to really just help you guys. Get stronger, right? Get stronger. And that community element has been missing for the fitness program. So excited to do that. Plug and play is the idea here. So taking that core program, popping in these newer workouts as you go, freshening things up.

[00:23:22] Jenny Swisher: I think you’ll see, I mean, I watched the workouts with Jill and Kelsey a couple days ago. I love the new format. I love, Hearing again, I think we’ve kind of tightened it up, right. As we, as we, as we move forward, I told Kelsey, I’m like, instead of a five minute description of a move, just go ahead and take us into that move and describe it as we’re going so that we’re saving some time, right?

[00:23:41] Jenny Swisher: So we’re, we’re getting better as we go. We’re getting this, uh, to a point where you guys are going to just love what you see. So I’m excited for this., we’re working on the backend right now. Once I have the registration link ready for you guys later this week, I will post it.

[00:23:54] Jenny Swisher: Anything I missed.

[00:23:56] Kelsey Lensman: I think that’s it to be honest with you. I think especially for everybody just listening is amazing job and let’s keep going, right? Great job getting here and it’s only going to get better, which I’m excited to be a part of it there.

[00:24:07] Jenny Swisher: That’s right. Perfect. Okay, my friend. Well, thank you so much for doing this with me.

[00:24:11] Jenny Swisher: I’m sure this won’t be the last time. We’ve got lots in store. We’ve, we’ve got lots of things we’re working on between Kelsey, Dr. Page, myself, lots of things, lots of things coming your way between now and Christmas time. So. Start if you haven’t started to think fitness start now, like when people, when women are like, how should I train?

[00:24:27] Jenny Swisher: I don’t know, you know, what should I do? This is what you should do. Like we’ve taken the guesswork out of this for you down to the detail. This is what you should do for your fitness. This is what you should do for your nutrition and you should stick with it. Like stick with it two months, three months, four months, like add these variation workouts in it.

[00:24:43] Jenny Swisher: It shouldn’t be like, well this month i’m going to go do this program and then this month i’m going to go. No, that’s not how you get stronger. You get stronger by really mastering the basics. And really working on strength and power, right? So, all right, my friend, thank you for doing this. Have a great start of the week.

[00:24:58] Jenny Swisher: So if you guys have questions about anything we mentioned tonight with the membership, please comment in this, in this thread.

[00:25:04] Jenny Swisher: I will come back to it tomorrow and answer your questions. So you guys have a great, great week. Thanks, Kelsey.

[00:25:10] Kelsey Lensman: Bye everybody.

[00:25:11] Jenny Swisher: I see ya.

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