Ultimate Portion Fix: Changing the Way We Look at Nutrition

Years ago, the Portion Fix was released and the world became familiar with the rainbow-colored containers used to measure out portion sizes, along with the recipes many have come to know and love. And now, creator Autumn Calabrese is back with an enhanced version of the program we could not be more excited. For many […]

Appetizers That Will ROCK Your 2017 Super Bowl Sunday.

Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching, and the ultimate question is upon us: What are we eating? Your Coaches at Body Electric have your favorite flavors covered by way of healthy alternative dishes that will rock your world. Before you order that Papa John’s, read this. Buffalo Cauliflower Bites Ingredients: ½ cup low-fat (1%) plain […]

Why BOD Eliminates Your Excuses.

In case you haven’t heard, this just so happens to be the year that thousands of people WILL make their health a priority. 2017 is THE year. Not because the year itself is any different from years prior, but because we now have a resource that negates ALL of our excuses.  It’s called Beachbody OnDemand.  […]

The BEST Way to Lose Weight and Get Fit in 2017!

It’s that time of year again, when millions of Americans set out to lose weight and get fit in the new year. Resolutions are being made, last minute binging is going down, and nearly everyone is ready to welcome 2017 with a fresh outlook. Naturally, we’re here to be your guide, and to hold you […]

Failing to Plan or Planning to Fail?

The truth is, we are procrastinators. We often put our work on hold, until the very last minute, when we have no choice but to get it done. Same thing goes for our workouts. We may intend to get it in early in the morning before work, but often we find ourselves waiting, thinking we’ll […]

Variations on Healthy Pancakes: You’re Welcome.

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Am I right? Nobody in the history of life has ever said, “Nah, I don’t care for pancakes.” And if there is someone out there claiming that… How are we friends? I tease, I tease. But seriously, pancakes are life for many of us, especially on the weekends when we’re able […]

4 Ways to Eat Pizza, Healthy Style

Would you guess that the #1 food people have trouble giving up when they transition to a healthy lifestyle is pizza? Yep. It’s the biggest complaint we receive as Coaches. “Gotta have my Friday night pizza!” Or, “So I can’t have my pizza, huh?” We’re here to tell you… You CAN have your pizza, and […]

Healthy School Box Lunches for Kids AND Adults!

Ahhhh, lunchtime hunger. It can get the best of ALL of us. Kids will trade their apple for someone else’s Reese’s peanut butter cup simply because that sounds WAY better. Adults will go for the box of Cheez-Its as opposed to the salad they prepared the night before for the same reason. Some people call […]

How Runners Should Eat

Oddly enough, we often get asked a variation of the question, “How should runners properly fuel for races and/or training?” Thus, we figured we’d craft a post to address this in detail. You’ve heard the stories in Runner’s World about high performance elite runners who eat a Snickers bar before they run, or donuts afterward, […]