How to Couch to 5K Without the Running: Body Electric Has Your Back.

We’ve officially entered the last quarter of the year, also known as “the holidays are fast approaching.” We haven’t quite set our eyes on feasting at Thanksgiving or those delicious Christmas cookies at Grandma’s, but those thoughts will soon be filling our brain. For now, however, we’re content with goals that keep us active. Goals […]

Why You Need Structure.

Let me start by sharing with you MY story as it pertains to failed attempts at losing weight, gaining muscle tone, and finding something I enjoy. It’s an interesting one for sure. In high school, I ran cross country and track, and I played basketball in the winter. But let me set the record straight: […]

How Runners Should Eat

Oddly enough, we often get asked a variation of the question, “How should runners properly fuel for races and/or training?” Thus, we figured we’d craft a post to address this in detail. You’ve heard the stories in Runner’s World about high performance elite runners who eat a Snickers bar before they run, or donuts afterward, […]

5 Tips for Reaching Your PR

Resident running guru and Division I All-American Chris Swisher has some opinions regarding what it takes to maximize your race potential, and he’s willing to share. Over the past three years, Chris has been head track Coach here at a local high school, and has privately Coached close to 20 individuals (varying in event from […]

Making my Comeback, a Reflection by Dawn Stevens

In the fall of 2010 everything seemed to be right. I had a professional hairstyling career. My “baby” was getting ready to head to kindergarten. I was thinner than I had been in a while and was running consistently with mini marathon PR’s in sight. You know how it is when you have all of […]