How Runners Should Eat

Oddly enough, we often get asked a variation of the question, “How should runners properly fuel for races and/or training?” Thus, we figured we’d craft a post to address this in detail. You’ve heard the stories in Runner’s World about high performance elite runners who eat a Snickers bar before they run, or donuts afterward, […]

How Back to School Can Mean Back to Fit: Time to Routinize Your Life.

Is it really back to school time already? Stores like Target and Wal-Mart tell us so. Aisles are filled with pencils and folders and backpacks galore, reminding us that summer is short and routine is about to smack us upside the head in just days. So while we understand that right now, your focus is […]

How to Get Back in Shape.

Today’s the day. You’ve looked yourself in the eye and have said, “Enough is enough. It’s time for me to get back in shape.” There’s just one problem. You don’t know where to start. The past few years of carryout, delivery pizza, and sedentary living has accumulated to this point, and truthfully, you’re feeling overwhelmed. […]

Top Secrets of Very Fit People

You’re on an airplane, or sitting at the neighborhood pool, and you see this super fit couple. The guy has broad shoulders and chiseled abs, the woman has sculpted arms and a flat stomach. You find yourself eyeing them every few minutes, simply because this day and age, they look like specimens. And the funny […]

Understanding Protein Powder

It’s time we offer up some knowledge on how protein plays a role in your overall health and wellness, not to mention fitness regimen, and dispell some myths about protein consumption. There are thousands of people everywhere consuming protein shakes for breakfast thinking it’s precisely what their body needs (thank you, modern advertising), yet they […]

Shakeology Dessert Recipes To Die For

Are you a fan of a late night chocolatey snack? If so, we’re about to rock your world. Now you can indulge in some sweet goodness and feel absolutely no guilt because these treats are full of superfoods in the form of… you guessed it… Shakeology. Your daily dose of dense nutrition in the form […]

Bring the Heat with Country Heat!

Friends, I hope you have your boots ready. Because the library of ways to help you get fit just got even larger with a program that’s about to reach thousands across the U.S. Introducing Country Heat, the first ever line dancing program that is already working for hundreds of test group participants, created by our […]

BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes

If you’ve never had barbecue and sweet potatoes together, you’ve been missing out. Not only is the subtle sweet flavor doubled, it’s delicious. Consider serving these at your next backyard BBQ or for dinner one of these hot summer nights! I mean, why hasn’t the world combined these two amazing flavors before? It’s a winning […]

Should Women Weight Train?

If I had a nickel for every time a female friend told me they didn’t want to “get bulky” by lifting weights, I’d be a millionaire. For some reason, in our culture today, women equate weight lifting to looking like a bodybuilding beast. Why is that? Perhaps we can attribute it to the half naked […]

Farmer’s Market Shopping for the FIX!

Welcome to summer! Farmers Markets are in full swing everywhere, which means it’s time YOU take advantage, and we don’t mean take advantage of the donut stand. Farmers Markets offer some of the sweetest fruits, robust vegetable selections, and delicious honey and oils you can find. So where do you begin? We’ve got you covered. […]