How the Swishers Meal Prep.

You asked for it, so here it is! This is how Chris and I keep on track with healthy eating. Truly, the majority of eating clean is in the preparation and organization of your schedule. Every Sunday, I write out the meal plan for the week in my At-A-Glance calendar alongside my daily to-do’s. We […]

Why I Do PiYo.

Two years ago, someone told me I should try PiYo. I had seen the videos promoting it (at that time, it was simply a class format and not on DVD) and I thought, “Yeah right. That’s way too girly for me.” Says the girl who prefers push-ups, pull-ups, and strength training as her preferred form […]

This. Is. It.

Do you ever wish that someone could just hand you a silver platter with the solution you’ve been looking for? I ask because, as it turns out, I have a silver platter and I’m looking for the right people who are looking for it. You see, as a Personal Trainer and full-time Coach, I meet […]

What are you AFRAID of?

What better day to talk about fear than Halloween? Of course, this is the one day per year we allow superficial fear into our lives… The kind of fear that leaves you trembling and sometimes screaming at deathlike impersonations. It’s the holiday that allows us to seek out the adrenaline rush of pursuing these fears. […]

How to Have a Blazin’ Awesome Firepit Party.

The air is cooler, football is on the TV, and as my grandma would say, “It’s sweatshirt weather.” Which means it’s also the perfect time of year to have a backyard get-together, sans mosquitoes and sticky skin. Since I’m hosting a get-together for my Team of Coaches this weekend, I figured I’d share a couple […]

Back to School Means Back to Routine.

While I’m not a parent, I am married to a school teacher, so I know all too well the lack of routine that exists in the summer. Going to bed later, waking up later, fitting your workout in later, and forgetting the meal planning and any form of planning for that matter. But when the […]

so i’m writing an e-book.

By now, you’ve probably seen some posts from me (or maybe read my newsletter) which said that I’m writing an e-Book, and you’re thinking, “What? Like, for sale?” I’ve received messages from some of you asking what the topic is, and if you can get on the wait list to receive a preview copy. So, […]

Wanted: Believer in People.

Attention: Team Impact Coach Wanted Job Requirements * a constant willingness to grow and improve * commitment to getting healthy * the desire to help others * a servant’s heart * believes in people * a good leader * fueled by positive energy * cares about legitimate good nutrition, and knows the difference between just […]

A Letter to You From You on Valentine’s Day.

Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. They should call the holiday “National Look What I Got From Someone” Day, because that’s all you hear about. Facebook photos of chocolates, flowers, and stuffed animals take over the Newsfeed. Single people spend their day scrolling through endless amounts of these photos, wishing they could keep away from doing so and […]