Celebrate the Non-Scale Victories: A Word from Your Coach.

Here’s why you should throw out your scale: It tells you nothing. I know, I know. You’ve seen the motivational posts on social media that say things like, “The scale doesn’t show you your worth,” and that is absolutely true. We’re here to tell you that’s the case, but we’re also here to tell you […]

The Hip & Back Connection: Are You in Pain?

An estimated 80% of people experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. Whoa. And if you’re a personal trainer, like me, you know that the most common ailment people have IS their back. Many clients complain of back pain more than any other form of pain, often claiming a lack of range of […]

Failing to Plan or Planning to Fail?

The truth is, we are procrastinators. We often put our work on hold, until the very last minute, when we have no choice but to get it done. Same thing goes for our workouts. We may intend to get it in early in the morning before work, but often we find ourselves waiting, thinking we’ll […]

Making Italian Food Healthy: Yes You Can!

That moment, when you pass by a pizza place or a local Italian restaurant and the smells of basil, tomato sauce, and fresh dough fill your nostrils? Yeah. Who can resist? Italian food is one of the most enjoyed types of food in America, with over 251,770,000 pounds of pizza consumed per year. Whoa. But if there’s […]

Did Someone Say Mexican Food?

Ahhhhhh, nachos. Tacos. Burritos. Enchiladas. Salsa. Guacamole. I WANT IT ALL. Anyone who doesn’t like Mexican food likely isn’t my friend. It is the lifeblood of my existence, the reason I get through Tuesdays, and if I was emperor of the world, it would be involved in every meal of the day. What’s interesting is […]

Top 5 Recipes for Your Labor Day Weekend BBQ

You know we’ve got you covered over here at Body Electric. We know you want to stay on track with your health and fitness goals but you also want to enjoy yourself at this weekend’s BBQs and picnics! Have no fear, we’ve got a few recipes that are sure to win over the crowd. If […]

Tips for Staying on Track This Labor Day Weekend

It’s here. Labor weekend. That long, three-day weekend when the weather is perfect, the sun is out, the neighborhood pool is open one last weekend, and brats and beer call your name. You work hard. You deserve a break. You deserve a few brews over the weekend, and you’re ready to unwind. So you stop by […]

Don’t Have the Will? Or Don’t Have the Way? A Look at Willpower.

Willpower. What a word. Books have written on the topic. T-shirts have been designed poking fun at it. I even remember a magnet my Mom used to keep on our fridge growing up that said, “I just ate my willpower.” It’s a word many of us use when asked why we don’t stay on track with […]

Why You Need Structure.

Let me start by sharing with you MY story as it pertains to failed attempts at losing weight, gaining muscle tone, and finding something I enjoy. It’s an interesting one for sure. In high school, I ran cross country and track, and I played basketball in the winter. But let me set the record straight: […]

When You Wanna Get Fit, But Your Spouse Doesn’t.

More often than not, spouses or significant others aren’t so supportive when it comes to losing weight and seeking a healthier lifestyle. In fact, we’d have to say that it is one of the top excuses we hear for why people can’t stay on track with a program. “How do I cook meals for my […]