From Lost to Leading: The Story of the Real Me, by Katie Kelly.

“Look at her results! She’s a real person!” I had to laugh when I read that comment on my recent “Results” post on Facebook. OH my, how real I am! You may see this positive blonde pop up in your newsfeed, sharing my fitness journey and my passion for nutrition and you might not know […]

Teachers Make Great Coaches: A Reflection by Shawna Potts.

When I began my journey with Beachbody and the Body Electric Team, I never imagined how it would change my life! My Coach, Jenny, had approached me about being a coach and although I was flattered that she asked, I really didn’t think I possessed the skills and knowledge to be a great Coach. I […]

Keeping it Real: How Shakeology Compares.

You know how I like to keep it real. Like, really real. So what I’m about to say might come as a surprise to you, or it might simply be a reminder of what you’ve been avoiding learning about, but regardless, it must be said. Ready? Wait for it… Wait for it… The shake you […]

What’s for Dinner? Top 5 Quick Meals to Satisfy The Fam.

Were you scrambling tonight to figure out something for dinner that everyone would eat and somewhat enjoy? Did you end up swinging through a drive-thru, stopping by Qdoba, or making a grilled cheese to save time and complaining? Do you wish that you had easy, go-to recipes that took you minimal amounts of time but […]

Why the 21 Day Fix Extreme is About to ROCK. YOUR. WORLD.

Our Team is on FIRE for helping people in 2015, and we’re off to an amazing start. This month, we have 34 people in a private Facebook accountability group who are pressing Play every day with Insanity Max:30 and drinking Shakeology and who are seeing amazing results. It’s truly been a blessing to be a […]

Fat is the New Protein.

The verdict is in. Fat is the new protein. With all the hype about protein shakes, bars, and Paleo meats these past few years, people are obsessed with the idea that protein means muscle-building and weight loss. As it turns out, vegetables have always been in in some way or another, with some folks eating nothing […]

Working Out to Eat: Why It’s Killing You.

It’s absolutely fascinating to me to see the number of people out there who say they work out every day merely so they can eat whatever they want. As a personal trainer, 9 out of 10 people I train come in the door with that exact reason for why they dedicate an hour of their […]

Just Don’t Stop.

“I don’t care how slow you’re moving, just don’t stop.” Have you heard this before? I’ve heard this same sentence in various times of my life, the most recent being in the middle of a large group workout. The instructor shouted it into her head microphone and you know what it did? It made me […]

Don’t Do This Alone.

  If you sat down on January 1st with a notebook and pen and scripted out your goals for 2015, I’m talking to you. Even if you’re a Type A, self-motivated individual, I’m still talking to you. If you made a New Year’s Resolution to join a gym, to lose weight, or to change your […]

The Bulletproof Diet: What it is and Why I’m Doing it.

By now, you’ve heard my ranting and raving about Bulletproof coffee, so it will come as no surprise to you that I’m a huge fan of both it and Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof coffee and the voice behind the popular Bulletproof Radio podcast. Dave has recently published The Bulletproof Diet, which is a […]