Successful People Put Their Pants on the Same Way I Do: One Leg at a Time.

Today, I heard something interesting. In my obsessive podcast listening (I listen to at least one per day, and I’ve found it helps me stay focused, motivated, and on a higher level mentally), I heard the interviewee say something ridiculously intelligent: “Your level of success will never exceed your level of personal development.” He went […]

Why I Do PiYo.

Two years ago, someone told me I should try PiYo. I had seen the videos promoting it (at that time, it was simply a class format and not on DVD) and I thought, “Yeah right. That’s way too girly for me.” Says the girl who prefers push-ups, pull-ups, and strength training as her preferred form […]

so i’m writing an e-book.

By now, you’ve probably seen some posts from me (or maybe read my newsletter) which said that I’m writing an e-Book, and you’re thinking, “What? Like, for sale?” I’ve received messages from some of you asking what the topic is, and if you can get on the wait list to receive a preview copy. So, […]