How to Get Back in Shape.

Today’s the day. You’ve looked yourself in the eye and have said, “Enough is enough. It’s time for me to get back in shape.” There’s just one problem. You don’t know where to start. The past few years of carryout, delivery pizza, and sedentary living has accumulated to this point, and truthfully, you’re feeling overwhelmed. […]

How T25 Changed My Life by Tara Obermeyer

One program. One trainer. 25 minutes a day. Changed. My. Life. Sometimes that meant following the modified workouts. Sometimes that meant pausing the DVD to get a drink of water. Sometimes that meant pressing play when I’d rather veg out on the couch. There were times that I wasn’t sure if all this was for […]

What is Your WHY?

The number one complaint I hear from people is this: “I just can’t stay on the wagon. I like my [insert food weakness here] too much.” Usually, the complaint is followed by the question: “Can you help me stay on track?” The thing is, this journey is YOURS, not mine. I’m here to hold you […]