Do You Really Need to Be a Morning Person to Be Successful?

I blame my adolescence. I dated my now husband all through high school (shout out to all of the high school sweethearts out there!), and we were known for late night phone conversations and dates that would last all the way to curfew. After most of those dates, I would chat via AOL Instant Messenger […]

Why Our New Formulation of Vegan Shakeology Will Change the Game.

This just in: Beachbody just changed the game in the world of whole food nutrition supplementation. Yep. True story. This week, we now have a new formulation of Shakeology to offer, and it is our best one yet. Comprised with two new superfoods, these are chock full of amazing, dense nutrition to help fuel our […]

Coconut Oil 101

Coconut oil is the new fountain of youth. I’m serious. While I’ve been putting coconut oil in my coffee every morning for a few years, I’ve been doing some reading up on it and have found some incredible benefits of consuming coconut oil on a daily basis. Naturally, I thought I’d share. Because who couldn’t […]

Handling Emotional Eating

If you ever find yourself eating out of a carton of ice cream in deep distress, you may be an emotional eater. Trust us, you are not alone. According to a recent study, 38% of Americans admit to having overeaten or eating due to emotional circumstances in the last 30 days. The struggle is oh-so-real. […]

Making Italian Food Healthy: Yes You Can!

That moment, when you pass by a pizza place or a local Italian restaurant and the smells of basil, tomato sauce, and fresh dough fill your nostrils? Yeah. Who can resist? Italian food is one of the most enjoyed types of food in America, with over 251,770,000 pounds of pizza consumed per year. Whoa. But if there’s […]

Tips for Staying on Track This Labor Day Weekend

It’s here. Labor weekend. That long, three-day weekend when the weather is perfect, the sun is out, the neighborhood pool is open one last weekend, and brats and beer call your name. You work hard. You deserve a break. You deserve a few brews over the weekend, and you’re ready to unwind. So you stop by […]

Don’t Have the Will? Or Don’t Have the Way? A Look at Willpower.

Willpower. What a word. Books have written on the topic. T-shirts have been designed poking fun at it. I even remember a magnet my Mom used to keep on our fridge growing up that said, “I just ate my willpower.” It’s a word many of us use when asked why we don’t stay on track with […]

When to Buy Organic.

Standing in the grocery store line last week, I overheard a customer ask the cashier, “What does organic really mean anyway?” to which the cashier replied, “To a chemist, it means ‘of carbon,’ or ‘living matter.’” I was impressed by the formal response and realized this is probably something cashiers get asked often, as the […]

Variations on Healthy Pancakes: You’re Welcome.

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Am I right? Nobody in the history of life has ever said, “Nah, I don’t care for pancakes.” And if there is someone out there claiming that… How are we friends? I tease, I tease. But seriously, pancakes are life for many of us, especially on the weekends when we’re able […]

Yoga: A Misunderstood Secret.

As a fitness studio owner whose gym specializes in butt-kicking workouts like P90X and Insanity, I can speak firsthand about the power of yoga. I’ve been practicing yoga myself for 7 years, having come to it in complete chronic pain. I had been dealing with daily headaches for a while, and had found no relief […]