Why BOD Eliminates Your Excuses.

In case you haven’t heard, this just so happens to be the year that thousands of people WILL make their health a priority. 2017 is THE year. Not because the year itself is any different from years prior, but because we now have a resource that negates ALL of our excuses.  It’s called Beachbody OnDemand.  […]

Why Your Gym Needs a Second Stream of Income

If you own a small boutique fitness studio, this post is for you. It’s not easy being an entrepreneur. I know how you feel. Which is why I want to share some of my knowledge with you, as someone who teaches 8 classes per week within my facility, who personal trains, writes blogs, leads a […]

The Next Advance in Performance Training.

Calling all marathoners, triathletes, Crossfitters, pro/semi-pro athletes, and high school and collegiate athletes… oh, and anyone training like an athlete, using programs like Insanity, Insanity Max:30, Insanity Asylum, P90X (1, 2, or 3), Body Beast, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and so forth. This is going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND. Let’s introduce the concept of REAL, scientifically […]

Think Hulu, Only for Your Workout.

  Remember when TiVo and DVR came about, how ecstatic you were that you could skip commercials and watch your favorite shows at your convenience? Gone were the days of popping in a VHS to record your daily soap opera, and hello to the days of now feeling irritated with watching shows in real time. […]

So What Does it Mean to MAX OUT?

  Last week, Team Beachbody released the newest of our elite programs… Insanity Max: 30. You’ve probably seen my posts about it, or maybe even watched the promo trailer, but you may be wondering: Is this program for me? What does it mean to max out? Will I survive? My short answers to those questions: […]

Just Freaking Do It.

You’ve caught me in a unique mood. Today, I’m not putting up with any of your excuses. Today, I’m going Jillian Michaels on your ass. Woah, that felt brash. But it also felt oh-so-good. Today, I’m here to make a difference in your life. And to make a difference, sometimes you have to tick people […]

Transformation: The Story Behind the Photo

So here’s the thing. This past week, I posted my Before and After photos on Facebook to visually show the physical transformation that has happened with my body since committing to a change late last summer. In the last few days since posting that photo, I have had over a dozen people mention to me […]