It’s Time to Make Shiz Happen. (A Word From Your Coach.)

Whether you’re looking for a kick in the pants or a big, gigantic hug… I hope this message serves its purpose. You see, the end of the year is fast approaching. Kids are already starting school (where did summer go?!), routines are falling back into rhythym, and if there were ever a time to get […]

Motivation to Get Fit from Your Friends at Body Electric

If you only knew how often we’ve heard the words, “I wish I had your motivation.” Yeah. We do, too. If we’re being completely honest, we DO wish you had our motivation, our drive, our passion, and our good feels. We DO wish you could feel what it feels like to have natural energy, to […]

Ways You’re Avoiding Progress: Thoughts from Your Trainer.

Just because you’re not verbally stating excuses doesn’t mean you don’t have them. As a personal trainer, I see them in various forms, some verbal but most nonverbal. Let me explain. Here are 10 ways you (yes, YOU) may be avoiding progress: 10) When you say you can’t come to your personal training appointment because of XYZ […]

Just Freaking Do It.

You’ve caught me in a unique mood. Today, I’m not putting up with any of your excuses. Today, I’m going Jillian Michaels on your ass. Woah, that felt brash. But it also felt oh-so-good. Today, I’m here to make a difference in your life. And to make a difference, sometimes you have to tick people […]