“Girl I Need Your Motivation,” Or Do You?

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, “I need your motivation,” I’d be filthy rich. As if I just wake up every day motivated, and inspired, and in the mood for exercise and organic spring mix greens. Well, wait a minute… I kinda do. I DO wake up motivated. I […]

It’s Time to Make Shiz Happen. (A Word From Your Coach.)

Whether you’re looking for a kick in the pants or a big, gigantic hug… I hope this message serves its purpose. You see, the end of the year is fast approaching. Kids are already starting school (where did summer go?!), routines are falling back into rhythym, and if there were ever a time to get […]

Should Women Weight Train?

If I had a nickel for every time a female friend told me they didn’t want to “get bulky” by lifting weights, I’d be a millionaire. For some reason, in our culture today, women equate weight lifting to looking like a bodybuilding beast. Why is that? Perhaps we can attribute it to the half naked […]

Farmer’s Market Shopping for the FIX!

Welcome to summer! Farmers Markets are in full swing everywhere, which means it’s time YOU take advantage, and we don’t mean take advantage of the donut stand. Farmers Markets offer some of the sweetest fruits, robust vegetable selections, and delicious honey and oils you can find. So where do you begin? We’ve got you covered. […]

Motivation to Get Fit from Your Friends at Body Electric

If you only knew how often we’ve heard the words, “I wish I had your motivation.” Yeah. We do, too. If we’re being completely honest, we DO wish you had our motivation, our drive, our passion, and our good feels. We DO wish you could feel what it feels like to have natural energy, to […]

Small Town Girl Changing Lives in a Big Way.

“You don’t have to live in a city to be an inspiration…you really just need to have a big heart and open mind.” Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway. I am from small town USA, where everyone knows everyone and people have watched you grow up right before their eyes. I never thought I’d […]

From Lost to Leading: The Story of the Real Me, by Katie Kelly.

“Look at her results! She’s a real person!” I had to laugh when I read that comment on my recent “Results” post on Facebook. OH my, how real I am! You may see this positive blonde pop up in your newsfeed, sharing my fitness journey and my passion for nutrition and you might not know […]

How to Get Off the Struggle Bus.

Calling all people currently seated in the back of the struggle bus. How did you get here? How did you go from driving the success bus for a short while, to being sardined into the back of the struggle bus, where you feel far away and see no way out? Stop right there. Stop asking […]

Keeping it Real: How Shakeology Compares.

You know how I like to keep it real. Like, really real. So what I’m about to say might come as a surprise to you, or it might simply be a reminder of what you’ve been avoiding learning about, but regardless, it must be said. Ready? Wait for it… Wait for it… The shake you […]

Sharing the February Love.

Here we are, over a month into the new year already! I must start off by asking… How’s that New Year’s resolution coming? Sticking to it? Not so much? Either way, I want you to know one thing: I still love you. As always, I’m here for you and in fact, I have an amazing […]