Just Don’t Stop.

“I don’t care how slow you’re moving, just don’t stop.” Have you heard this before? I’ve heard this same sentence in various times of my life, the most recent being in the middle of a large group workout. The instructor shouted it into her head microphone and you know what it did? It made me […]

Why I Do PiYo.

Two years ago, someone told me I should try PiYo. I had seen the videos promoting it (at that time, it was simply a class format and not on DVD) and I thought, “Yeah right. That’s way too girly for me.” Says the girl who prefers push-ups, pull-ups, and strength training as her preferred form […]

Ways You’re Avoiding Progress: Thoughts from Your Trainer.

Just because you’re not verbally stating excuses doesn’t mean you don’t have them. As a personal trainer, I see them in various forms, some verbal but most nonverbal. Let me explain. Here are 10 ways you (yes, YOU) may be avoiding progress: 10) When you say you can’t come to your personal training appointment because of XYZ […]

so i’m writing an e-book.

By now, you’ve probably seen some posts from me (or maybe read my newsletter) which said that I’m writing an e-Book, and you’re thinking, “What? Like, for sale?” I’ve received messages from some of you asking what the topic is, and if you can get on the wait list to receive a preview copy. So, […]

A Letter to You From You on Valentine’s Day.

Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. They should call the holiday “National Look What I Got From Someone” Day, because that’s all you hear about. Facebook photos of chocolates, flowers, and stuffed animals take over the Newsfeed. Single people spend their day scrolling through endless amounts of these photos, wishing they could keep away from doing so and […]

Just Freaking Do It.

You’ve caught me in a unique mood. Today, I’m not putting up with any of your excuses. Today, I’m going Jillian Michaels on your ass. Woah, that felt brash. But it also felt oh-so-good. Today, I’m here to make a difference in your life. And to make a difference, sometimes you have to tick people […]