The Super Bowl is Over… Time to Get Fit With the 21 Day Fix.

The average American consumes over 6,000 calories on Super Bowl Sunday. Yowza. The average American also waits until AFTER Super Bowl Sunday to put action toward their new year’s resolution. As a fitness studio owner, I can attest to the fact that we have the highest surge in membership in February, just after the Super […]

How to Craft a New Year’s Resolution

Welcome to the new year, friends! It’s refreshing, isn’t it? To start a new year with a clean slate, knowing that the prior year is behind you and that it’s up to you to make your mark in the new one. I know for me, it offers a renewed sense of potential in every area: […]

Just Don’t Stop.

“I don’t care how slow you’re moving, just don’t stop.” Have you heard this before? I’ve heard this same sentence in various times of my life, the most recent being in the middle of a large group workout. The instructor shouted it into her head microphone and you know what it did? It made me […]

Don’t Do This Alone.

  If you sat down on January 1st with a notebook and pen and scripted out your goals for 2015, I’m talking to you. Even if you’re a Type A, self-motivated individual, I’m still talking to you. If you made a New Year’s Resolution to join a gym, to lose weight, or to change your […]

The Bulletproof Diet: What it is and Why I’m Doing it.

By now, you’ve heard my ranting and raving about Bulletproof coffee, so it will come as no surprise to you that I’m a huge fan of both it and Dave Asprey, the creator of Bulletproof coffee and the voice behind the popular Bulletproof Radio podcast. Dave has recently published The Bulletproof Diet, which is a […]