Make it Hurt.

You know me. I like to keep it real. When you read my blog, you get 100% me, no filter. Today, I’m keeping it short and sweet. If you want something… really, really badly… you can’t just wish for it. And you can’t just work for it. You’ve got to make it hurt. Here’s an […]

Just Freaking Do It.

You’ve caught me in a unique mood. Today, I’m not putting up with any of your excuses. Today, I’m going Jillian Michaels on your ass. Woah, that felt brash. But it also felt oh-so-good. Today, I’m here to make a difference in your life. And to make a difference, sometimes you have to tick people […]

Transformation: The Story Behind the Photo

So here’s the thing. This past week, I posted my Before and After photos on Facebook to visually show the physical transformation that has happened with my body since committing to a change late last summer. In the last few days since posting that photo, I have had over a dozen people mention to me […]

Why Clean Eating Matters to YOU

I have to be honest with you. A few years ago, when my friends would talk about trying the newest diet, I would always reply with something like, “It doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you’re exercising.” As a former athlete, I had always believed that as long as I was pushing myself […]