Do You Really Need to Be a Morning Person to Be Successful?

I blame my adolescence. I dated my now husband all through high school (shout out to all of the high school sweethearts out there!), and we were known for late night phone conversations and dates that would last all the way to curfew. After most of those dates, I would chat via AOL Instant Messenger […]

From Lost to Leading: The Story of the Real Me, by Katie Kelly.

“Look at her results! She’s a real person!” I had to laugh when I read that comment on my recent “Results” post on Facebook. OH my, how real I am! You may see this positive blonde pop up in your newsfeed, sharing my fitness journey and my passion for nutrition and you might not know […]

Don’t Do This Alone.

  If you sat down on January 1st with a notebook and pen and scripted out your goals for 2015, I’m talking to you. Even if you’re a Type A, self-motivated individual, I’m still talking to you. If you made a New Year’s Resolution to join a gym, to lose weight, or to change your […]

Successful People Put Their Pants on the Same Way I Do: One Leg at a Time.

Today, I heard something interesting. In my obsessive podcast listening (I listen to at least one per day, and I’ve found it helps me stay focused, motivated, and on a higher level mentally), I heard the interviewee say something ridiculously intelligent: “Your level of success will never exceed your level of personal development.” He went […]

This. Is. It.

Do you ever wish that someone could just hand you a silver platter with the solution you’ve been looking for? I ask because, as it turns out, I have a silver platter and I’m looking for the right people who are looking for it. You see, as a Personal Trainer and full-time Coach, I meet […]

What are you AFRAID of?

What better day to talk about fear than Halloween? Of course, this is the one day per year we allow superficial fear into our lives… The kind of fear that leaves you trembling and sometimes screaming at deathlike impersonations. It’s the holiday that allows us to seek out the adrenaline rush of pursuing these fears. […]

How to Navigate the Land of Inconsistency.

OK, let’s start with an exercise (no pun intended). I want you to give me the whole gamut of your excuses for NOT being where you want to be, in life, in your fitness, in your career, and in your relationships. Too busy? Too tired? Too unmotivated? Too far behind? Too far gone? Yeah, we […]

Nutrition Made Easy: 3 Steps to Winning with Meal Prep.

What can you do TODAY to make great strides with your health? I’m ’bout to tell you. I had an hour-long phone conversation last night with a client that went something like this… Client: When you get a chance, can you email me some ideas for what foods I could pick up from fast food […]

Why You Should Expect Failure in 2014.

Happy New Year! I hope the first few days of 2014 have treated you well and you are off to a blazing start with your new year’s resolutions. Truly, at the beginning of a new year, we all have the chance to start with a clean slate in every area of our lives in order […]