Are You Treating Yourself or Cheating Yourself?

“Treat yo’self!” “C’mon, man. #YOLO.” “Life is too short to not have treats.” I’ve heard it all. And while I couldn’t agree more that you only live once and life is short, I’m not so sure if your idea of treating yourself is quite on par. In fact, these treats could be holding you back. Let […]

Why Sugar Is Killing Us.

Experts say that sugar is more addictive than most illegal drugs. And I don’t know about you, but I tend to trust the experts but also do my own research. After reading countless articles, nutritionists’ perspectives, and blogs, I’m convinced that this message does in fact need spreading: sugar is KILLING us. Let’s start with some […]

Why and How You Should Replace That Frappe Addiction.

If you’re a sucker for a venti caramel frappe on a hot summer’s day, or a pumpkin spice latte come fall, this post is for you. Trust me, we understand your addiction to coffee and coffee-flavored beverages, but we also understand the health disadvantages of sugar. So believe us when we say that we know you […]

5 Healthy Desserts That Will Cure Your Sweet Tooth

Anyone out there find themselves constantly craving chocolate, sugar, and sweets at all times of the day? We hear ya! While some people claim to have a “salty” preference, so many Americans find themselves instead craving sweets. This comes as a result of the added sugars, corn syrup, and other yucky ingredients to our mainstream […]