Why BOD Eliminates Your Excuses.

In case you haven’t heard, this just so happens to be the year that thousands of people WILL make their health a priority. 2017 is THE year. Not because the year itself is any different from years prior, but because we now have a resource that negates ALL of our excuses.  It’s called Beachbody OnDemand.  […]

Short Workouts for Long Term Results

Ah, the common question: Can you really achieve physique changing results with just 20-30 minute workouts? I mean, it sounds too good to be true, right? Hot programs like T25 and 22 Minute Hard Corps… Yeah, they seem fun and convenient, but do they REALLY offer great results? The truth is, yes. And I tell […]

How T25 Changed My Life by Tara Obermeyer

One program. One trainer. 25 minutes a day. Changed. My. Life. Sometimes that meant following the modified workouts. Sometimes that meant pausing the DVD to get a drink of water. Sometimes that meant pressing play when I’d rather veg out on the couch. There were times that I wasn’t sure if all this was for […]

Just Freaking Do It.

You’ve caught me in a unique mood. Today, I’m not putting up with any of your excuses. Today, I’m going Jillian Michaels on your ass. Woah, that felt brash. But it also felt oh-so-good. Today, I’m here to make a difference in your life. And to make a difference, sometimes you have to tick people […]