Top Secrets of Very Fit People

You’re on an airplane, or sitting at the neighborhood pool, and you see this super fit couple. The guy has broad shoulders and chiseled abs, the woman has sculpted arms and a flat stomach. You find yourself eyeing them every few minutes, simply because this day and age, they look like specimens. And the funny […]

The Magical Power of Water.

Are they really writing a blog post about WATER? Yep. We sure are. Water is THAT important. And we don’t just mean for those of you who are rocking out extreme home fitness. We mean EVERYONE. So many companies today are marketing “weight loss” supplements to you that are really just glorified ways of flavoring […]

5 Tips to a Healthy Turkey Day

It’s officially holiday season! With Thanksgiving fast approaching, here are my tips for staying on track with your goals on the day of the year known for feasting: 1. Plan ahead. Most likely, you know what’s going to be on the table when you get to Aunt Mary’s house, right? So PLAN ahead. Our recommendation is […]