
I want to take a minute to simply share something that, while it might seem common sense, could also be a revelation for some. In 2010, someone handed me a copy of a book called “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson. It sat on my shelf for months before I finally decided, while traveling on a vacation with my husband, that I should take it along and read it on the plane. I’ve never been the same since.

Deciding to grab that book and put it into my carry-on, and then to pull it out thousands of feet in the air to read it, was by far the best decision I’ve ever made.

I remember having a moment, just one of those moments where you put the book down, look out at the clouds and murmur to yourself, “Huh.” The moment came after I read this:

“Everything is always in motion. Every day, every moment, your life path is either curving upward, or curving downward. Growing up we heard five times as many nos as yeses. Life has a downward pull. People on the success curve live in responsibility. People on the failure curve live in blame. People on the success curve are pulled by the future. People on the failure curve are pulled by the past. No matter where you are, at any moment you can choose to step onto the success curve.”

What did he mean exactly by this “success curve”? Was he indicating that we somehow choose our future versus our future choosing us? This was foreign to me, but it was my glimpse into something I had never before considered: that I might be in control of my own success or failure. That I might be allowing things to happen to me versus taking charge of what happens.

Reading this was a turning point for me. My husband would even tell you that since that trip, I’ve been different. My outlook on my personal growth has changed. And for those of us who believe in God and in higher power, I truly believe that the general idea of personal growth was intentionally placed in my life. Just as we are given people and relationships out of the blue and sometimes eerily at the right times, growing myself became something I craved and sought. Gone were the days of hours upon hours of reading novels and Glamour magazine, and new were the days of endless possibilities and options for becoming a better person.

Prior to that vacation, I would have never been caught dead in the Self Help section of a book store. But when the hunger kicked in, and when all my soul could do was crave more knowledge in the world of my own leadership, my own success, and my own relationships, I began to feed it.

First with books.

Then with podcasts.

And with attending live events.

Slowly, because of what all of these books, podcasts, and events were telling me, I began to pull positive, successful people into my life. The momentum of my personal growth began to build.

I know what you’re thinking… It sounds like I’m talking rainbows and butterflies and abstract ways of living, but I’m not. I’m talking struggle and love and concrete ways of living. This is so much more than you would ever guess and yes, I’m asking you to trust me. As my John Maxwell Leadership Coach tells me, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” How true.

And so, this post exists as my way to tell you that there may be things you don’t know that you should know, and if you could know them, would change your life.

It wasn’t until I found the world of podcasts that I knew I was in for it. I knew it was time to buy a portable phone charger because EVERYWHERE I go, the right voices saying the right things would be in my ear. No more radio and mindless phone calls in the car. Hello Maxwell, Rohn, Hardy, and Robbins. I was putting myself in an environment of greatest potential. 

Today I tell you this:

“The journey starts with a single step—not with thinking about taking a step.” (Olson, The Slight Edge)

Why not take the first step? You’ll never be ready. You just have to dive in.

If you’re unaware how to go about listening to podcasts, have no fear. This is not common knowledge, like radio stations and Top 40 hip hop songs are. If it were, oh the world would be an amazing place.

This is how you go about finding your podcasts. If you’re on an iPhone, you should have a “Podcasts” app (it’s a purple icon). Click on it, and then click “Search.” Here are the podcasts I recommend for personal growth, in order of my favorites:

1. The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes (5 minutes to 90 minutes)

Lewis is a former pro athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who brings on incredible guests to discuss how to unlock your inner greatness. He offers interviews, solo rounds, and Q&A style.

2. Entreleadership with Ken Coleman (40 minutes)

Inspired by Dave Ramsey and his book “Entreleadership,” this podcast adheres to interviewing successful businessmen and women on all different topics.

3. The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard (10 minutes)

Short and sweet, Brendon does a great job with leaving you feeling inspired. He covers topics such as dealing with toxic relationships, coping with a bad day, putting yourself first, and building positive relationships.

4. Beyond the To-Do List with Eric Fisher (1 hour)

This podcast truly covers the spectrum in its topics, but has a great way of asking the right questions, both business-related and personal growth-related.

5. The Chalene Show with Chalene Johnson (30 minutes)

Chalene is amazing! All of her podcasts are uplifting and geared toward helping you live a “Smart Success” life.

6. Inside Quest with Tom Bilyeu (1 hour)

I consider Tom the master of interviews. He brings on incredible entrepreneurs to get inside their thinking and their lives.

7. Define Your Life with Shaun T (45 minutes)

Shaun T. has a way to motivate, especially in the world of health and fitness!

8. Bulletproof Radio with Dave Asprey (1 hour)

The Bulletproof way of living may not be for you, but regardless, the content related to healthy living in this show is top notch!

9. The Tim Ferriss Show with Tim Ferriss (1-2 hours)

Tim is the author of “The 4-Hour Work Week” and “The 4-Hour Body,” both highly acclaimed. His interviews are very in-depth and personal, and his content is nearly impossible to beat.

10. TED Radio Hour (1 hour)

Who doesn’t like TED talks? They have a way of inspiring you to think deeper and get your brain muscle working.

11. This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt (1 hour)

Michael Hyatt is a well-known New York Times bestselling author. This podcast is all about the steps you can take to move your life forward.

There is no wrong way to go when it comes to starting your journey of personal growth. Of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t tell you that the first true step is in realizing that you are not perfect and can become better if you so choose. Better in your communication, your relationships, your business, and in your life. My goal here is to simply share with you how easy it is to begin. To press Play, to listen, and to let what you need to hear come to you in a way that sparks change and betterment. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to seek this knowledge, but you do have to embrace the mindset that you always have room for improvement.

Given the success and happiness I have in my life, I would be a fool not to pay that forward. As John C. Maxwell says, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” You must choose to grow, and it all starts by taking that first step.

Like this post? Share it with your friends! Once you’ve listened to your first podcast, or had your first personal growth Aha! moment, email Jenny at 

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