21 day fix

The average American consumes over 6,000 calories on Super Bowl Sunday.


The average American also waits until AFTER Super Bowl Sunday to put action toward their new year’s resolution. As a fitness studio owner, I can attest to the fact that we have the highest surge in membership in February, just after the Super Bowl.

And so, here we are.

Maybe you’ve OD’d on nachos and potato skins and beer, and that came AFTER the OD on holiday cookies and treats, so… here we are.

Where do we begin?

What gym do you join? What diet plan do you consider buying into? What Good Morning America suggestion do you decide to try?

The struggle is oh so real.

The truth is, anything that doesn’t involve physical effort and sweat, as well as actually learning about the foods going into your body… won’t work.

Change starts on the inside, with a decision and a deeper understanding of WHY you want and need the change.

So since we’re here… let’s start here.

Right where we are.

Body Electric meets you where you are, because we’ve been there. 

What makes you want to make the change? It’s important that we not only know what it is, but why it matters. What would it [losing the weight, getting off the medications, keeping up with the kids, etc.] do for you?

Because whatever your answer is to that question? THAT is what’s going to keep you going. THAT is what’s going to get you out of bed early on cold, dark mornings. THAT is what’s going to propel you through to achieving the goal.

So let’s talk program. I mean, let’s get really serious.

Have you tried joining a gym in the past, only to eventually stop going? Or worse yet, you still have last year’s membership despite not showing up in 8+ months? Or what about those cleanses you hear people talk about? Or Wal-Mart promoted diet shakes? Been there tried that?

We all have.

Until those of us Body Electric Coaches found the true game changer… the 21 Day Fix.

The 21 Day Fix has helped so many of us to understand the root causes of cravings, binge eating, lack of energy, and even dehydration by learning how our bodies function best. Ever heard the saying, “Most people don’t know how good their body is supposed to feel”? We’ve found that to be SO true! The 21 Day Fix has taught us how we’re supposed to feel and function at optimal health, and now, we want to pay that forward to you. We want to help teach YOU how to feel good and live your healthiest life, each and every day.

No scams.

No gimmicks.

No quick fix.

A true lifestyle change, which works because through the 21 days, you’re truly FEELING the difference.

So while you may be interested in losing weight, getting off of medications, keeping up with your kids, and truly taking your health seriously this year, it’s important to us that you know that in the end, it’s not about a number on the scale or a restriction of calories to get you to lose the pounds. It’s about helping you to understand how dang good your body is meant to feel. To help uncover why you need and want the change, to hold you to it via an accountability system, and to show you how you can sustain the lifestyle.

Let’s talk specifics About the 21 Day Fix

The 21 Day Fix involves daily, 30-minute workouts along with a portion-control meal plan. You get in the habit of exercising your body daily for 21 days (long enough to create the habit) and learn how much food your body truly needs, along with what types of foods fuel it best.

The 21 Day Fix is truly is a game changer.

In February, the 21 Day Fix with Shakeology is on sale. Purchase of this combo pack grants you entrance to our amazing Facebook-housed accountability groups, where we share Fix-approved recipes, grocery lists, video guidance, and support. Why? Because we know that right now, you’re feeling full of sour cream and wing sauce and cheese… and you’re not feeling the way you’re meant to feel.

Join us.

Take your health to the next level, permanently. We believe in you.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric

To read more about the 21 Day Fix, click here.

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