#RAP stands for “Random Act of PiYo”, which is something fun we’ve implemented into my last several PiYo Challenge groups.

Do you ever wish that someone could just hand you a silver platter with the solution you’ve been looking for? I ask because, as it turns out, I have a silver platter and I’m looking for the right people who are looking for it.

You see, as a Personal Trainer and full-time Coach, I meet lots of people who don’t know how they’ve gotten where they are. They’re exhausted, foggy in the brain, out of shape, and hungry all the time. It’s been a while since their bodies felt the way they’re intended to feel… full of energy and focus. So often, these folks come in my door in January. The stereotypical time to expect a life change and money-worthy results, only to find that everyone else and their brother wants the same thing. Thus, their success is completely up to them. They’ve got to self-motivate, show up, and stick to the plan.

Which, as we know, tends to lead to giving up early or scaling back.

A.K.A., NOT succeeding.

So what I have to say may sound crazy: I want you to consider starting sooner. I know the holidays are out of control crazy, your to-do list is loaded, and this thought likely hasn’t crossed your mind quite yet. But entertain the idea for a minute.

What if:

You entered the holidays feeling focused?

You started 2015 with energy?

You start to get joint mobility back? 

Your pain lessened?

You start to crave healthy foods?

You’re able to lower your blood pressure/cholesterol medicine?

You lose weight BEFORE January?

You started 2015 10 pounds lighter?

If this sounds good to you, I have a silver platter with your name on it. Here’s what’s served on the platter:

Shakeology. You see me hashtag #dailydoseofdensenutrition, and for good reason. It’s not a weight loss shake or a protein shake like something you’d purchase at GNC. It’s a superfood shake, comprised of over 70 real food ingredients, 30 of which are superfoods (meaning they are loaded with nutrients). It’s under 200 calories per serving yet fuels your body in a way that leaves you feeling less bloated, more focused, and with greater natural energy. Added bonus: It contains 17g of real food protein, making that GNC shake look kinda… cheap.

Sidenote: EVERY CUSTOMER I have who claims to “not be a shake person,” ends up loving

The 3-Day Refresh3 days worth of cleansing, real food/clean eating style. You’ll be given a detailed plan that outlines what to eat, what supplements to take (all natural by the way), and what you should be feeling. The purpose: To help you learn to eat clean, to flush toxins out of your system, to help you reduce cravings, and to refresh your mental and physical body.

PiYoYou’ve seen my posts about my love for PiYo. It’s a 60 day fitness program designed to help you achieve cardio and strength results through body resistance yoga and stretch. For me, it created muscle balance and reduced soreness in my short and tight muscles, allowing me to move better in my day-to-day. With almost every workout in the 30-minute timeframe, it’s completely doable, low impact, and the results are crazy awesome.

Of course, these 3 amazing silver platter items would mean nothing without peer accountability and personalized Coaching, which is why I’m starting a Challenge group  designed to start BEFORE the holidays, to prepare you for success before the temptations hit. Starting Friday, November 21st, we’ll start our 3-Day Refresh (which DOES incorporate daily Shakeology) to cleanse the body, and then jump right into PiYo on Monday, November 24th. Cost for the combo pack + Coaching = $180 (normally $205).

Receive personalized Coaching (including information re: form and technique) all while participating from home!
Receive personalized Coaching (including information re: form and technique) all while participating from home!

I’m tellin’ ya, you have no idea how good your body is meant to feel. Why wait until the season of “probably nots”? Set your resolution up for success and commit to joining my Challenge. I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Deadline to join is Friday, November 14th. Email me at jennyswisher@gmail.com with interest/questions.

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