You’re on an airplane, or sitting at the neighborhood pool, and you see this super fit couple. The guy has broad shoulders and chiseled abs, the woman has sculpted arms and a flat stomach. You find yourself eyeing them every few minutes, simply because this day and age, they look like specimens. And the funny thing is, they seem happy. They flirt and smile and laugh. They seem content.

You find yourself envying them, or at the very least, watching their every move. How do they stay so fit? They must be Crossfitters or elite athletes, right? There’s no way this kind of fitness and happiness is so easily achievable, is there?

We’re here to tell you YES. There is a simple way to achieve that athletic, sculpted body and happy relationship. Here are the top things we notice in super fit people that we think are easily duplicatable:

  1. You never see them smoking or drinking a Diet Coke. When was the last time you saw a super fit dude smoking a cigarette? Yeah.
  2. They always carry a water bottle. There they go, drinking lemon water out of a Nalgene in the middle of Nordstrom. What the what?! Must be something to it. Water is the key to energy.
  3. While some may be Crossfitters or elite athletes, many of them are getting and staying fit by exercising just 30 minutes a day at home. Thank you, Beachbody.
  4. You might see them, on occasion, eating french fries or pizza, and you find yourself even more jealous. ‘How can they do that and look so good?’ you ask yourself. Truth is, it’s likely a cheat meal because they believe in balance. They stay on track 90% of the time and indulge on occasion. 
  5. They always have great shoes. It’s true! Fit people value good footwear. They’re not exercising (or going to the movies) in a pair of lawnmowing tennies. They invest in their health.
  6. They’re well-rested and focused. When was the last time you saw a shredded chick passed out on the floor in the middle of the airport between layovers? Hardly ever. They fuel themselves with the right food, they sleep well (thanks to their lifestyle), and they almost always seem alert.
  7. They read. 
  8. They always pull snacks out of their purse/bag. Where did that apple or packet of peanut butter come from? They brought it. They thought ahead. They’re not playing victim to fast food like so many others do.

We’ve found that happy people are active people. Happy people move their bodies in challenging ways. They eat clean 90+ percent of the time. They get enough sleep. They challenge their mind. What does all of this mean? It means they’ve taken control of their body, and their life. You simply won’t hear them saying things like, “There was no way for me to eat healthy this weekend. I was traveling.” Instead, they own their fitness. They own their life. And we’re here to tell you, they’re doing it with a lot less effort than you’re assuming.

30 minutes a day and a plan can change your life. Stop watching and start doing. We can help!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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