It’s Memorial Day Weekend, and what better way to tribute our troops than sipping on a Budweiser and kicking the feet up for the afternoon. Am I right?

Turns out, we think there is a better way, and we want to share it with you in hopes that it will challenge you to tribute our troops an alternative way… a healthy way.

It’s called the 22 Push-Up Challenge (#22pushups) and it honors those who serve. You can check out more about the nationwide phenomenon here. You may have seen folks LIVE streaming their push-ups and challenging others, and WE want to start a surge of tributing our troops in a way that matters: raising awareness for suicide prevention in our military.

So how do you do it?

You can live stream, record, or simply take a photo of you doing 22 push-ups (and of course, doing them on the knees or against a wall is totally OK! Be mindful of your body and abilities). Then share via your social with the hashtag: “#22pushupsfor22kill”. If you do only 5 push-ups, great! Use the hashtag “5pushupsfor22kill”.

As you may or may not know, Team Beachbody is closely affiliated with serving our troops. Any active duty military or veteran can be a Coach for absolutely free, and our very own Tony Horton travels to military bases across the world training our troops. Pretty cool stuff. So we figured the BEST way for our Coaches and fit folks to tribute our troops is with something we like doing anyway versus that beer that gets us hungover and belly bloated come Tuesday morning.

Tony Horton, creator of P90X and a variety of other programs (including 22 Minute Hard Corps, pictured here, which incorporates military vets into the videos and military moves into the workouts) is a huge advocate for tributing our armed forces, and has traveled to military bases everywhere to train them.

Here are some commonly asked questions we hope to answer for you:

How do I properly do a push-up?

Start in plank position, with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your heels pressing back. You should feel this dominantly in your belly. If needed, drop to your knees. Then, simply bend the elbows to the degree to which you can handle, and press up. One rep is one push-up.

How do I LIVE Stream on Facebook?

Act as if you’re about to post something to your NewsFeed and instead of clicking the camera icon, click the one next to it which looks like a radar signal. It will ask you if you’d like to go Live. If you click “Go Live,” you get 3 seconds to prepare!

Why use the hashtag?

Using the hashtag on your post allows the post to be findable, and to be included as part of the #22KILL tribe.

How does the challenge work?

When you make your post, you can tag a friend and ask them to “take the challenge.” In other words, you challenge them to do the same thing: to show off THEIR push-ups!


Have no fear. Your push-up form doesn’t have to be perfect, and this challenge doesn’t HAVE to be done on Memorial Day. This is a true movement! Let’s be a part of something healthy, that raises awareness for something serious. We’re happy to help start the trend, if you’ve not heard of it before.

Ready? Drop and gimme 22.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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