Where to Begin With SYNC

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #262! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing what the SYNC brand truly entails, how to get started with SYNC, and more about the future of women’s health. 

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident SYNC hormone health doctor, click here. To learn more about our SYNC fitness and nutrition program, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out sync.jennyswisher.com/sales-page.

For any questions, please email [email protected]. As mentioned in the podcast, more testimonials and information regarding our affiliate program can be found by subscribing to the SYNC Your Life podcast on all platforms. 

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast 


[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today I’m sharing with you the ins and outs of the SYNC program. We sure have evolved over the last four and a half years. And while we started as hormone health education, so much more has come about in the last couple of years in the way of helping women live with maximum energy.

[00:01:15] Jenny Swisher: You see, this whole thing started in 2019 when I myself had healed from adrenal fatigue and had recently been introduced to the newer research done on women. Thanks to pioneers in the space like Dr. Stacey Sims. I had been a certified personal trainer and nutritionist working with both in person and virtual clients, males and females.

[00:01:32] Jenny Swisher: And in 2019, I took Sims courses on cycle syncing and menopause, where I basically learned everything I’d been doing was nearly the opposite of what women should be doing for internal health. It drastically shaped the way that I thought about female training and physiology, and I couldn’t unlearn it here.

[00:01:48] Jenny Swisher: I had been part of a model that advocated exercise and nutrition in the way of working harder and eating less. And in reality, women needed to be more tuned into their bodies, specifically their menstrual cycles and working smarter, oftentimes eating more. So I set out to share what I was learning with a small Facebook group in early 2020.

[00:02:06] Jenny Swisher: This was before the pandemic. And when hundreds of women reached out to join, I knew there was something to this. Women everywhere were doing all the things diet culture taught them to do, but they were no longer getting results. The things that had worked for them in their twenties and thirties were no longer working for them in their forties.

[00:02:23] Jenny Swisher: And I knew why, thanks to this research. And so the SyncDigital course was born. In it, I first aimed to teach women female physiology and menstrual cycle education. Because after all, we haven’t gotten the education we need, and it starts there. I quickly learned, however, that without teaching women self advocacy in today’s modern medicine world, and without giving them the tools they’d need to ask the right questions in the doctor’s office, or to even find the right doctor.

[00:02:48] Jenny Swisher: They could continue to struggle. So in 2023, I partnered with Dr. Paige Butile, who’s an osteopathically trained physician, to offer virtual telehealth consults to my course community. We completely eliminated the obstacle of finding the right doctor and getting the right testing by bringing Dr. Paige on board.

[00:03:06] Jenny Swisher: And now we serve hundreds of women in their bio individual health. As of May of this year, we now offer these telehealth consults to the public, meaning that any woman, even you listening, can participate and get the healthcare you need in the form of truly being heard, proper intake, supplemental and bioHRT protocols, and more.

[00:03:24] Jenny Swisher: I’ll make sure I link up some more information about that for you in the show notes. And so the best of both worlds merged, and hormone health education, self advocacy, and now the right doctor with proper testing were all part of the SYNC umbrella. The only thing that was remaining was to take it next level with the fitness and nutrition application that most women crave in the form of a program to follow that takes the guesswork out of the equation.

[00:03:46] Jenny Swisher: This spring, I partnered with Kelsey Linsman of Empower Fitness to create the SYNC Fitness and Nutrition Program, complete with 28 workouts aligned to your menstrual or moon cycle, nutrition that corresponds to that, and even hormone health education from myself and Dr. Page. So now we have the education.

[00:04:04] Jenny Swisher: The self advocacy tools, the right doctor, the proper testing, and the application you need to follow a program designed for female physiology. It is exactly what modern medicine is missing for women right now. At the time of this recording, I actually just received our certificate in the mail for our official SYNC trademark.

[00:04:22] Jenny Swisher: So the SYNC brand will continue to thrive and grow and serve women in hormone health for years and years to come. So the question really then is, where do you begin? Well, every woman is different and comes to the table with different experiences. For Some have very little knowledge of menstrual cycle health, birth control, proper testing, and so forth, and could really benefit from the SYNC course as a great first start.

[00:04:45] Jenny Swisher: Some can’t seem to find the right doctor, while others have one they love. And many are fitness enthusiasts who want the cycle syncing training and fueling conversation, and diving into the SYNC fitness program is a great start to understanding the often unknown need to go even deeper. The question I have for you is this.

[00:05:01] Jenny Swisher: How can sync meet you where you are? If you’re new to this entire concept, consider starting with the sync course. If you’ve been battling for proper testing or answers to your symptoms and you’re sick of being told that everything is normal, well, consider kicking it off with the consults with Dr. Page or even the consult course combo to get the background education you need to level up that conversation with Dr.

[00:05:22] Jenny Swisher: Page. Or what if you’re intrigued by the concept of cycle syncing or following the exercise science done on women? Well, in that case, SyncFitness is for you. There is no one place to start because it’s a circle of community that can serve you in any of these areas. Fitness and nutrition, doctor guidance for bio individual health, and hormone health education.

[00:05:43] Jenny Swisher: Where you need to begin is where you currently are on your journey. knowing that the other tools are here when you need them. And before I forget, because I know that this will be a question that I get, yes, we offer an affiliate program with our SYNC certification. So once you come into our community, if you desire to pay it forward and recommend other women into the SYNC umbrella, you can earn for doing so as a SYNC certified coach or affiliate.

[00:06:06] Jenny Swisher: We have plenty of testimonials here on the podcast for you to check out on that topic. So I’ll link them up for you in the show notes. But the bottom line is this, We continue to strive to serve women in the areas most needed through strategic partnerships, like the ones I’ve mentioned here, and more to come.

[00:06:20] Jenny Swisher: I’m excited to see what’s to come and how many hundreds, if not thousands, of women that we can help as we expand into Spanish speaking and so much more in 2024. As I continue to partner with Human Grace to offer simple swaps for endocrine disruption, I believe we’re covering all the bases for truly optimizing hormone health for so many women, and we’re covering every single detail.

[00:06:41] Jenny Swisher: All right, my friends, this is important stuff because I get questions every day from women saying, I love what you’re doing in the health space, but I’m not sure where to start. So I wanted to take time out of my day today to pop this podcast in here and to tell you that there’s no wrong place to start, but you can find every answer you need and you can find the details you need in your healthcare with the SYNC program.

[00:07:01] Jenny Swisher: So thank you friends as always for tuning in. I want to take a moment just to explain how far we’ve come, why we’re doing what we’re doing and to help you get clarity on the best place to start for you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll link up an email address in the show notes in case you want to reach out directly.

[00:07:15] Jenny Swisher: But just know this, if you’re feeling gaslit by your doctor, if you’re not getting answers, if you feel like you’re working harder for results than ever before, if you’re low on energy or you’re not sure what to do to lessen your toxic load, these are all ways that Sync can help.

[00:07:28] Jenny Swisher: So until next time, friends, we’ll talk soon. And I hope to see you in the Sync community very soon.

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