
21 Day Fix – “Whoa, that’s a lot of food.”

That’s typically the first reaction people have when they take a look at the amount of food, on a plate, that’s intended for you to eat when you’re doing the 21 Day Fix.

People see the infomercial on TV with these seemingly itty bitty containers, and they think, “No way! That can’t be enough food!” Turns out, they’re wrong. More often than not, there’s more food than you can handle.

The fact of the matter is that your body requires lots of dense nutrition in the form of whole foods in order to best function. To give you an idea of just how much we need, the average female in her 20’s and 30’s should be consuming 7 servings of dark leafy green vegetables per day.

Anyone out there achieving that benchmark? Likely not many.

As our society has evolved into quick box meals and eating out for convenience, our bodies have suffered. More than ever, doctors now see patients for chronic fatigue, obesity and weight issues, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other nutritionally rooted diseases.

Which brings us to our first point:

You need Shakeology.

We know. We’ve seemingly digressed. Or have we? Turns out, Shakeology comes with the 21 Day Fix in combo pack form, so we haven’t really digressed. It’s all part of the same amazing product, intended to help you truly fuel your body and get it what it needs. Over 70 whole food ingredients (fruits and vegetables) dominate Shakeology and make it, in the simplest sense, the highest dose of dense nutrition on the market. Unless you’re consuming those leafy greens and a diet extremely high in fruits and vegetables, essentially eating just whole foods around the clock… Yeah. You need Shakeology.

But what about those containers? Wasn’t this blog post about that?

Sure thing.

The containers are created to help us with appropriate portion control per food group. In other words, it’s not only helping us with portions, but also with proportions. We have a more balanced diet, which matters when it comes to healthy weight loss and weight maintenance (said by your trusty personal trainer/nutrition specialist).

The 21 Day Fix food containers are as follows:

Purple: Fruit

Green: Green Veggies

Yellow: Carbs

Red: Proteins

Blue: Healthy Fats

Orange: Oil

Each container is a set size, and each person who participates in the program configures their daily caloric needs for their body and goals and uncovers their corresponding containers.

So when you see these tiny little colorful boxes and think, “Huh? That ain’t enough food,” think again. Consuming multiple containers per day can be quite the task, but everyone who does so, and who follows the program (via our amazing Facebook-based accountability groups) sees amazing results. Not only in their physical body, but in the way they feel. 

It goes without saying that everyone needs to move and exercise their body. In my experience as a trainer and nutrition specialist, I find that folks are usually more likely to move their body than they are to change their diet. Results are made in the kitchen, my friends, and the 21 Day Fix takes the guesswork out of the equation and leaves you feeling confident in the changes you’re making.

But here’s the best part: The containers are just a small part of the overall program. It drives me crazy when a customer says they’ve opted to measure out their foods according to what Google told them about the size of the 21 Day Fix containers rather than BUY the program. Why does it drive me crazy? Because doing that is NOT doing the program. You need the list of approved foods, the corresponding grocery guide, the Shakeology, the support of our accountability groups, AND the exercise. If you go cheap, you get cheap results.

My favorite part of what the 21 Day Fix offers are the amazing, family-approved meals and snacks provided with the program. Fixate cookbook, anyone? That thing is chock full of awesome, tasty foods everyone loves, and even includes the container equivalents.

21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Is About Proper Nutrition

This 21 Day Fix thing isn’t about restricting  your body, or starving it. It’s about getting you the proper foods your body needs to be fueled, it’s about consuming them in the right amounts, it’s about incorporating Shakeology in your daily routine, and it involves exercise and accountability.

The food is so much more than you think. But so is the value.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric


21 Day Fix
Reach out to your Body Electric Coach to ask about our upcoming 21 Day Fix accountability group!

One Response

  1. I really love green veggy veggie. It is driving me crazy not able to eat a lot of veggies. I only put balsamic vinegar 9n it and I absolutely love it and crave it. Also spinach carrots green onion soups with no oil, with my weight plan I only get 3 green containers… With sald that is pathetic (sorry I just really don’t understand why the restrictions on green. And I’m not talking about high auger veggies.. I really like to work through the plan. Please advise..

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