
Experts say that sugar is more addictive than most illegal drugs.

And I don’t know about you, but I tend to trust the experts but also do my own research.

After reading countless articles, nutritionists’ perspectives, and blogs, I’m convinced that this message does in fact need spreading: sugar is KILLING us.

Let’s start with some interesting facts.

Did you know that the average American consumes 27 lbs. of candy per year?

Did you know that diabetes, dental cavities, hypoglycemia, and gallstones are attributed dominantly to sugar intake, not to mention our nationwide epidemic of obesity?

Did you know some experts are now directly linking behavior and cognition issues in children to sugar consumption?

According to Dr. David Reuben, author of Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Nutrition, says, “White refined sugar is not a food. It is a pure chemical extracted from plant sources, purer in fact than cocaine, which it resembles in many ways.”

Um. Yeah.

Sugar. Cocaine. In the same sentence because they are so similar.

And yet, WE are consuming it every day, as are our children because we are ADDICTED and don’t know any better.

Have you ever try to quit sugar altogether? How did that go? Guessing it didn’t last very long, or that it was VERY tough to accomplish and maintain. It has been proven that consuming sugar leads to more and more consumption of sugar, a lot like a drug addict might find him or herself consuming more and more of what gets them high.

And what is it doing to our body?

It’s taking a magnificent toll on our organs and interferes with immune functions. If we’re consuming too much sugar, our organs are taking quite a hit simply in trying to break it down via digestion, and we may find ourselves sick more often than before.

And as if that’s not enough to make you reconsider that bowl of ice cream tonight, get this:

Sugar accelerates aging. 

According to Dr. Atkins, “It even contributes to that telltale sign of aging: sagging skin. Some of the sugar you consume, after hitting your bloodstream, ends up attaching itself to proteins, in a process called glycation. These new molecular structures contribute to the loss of elasticity found in aging body tissues, from your skin to your organs and arteries. The more sugar circulating in your blood, the faster this damage takes hold.”


So how can you make better choices when it comes to sugar consumption? Here are our top tips:

  1. Avoid sweetened beverages at all costs. If you simply can’t stick to water, coffee, and Shakeology, try LaCroix (especially if you’re a soda drinker currently). It’s a carbonated water flavored with real fruit flavor. Sugary beverages like soda and smoothies make up 1/3 of the sugar Americans consume.
  2. Read your labels. We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: KNOW what you’re consuming! If you see ingredients that end in “ose,” you’re looking at what could be hidden sugars.
  3. Find more natural ways to sweeten your foods, by using honey or maple syrup.
  4. Avoid grains (especially bread). Most of the time, when consuming, say, whole grain bread, you’re really consuming straight sugar due to the refined process of making it. Stick instead to a diet high in fruits and vegetables, moderate in lean proteins, and relatively moderate in healthy fats. We suggest Ezekiel bread and gluten-free oats if you can’t go completely grain-free.
  5. Eat a protein-rich breakfast. Doing so keeps your blood sugars more stable throughout the day. Consider eggs, turkey bacon, and other lean meats a great choice.
  6. When you feel a sugar craving, opt for a quick workout or glass of water instead. Most likely, you’re dehydrated, or you can combat that craving with a little movement.
  7. Consider Shakeology a sweet treat, a detox program, such as our 3-Day Refresh, to get you cleansed and sugar-free, or a regimented, whole food diet plan such as what we offer with the 21 Day Fix. Not sure what these are. Reach out! We’re happy to help!

The bottom line is this: Sugar is killing our country. Everywhere we look, we look straight into the eyes of obesity, and the hard and fast truth of the matter is that it’s a choice. Make the right choice. Start educating yourself on the harmful effects of sugar… Start learning how your body operates best, and take control of your health, right here and right now.

We’ve got your back.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher

Certified Personal Trainer/Fitness Nutrition Specialist

Founder, Body Electric

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