Quality matters.

To everyone out there who wakes up each morning and blends or shakes up a protein shake, I’m talkin’ to you.

Whether you get your protein powder from GNC, Wal-Mart, Vitamin Shoppe, or otherwise, I want to ask you a question to which I hope you know the answer:

Why do you drink it?

It is my guess that your answer to this question involves the belief that you need more protein in your day-to-day. Am I right?

As a gym owner, I am constantly meeting individuals who are overweight, trying to lose pounds and change their nutrition, and the one thing they opt to start with is drinking a protein shake every morning. I ask them the same question, why they drink the shake, and they usually answer with something like, “Just tryin’ to get more protein in my diet. Trying to eat healthier.”

Because of that answer, I hereby dedicate this blog post to educating you on why this is the wrong answer IF you’re an average American. If you’re into body building, or have been told by a doctor that you need a protein shake in your diet, please stick to what you’re doing. Here, in this post, I’m talking to the average American looking to lose weight and make a lifestyle change, who is consuming an average American diet.

When I continue asking my client questions about their diet and/or when they complete a food diary to show me specifics of their diet, 99% of the time, they are getting enough protein in their diet as is, without the protein shake. Most Americans are consuming burgers, steaks, chicken, seafood, lunch meat, and other foods high in protein (Note: Meat products are NOT the only foods that contain protein. Where do you think animals get their protein from?) In fact, more often than not, they are eating excessive amounts of protein, which is likely contributing to weight gain. As we know, our bodies need protein, carbohydrates, and fats in order to properly function, and the portions and proportions of them matter. Too much of one leads to weight gain.

My clients typically consume about 1-3 fruits and vegetables a day, but see absolutely no problem with this extremely low number. Certainly, fruits and vegetables are the #1 foods that provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber we need to thrive: to live at optimal weight, to perform and to focus, and ultimately, to prevent disease.

Yet nobody is out looking for a fruit and vegetable shake. 

They’re too caught up in traditional advertising for protein shakes that most of the time, are full of artificial sweetener, low-grade whey protein, and ultimately, crap.

I write this to enlighten you on perhaps what you’re falling for, as compared to what could really help you.

Let me prove it to you with my own story.

Six years ago, I was consuming a cheap, generic Wal-Mart protein shake every day on my way to work. It tasted like crap, but I did it, just like I chose low-fat salad dressings and “sugar free” desserts because I incorrectly assumed that’s what healthy meant. But I found myself 30 pounds overweight, living with daily headache, with little to no energy or mental focus. My nutrition was way off point, but I didn’t know it. I thought the choices I was making were the “better bad choices,” when in reality, they weren’t serving my body either.

Shakeology Transformed Me

What Shakeology has done for me is obvious in my transformation: I’ve lost 30 pounds and find myself at an optimal BMI level with 21% body fat. I’ve been able to sideline 90% of my headaches, and have found energy in each day. I now believe I am living my healthiest life.

Is it as simple as consuming 70 whole foods (30 of which are superfoods) in one blended shake daily?

I think so.

Go ahead. Read the label for yourself. You should read all labels!

Shakeology Was the First Step to A Healthy Lifestyle

I think it was the first step to the healthy lifestyle I now live. It gives me the energy I need to exercise daily. Drinking it in the morning allows me to make wise choices (as in, more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats) throughout my day.

The system that has been working for me? I’m happy to share:

5 proteins per day

5 green vegetables per day

3 fruits per day

4 carbohydrates per day

1-2 healthy fats per day (avocado, grass-fed butter, coconut milk)

Small handful of seeds/nuts + 1 Tbsp. of all-natural peanut butter per day

Shakeology Has Protein

My Shakeology factors in as a protein, since it is comprised of 17g of protein, which is awesome because fruits and vegetables are the dominant ingredients. The regular formula does include whey protein at its highest quality, and yes, quality matters. The vegan formula includes a sprouted brown rice/pea protein. Consider it a boost to my immune system and digestive system.

As a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and as someone who works with multiple people per day on their fitness and nutrition, I suggest you take the first right step toward fueling your body: Stop with the protein shakes and/or the “better bad choices” and start with Shakeology. Consume it every day (with a little unsweetened coconut milk and ice makes it delicious as a smoothie!), and watch your life transform.

What America needs is education on how their body is designed to feel thanks to foods that exist on this planet intended for our consumption. We don’t need more cans and containers of protein powder constipating people and leading them to believe false advertising.

Fruits. Vegetables. Shakeology. Does your body good.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric

CPT, FNS, Certified P90X/Insanity/PiYo Instructor


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