If you were here in my shoes, you wouldn’t be hesitating on going for that 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack.


If you were in my shoes, you would be witnessing hundreds of lives changing and changed thanks to the 21 Day Fix program.

Changed lives in the form of:

You see, getting healthy is so much more than what we see through traditional advertising in the form of being “beach and bikini ready” and earning those “6 pack abs.” It’s about truly living our healthiest lives, in whatever way that is for us.

How to Get Support During the 21 Day Fix

The ultimate question you should be asking is not, “Does the 21 Day Fix work?” because truly, it works if you do. The question you should be asking is, “How am I going to be supported in achieving my goals?”

Because the solution we have is outstanding, and it’s what works in helping people make this a true lifestyle change.

It’s called… a Challenge group.

Housed on Facebook via a private group (Note: Nobody can see your posts aside from others in the group), a Challenge group exists to provide you with the accountability, support, motivation, and knowledge you need to succeed with your program. 

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In Body Electric Challenge groups, we share our WINs as a daily check-in: Workout, Inspiration, and Nutrition.

Let’s be honest. Exercise is available to us daily, but do we do it? Eating healthy is available to us daily, but do we do it? Not always. Which is why the key component to succeeding in your fitness and nutrition is the accountability factor. Knowing that you have other people, newfound friends, waiting for you to report in each day with your struggles and successes leads you to getting that workout in and avoiding that pizza in the break room at work. Not to mention the positive energy in the group is truly contagious!

21 Day Fix Challenge Group

The bottom line is this: the magic formula is combining daily exercise, proper eating, and support all in one. Body Electric does so via our Facebook Challenge groups, and as a result, our “Challengers” see amazing results…

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And for the record, these screenshots were taken from a current 21 Day Fix Challenge group, and were simply 3 of the top 5 posts in the group. If we wanted to share every post, your mind would be blown with the support, camaraderie, and pure accountability that exists there.

So what’s holding you back from moving forward with that Challenge Pack? From being added to this group that promises so much opportunity for you, and, if you’re like many, perhaps THE solution after years of trying name brand diet programs and short-term fads?

If you were in my shoes, you would be surrounded on a daily basis with folks who are making a lifestyle change, and who are the better for it. People who have never looked back, and in some cases, who now pay it forward because of what it has done for them.

If you were in my shoes, you wouldn’t hesitate at all. You would gather up the funds (cheaper than most gym memberships and trainers), knowing there is a money back guarantee, and you would be reaching out to your Coach saying, “PUT ME IN, COACH! I’M READY!”

Hundreds of Body Electric Challengers are reporting in with their WIN today. And they will tomorrow. And the next day. Why not you? Take a walk in our shoes. You might just love the way you look and feel.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric and 6-Star Diamond Elite Coach

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