Calling all marathoners, triathletes, Crossfitters, pro/semi-pro athletes, and high school and collegiate athletes…

oh, and anyone training like an athlete, using programs like Insanity, Insanity Max:30, Insanity Asylum, P90X (1, 2, or 3), Body Beast, 21 Day Fix Extreme, and so forth.

This is going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND.

Let’s introduce the concept of REAL, scientifically proven, NSF-Certified sports performance supplements that can truly change not only how you train and how you feel after that training, but how you perform. I know, I know. In the past several years, performance supplements have been given a bad rep. When you hear “sports” and “performance” in the same sentence, your mind tends to go straight to bulked baseball players sitting in a court room. I’m here to tell you, it’s time to truthfully share all-natural ways of supplementing the body to achieve greatness.

As someone who only backs something 100% when I’ve done the research on it myself, I have to say… this stuff is impressive, and I’m loving the way it’s making me feel.

Before we get to the meat and potatoes of what this supplement line means and how it can work for all forms of athlete, let’s start with this video. Take a look before you read on.

Now, let’s dive in.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “That’s not for me,” I want you to think again. Ask yourself these questions:

1) Do I ever feel sore after a workout?

2) Do I push myself outside the realm of comfortable light cardio (i.e., running long distances, lifting weights often, power training, or plyometric training)?

3) Do I struggle to get out of bed in the morning for an early morning workout because I feel so tired and lethargic? 

4) Do I struggle with keeping hydrated all day long, and wind up feeling thirsty after my workout?

5) Do I look around at others in a group exercise class and wonder how they have the endurance and stamina to be so athletic, while I feel sluggish and slow?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, keep reading. If you answered No to these questions and the reason is because you currently don’t have an exercise program, start here.

Let’s review the Beachbody Performance Line in detail:








Energize is not your normal pre-workout. It is the most recent advancement in sports performance supplementation, and with good reason. As with everything created by Beachbody, the ingredients in Energize (and all other Performance supplements) are all-natural. All-natural meaning they occur in nature without any added preservative or artificial ingredient to make them last longer, taste better, etc. The primary ingredients include: beta-alanine (yep, you can expect a slight tingling in your fingers and toes upon taking the first few times, signaling you’re ready to rock and roll!), quercetin and green tea (leaf extracts), as well as calcium, magnesium, and potassium citrate.

How I suggest using:

If you’d like to be an early bird who crushes their workout first thing, consider keeping a scoop of Energize with a glass of water by your bedside. When that alarm goes off, stir it up and knock it back. Within a few minutes, feel that beta-alanine surge through your system, preparing you for lift-off. (We recommend sleeping in workout wear so as to be able to literally zoom to your DVD player).








Hydrate is the first of its kind during workout supplement. This means that while you lift, run, jump, or bench, you get to hydrate your body with what it needs to replenish lost energy stores. Ingredients include: calcium, magnesium, potassium citrate, beet sugar, quercetin (leaf extract), and subtle stevia.

How I suggest using:

Mix well in your typical workout water bottle and sip during workout breaks.








Recover is exactly what it sounds like: the perfect post-workout recovery formula. Intended for use no more than 30 minutes after your high intensity workout, it works to restore glycogen and leave you feeling smooth while your body continues to burn calories. Ingredients include: 20g of protein and a handful of carbohydrates in the form of top-quality whey protein isolate, pea protein, micellar casein, branched-chained amino acids (BCAAs), and L-glutamine. Flavored with all-natural cocoa powder, beet sugar, and natural chocolate, it’s deliciously refreshing (think chocolate milk) at the end of your workout.

How I suggest using:

Simply shake in your shaker cup within 30 minutes of exercise and drink it down! For those of you consuming Shakeology daily (which should be everyone), drinking your Shakeology 60 minutes post-workout is also a great idea, even in conjunction with Recover.








Recharge is going to completely transform the way people train their bodies from the inside-out, especially marathoners and triathletes. It is intended as an overnight supplement, taken before bedtime, to reduce lactic acid build-up in the muscle and prevent soreness. Vanilla chamomile, tart cherry powder, L-glutamine, micellar casein, and BCAAs make up this scientific revolution of a formula.

How I suggest using:

Consume before bedtime and reminisce on your old ways of Oreos before bedtime, swearing that will never be you again.











This is THE product for packing on extra muscle. For those of you P90X’ing or pressing Play each day on Body Beast, THIS is a supplement you’ll need! It’s simply 10g of straight creatine in its finest quality.

How I suggest using: 

As your program indicates.

The bottom line is this: if you’re going to train like an athlete, you need to fuel like an athlete. Eating well and consuming Shakeology is step 1, and this? This is simply the next level. These supplements exist to help take you to a faster per mile time, a higher vertical, better lung capacity in endurance training, and so on. If you don’t consider yourself an athlete, it’s time you do. There’s nothing that says you have to be an Olympian to be a true athlete. If you move your body each day and push yourself to physically… you’re an athlete. It’s time to start thinking like one.

Ask your Coach how you can try Beachbody Performance. Available now in various Pack varieties, and in sample form. 

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