
If you’re someone who travels for work, God bless you. Between the negative leg room on flights (I don’t care if you’re flying first class… you’re still cramped), long hours on the road, and time away from family and friends, you are working hard for the money. I salute you!

Regardless of whether your travel is frequent or occasional, I’m sure it makes consistency in your fitness quite tricky. As a fitness studio owner, I work with several clients who find themselves falling off track thanks to corporate dinners with clients and managers, weekdays spent traveling, and early morning wakeup calls. Fitting in their fitness, especially at a gym, is nearly impossible.

So I’m here to say… I get it.

I get where you are.

Frustrated, perhaps overweight, and extremely sedentary, victim to the French Fries and steak dinners that are so effortlessly charged on that corporate credit card.

My question to you, then, is this: What if you had access to workouts on your smartphone that require just a 20-25 minute commitment, packets of a dense nutritious shake and bottle to shake on the go, and the support and accountability of a group of others who ARE where you are, and who are working to hold each other accountable? 

If your answer is No, then you’re just not ready to seek a healthy lifestyle.

If your answer is Yes, I have the solution for you.

It’s called Beachbody OnDemand, or BOD as it has come to be known. Picture Netflix for workouts, available to you via smartphone, tablet, computer, or TV. Workouts like P90X, Insanity, and over 400 more exist in the BOD library, making you excuseless for getting that workout in EVEN in a hotel room sans equipment.


Shakeology Is Easy For Travel

The best part? For the month of April, BOD is available to you for $10 with purchase of Shakeology. And before you ask, yes, Shakeology comes in bag form OR in easy-to-carry travel size packets. Score!

With this combo pack, you now have no excuses for doing your workout on the road, consuming one healthy meal that will help you stay on track the rest of the day, and MAKING those goals happen! Purchase of this combo pack also gains you access to our Body Electric Beachbody OnDemand accountability group on Facebook, where you can surround yourself with others just like you who are making it happen despite their busy schedules. As we all know, often times the hardest part is not having accountability. These groups are where the MAGIC happens when it comes to staying on track and motivated!

The #1 excuse people have is time.

The #2 excuse tends to be related to work woes, especially for those who have irregular schedules.

BOD with Shakeology removes those excuses and gives you the system you need to get back on track, stay there, and see results in your physique, your mindset, and your lifestyle.

Reach out to one of our Body Electric Coaches today to see if this is a good fit for you!

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