We get it.

We understand that for some, spending around $100 per month on Shakeology can seem daunting, especially when you’re just beginning to think about changing your lifestyle for a healthier version. Healthy groceries can seem expensive, let alone a bag of dense nutrition that everyone seems to swear by.

So let’s begin by talking about the value of Shakeology.

If you’ve never tried it, or if you’ve only tried it once or twice, you likely haven’t seen the full benefits of the product. It is comprised of over 70 whole foods, 30 of which are superfoods, created solely to fill the void of the nutrition your body lacks in a typical American diet. Shakeology creator Darin Olien has been quoted as saying, “I created Shakeology based on the foundational question, ‘What does our body require?'” The foods we have access to on a regular basis simply do not help our body recover from our environmental toxins and lack of nutrients in our food, whereas the foods in Shakeology are derived from all over the world in the places that contain the highest richness of nutrient-dense soil.

In other words, it’s well worth the $100+ per month to fuel your body properly, and to help you lose weight, get regular, stay focused, and obtain natural energy. That said, we know it can seem daunting in the beginning to know how exactly to budget for Shakeology and fresh produce.

Our Body Electric Coach, Kelly Copus, has created an amazing set of tools geared toward helping you budget for Shakeology, and even some ways to save money in order to be able to afford it and improve your health.

We begin with establishing and writing down what your current budget looks like: where your money is currently being spent, and where you can make room for dense superfood nutrition in that budget.

First, download and complete our Personal Monthly Budget Worksheet.

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Our Personal Monthly Budget Worksheet helps you determine where you’re spending money and how you can save enough to spend wisely on a health investment with Shakeology.


It’s amazing to see how, once you’ve written down your expenses, things become clearer. Are there things you’re spending money on, such as advanced cable TV subscriptions, a magazine subscription, manicures/pedicures, cookies and treats for your pantry, etc., that you could simply cut back in order to save for something to benefit your health? Or is there a way to set aside $4 per day, every day, to put toward a 30-day supply of Shakeology just 30 days from your savings start date? We think so, because we’ve helped several people do just that.

As an added bonus, check out the BlankMonthlyCalendar for you to use going forward, to check off the days you’ve saved $4 and to advance plan the month ahead.

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Our XCEL-based monthly calendar allows you to incorporate daily savings that add up over time.


The bottom line is, your health is worth it. Just because the cost may be scary initially doesn’t mean you can’t budget for it and make it happen in the very near future.

As a wise Coach on our Team once said, “If you asked someone to pay $100 for a day with their favorite celebrity, they would do it in a heartbeat.” Yet for some reason, when it comes to our health and our nutrition, we let it get lesser priority. Treat your body like a celebrity. Give it the utmost respect it deserves. Start NOW with a savings plan to make Shakeology happen for you.

To learn more about where the Shakeology ingredients come from, click here.

To learn more about how you can enroll with a an online fitness Coach account to save 25% on your Shakeology, click here.

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