Time to Try the SYNC Fitness Sample Workout!

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #242! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m sharing the exciting news that the SYNC fitness program sample workout is now LIVE! I cover the ins and outs of why and how the program is designed.

You can access the sample workout by joining the email list here:


You can hear even more details about the program in my Q&A with SYNC trainer Kelsey Lensman here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at https://jennyswisher.com/contact-2/.

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast 


[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today I have exciting news. The sample workout for the Sync Fitness program is officially out in the universe and the feedback that we’re getting so far is incredible. I’m so excited for each of you to try it. If you haven’t already, you can join the email list at sync.

[00:01:15] Jenny Swisher: jennyswisher. com slash fitness. That’s sync. jennyswisher. com slash fitness. The sample workout is completely free to you and it’s a follicular phase leg day workout focused on functional movements that will leave you feeling oh so strong. I am so excited for this program truly. If you haven’t already heard the podcast episode where Sync Trainer Kelsey Lintzman and I talk specifics of the program, I will link that up for you in the show notes.

[00:01:38] Jenny Swisher: Kelsey is the perfect woman for the job with a background in personal training, strength training, and a passion for empowering women. I want to share with you today what you’ll find with the workout program itself and also some early testimonials from some of my sync community who have tried the sample.

[00:01:53] Jenny Swisher: First and foremost, let me just be clear that there is nothing else like this in existence. This program was created by women for women based on the research done on women. Turns out decades of fitness regimens and diet fads were developed based on the research done on men. When researchers were asked why they don’t research women, their answer was women are too complex due to their hormones.

[00:02:14] Jenny Swisher: Until now. In the last decade, we’re finally starting to see some relevant research arise in the women’s health world. This is indicating to us a strong need for strength training. After all, muscle is the key to longevity, proper fueling, protein and fiber needs, and so much more.

[00:02:29] Jenny Swisher: As you may know, I myself have been into cycle syncing since 2019 and have taught the concept to hundreds of women who now swear by the alignment in their energy with their menstrual cycles. You see, while men are circadian, women are also infradian, meaning that we cycle with the moon. Women are lunar beings.

[00:02:47] Jenny Swisher: Our hormones, if you were to google female hormone chart, really just look like five roller coasters superimposed on each other. We do not have steady state hormones. They shift phase by phase, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes with estrogen in charge, and sometimes with progesterone in charge. And when we can leverage the highs and lows, we can truly cycle sync and find our way to maximum energy.

[00:03:09] Jenny Swisher: I know what you’re thinking. What about the menopausal or non cycling female? Well, women are lunar beings, which is why we sync these ladies up to the moon. The fitness calendar in this program caters to both menstrual cycling and moon syncing women, and the workout program itself is perfect for women of any age.

[00:03:25] Jenny Swisher: In fact, I’ve been telling people age 16 to 76, and I mean it. You can’t go wrong with this program, because we’ve taken every little detail into consideration, including proper rest between sets, rep counts, heavy load, progressive overload philosophy, incorporating mobility work and steady state cardio, interval training, and even properly timed eccentric focus.

[00:03:47] Jenny Swisher: Oh, and I haven’t even mentioned the corresponding nutrition program. I am so proud of the nutrition plan included with this program. It is cycle syncing nutrition at its finest. Just as estrogen and progesterone require different styles of training, they also can be supported best differently via the right foods in various times of our cycles.

[00:04:04] Jenny Swisher: We factored in seed cycling, cruciferous vegetables, proper protein, omegas, healthy fats, and all the details in this program. Last but not least included in the program are six videos. Three from myself explaining the science behind the program, moon sinking, and how to maximize results. And three from Dr.

[00:04:22] Jenny Swisher: Paige Gutile, our resident hormone health doctor. Dr. Paige adds extra value to the program by contributing to the conversation around hormone health outside of just our fitness and nutrition. After all, there are four fundamentals of hormone balance. I’m super excited to launch this program in May and for the SYNC brand to truly be a one stop shop for women in one, becoming hormone literate, which is really the first step.

[00:04:46] Jenny Swisher: Two, to have the application tools to succeed. Three, to have the ability to consult with a hormone health doctor if they desire. And four, to be surrounded by a community of supportive women all on this journey to better understanding our physiology. So it’s time that we as women, work with our physiology instead of against it.

[00:05:04] Jenny Swisher: I wanna read for you some testimonials that have come through already from the Sync Fitness program, so that you can hear what other women are saying before you try it out yourself. One woman wrote, just did the sample and OMG give me more. Another woman said, too many positive things to say. I don’t know where to start.

[00:05:19] Jenny Swisher: First off, I thought I’d hate the amount of rest in between and I feared I’d get bored. In reality, it was super empowering to not feel behind or like I had to pause the workout, which is what I’ve been doing lately. Even though I’ve worked hard to give myself that permission, faster paced workouts still mess with my head.

[00:05:35] Jenny Swisher: I also felt more in control and powerful in my movements. Her cues on proper movement and even breath work were super helpful. I left this workout feeling like I worked hard, but not like I totally destroyed my body. 10 out of 10, Kelsey. And then finally another friend said, Okay, I finished and I loved it.

[00:05:52] Jenny Swisher: I thought the pace would be too slow for me, and while honestly it’s something I will have to get used to, I loved it. It made the pace feel approachable, and it didn’t stress me out to go too fast. I loved that there wasn’t any high impact. I also loved her point about, we’re not just jacking up your heart rate to rush through the workout.

[00:06:07] Jenny Swisher: It made me feel supported. I like that it’s progressive over time and her point about doing these basic moves over with increased weights over time is brilliant in the basics. My friends, I could not be more excited for this. It truly is time that we work with our physiology instead of against it. As Kelsey says, our muscles don’t need confused.

[00:06:26] Jenny Swisher: We can stop with the balls to the wall cardio for weight loss and the restrictive dieting and instead completely unlearn old ways and step into the science. We now finally have science based on women. The science that says women need to eat enough, lift heavy shit, and address their hormones. Super excited for this friends.

[00:06:45] Jenny Swisher: Again, go to sync. jennyswisher. com slash fitness to sign up and you’ll get an email this week with the link to try the sample workout. Share this out with your friends and until next time, my friends, we’ll talk soon. Bye bye.

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