Last week, I made a post on my social media about some of my research into women’s hormones, and how I’ve been catering my nutrition and my workouts to my female cycle.

And ya’ll.
I had an ASTOUNDING amount of people reach out through comments and messages.

This has been a journey I’ve traveled for almost 15 years, and one that I have learned so much from. I’ve connected with multiple hormone specialists, holistic MD’s and NP’s, compounding pharmacists, and have read countless books on the topic. I feel like I would be doing a disservice by NOT sharing this stuff, especially when I see so many women who are…

* trying everything to lose weight in the hips and thighs but it just won’t budge

* exhausted by 5pm every day

* having no menstrual cycles, or unpredictable, not-so-regular ones

* on a plateau with physique changes

* dealing with chronic pain, such as migraine, PMS, and otherwise

Last fall, I felt called to share a bit of my journey and to invite other women along to learn what I was learning. The feedback I’ve received from the 18 women who hopped on board then has been amazing. Here’s a message I received just last week:

“Hey lady:) I wanted to reach out and say thank you for doing that holistic hormone group this fall. It really helped me start getting in the mindset to make some needed changes and learn some new things. I am officially as of this week down 10lbs from Oct, gluten free & dairy free, and on lots of supplements in addition to thyroid meds. I probably would not have explored some of those without your suggestion. The magnesium you recommended has been an absolute game changer for me with sleep & anxiety. Long story short… still a long long way to go but finally on the road to feeling much better! Thank you for what you do!!”

And so last week, when I received even more questions, I decided to do something I’ve never done before…

I’m turning what I’ve learned on my own journey with hormone health into an online course!

38 women who reached out last week will have first access to this amazing content. Here’s a sneak peek at what I’ve created:

* Custom workout calendar I created to be utilized in conjunction with the female menstrual cycle. There will be specific workouts for each cycle phase: follicular, ovulatory, luteal, and menstruation.

* Custom meal plan I created to also be utilized around the cycle. (And yes, it matters!)

* A “symptom checker” style quiz to help determine any potential underlying imbalances, along with testing recommendations and questions for your Dr.

* Modules on the following topics: the fundamentals of hormone health, the menstrual cycle, adrenals, perimenopause, hormonal interruptors, my top recommended products and supplements…

and so. much. more.

I’ve worked hard to get this ready for launch and the stories I’m receiving from some of these beta group participants are making me excited to be able to offer my experience to help them make a change for the better!

If you didn’t see my original post and aren’t on my email list, but would like more information on the program, complete this Interest Form.

50 participants in this first round will be max capacity.

I can’t wait for this.
I can’t wait to help you.


Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric and CPT/FNS

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