Hormone Health Conscious People Own These Things
It goes without saying that the ladies who have graduated from the SYNC digital course DEFINITELY own these items in their home. If you’re hormone health aware, you know that there are some things you simply MUST have in order to maximize your health. I’m diving into them here, so check it out!
If you’re exercising in SYNC with your cycle (hopefully you are!), you know that your luteal phase increases your body temperature and you need to cool it down, even mid-workout!
2. Dumbbells
Doesn’t matter if you own a treadmill or an elliptical. Hormone health conscious women know they need RESISTANCE! Dumbbells and resistance bands will do your body good, way moreso than daily cardio.
3. SYNC Scope
Knowing IF and WHEN your body is ovulating is #1 when it comes to knowing what your body needs on a daily basis.
Humans are naturally magnesium deficient thanks to depleted soil over time. There are various types of magnesium supplementation, so ask your Dr. what’s best for you. I’ve found that for myself and my clients, glycenate is absorbed and tolerated best. (Note: The added sleep benefit of magnesium is a bonus!)
5. FourSigmatic or Lifeboost Coffee
Stop drinking grocery store coffee! Mold toxins matter. It’s why so many people report brain fog and stomach upset after drinking traditional brands of coffee. Just like the quality of your food matters, the quality of your coffee beans matter.
6. Organic tampons/pads
My favorite brand is RAEL (found at Target or Amazon). If you’re using brands that contain unnecessary chemicals and product, it’s time to make the switch.
In addition to these items, what we EAT matters just as much! Here are the grocery items that hormone health conscious women keep in their fridge or pantry:
Cruciferous Veggies — Broccoli, cauliflower rice, brussels, and more! Keep your fridge fully stocked with these nutrient potent veggies great for estrogen detox.
Microgreens — Broccoli is my favorite form, but there are many! It’s hard to beat the nutrition punch of these teeny tiny salad add-ons (or burger add-ons). Start consuming them daily NOW if you’re not already!
Nut butters (not peanut) — Peanut butter, much like coffee, contains a lot of mycotoxins. Stick to other nut butters, such as almond butter or cashew butter.
Barukas nuts — My favorite bedtime snack! High in protein, fiber, and antioxidants.
Wild caught fish — Omegas are #1 when it comes to calming inflammation. Wild caught fish is the best source of these omegas!
100% grass-fed beef — Several women struggle with iron deficiency, or low ferritin (precursor to low iron). Make the switch to 100% grass-fed beef to naturally boost iron, but make it a plan to ditch all other forms of beef. Grass-fed is the way to go, always.
Extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed) — Only 1/2 Tbsp. of olive oil per day is known to benefit your heart, but it’s also a great source of healthy fat, and as we know, healthy fat is crucial for cholesterol production and all hormones come from cholesterol! Start cooking with extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil instead of canola or seed oils. In fact, throw those away entirely.
All of these seemingly small steps make a HUGE difference when it comes to SYNCing with your cycle and feeling your best. Every woman deserves to maximize their energy, and these shifts in nutrition and household products compounds into a great start to taking your hormone health seriously.