Ah, the question you wish you could ask your Coach:

How much effort does it really take to complete the 21 Day Fix?

Trust us, we know. We don’t like complicated either. And we’re not going to sugarcoat the truth. We here at Body Electric like to keep it real with you!

Here’s the long and short of it:

You’re going to have to put in some effort for the 21 Day Fix.

It’s not going to be a cakewalk that is completely done for you and handed to you on a silver platter, but it’s also not going to be rocket science. We estimate, on average, that following the 21 Day Fix as it should be followed will require approximately 90 minutes of meal preparation at the start of your week (perhaps a bit more in your first week, if this meal prepping thing is new to you), and around 30-45 minutes per day of exercise, blending your Shakeology, and remaining food prep (if any).

That said, doesn’t everything worth having require effort? Success, regardless of what it looks like, is never handed to us; we must work for it. Whether it’s in business or in our health, and trust us, your energy here is WORTH IT! Completing this 21 Day Fix is going to help you become a better mother or father, sister or brother, colleague or boss. The time it takes to learn a new lifestyle is worth it because in the end, you win. NOT doing your best and making the effort results in failure and in staying precisely where you already are, whatever that looks like.

The truth is, if you’re asking the question “How much effort will this take?” you’re not ready. You’re not ready for what will be, with this program, a complete lifestyle change. You’re not ready to embrace the work you will have to put in to achieve that flat tummy. If you’re worried about how time consuming it’s going to be, reevaluate your WHY. Why do you want to do this program to begin with? Who are you doing it for? What will losing weight/toning up/getting off meds do for you? What will having more energy do for you? If these reasons and answers are strong enough, you’ll do whatever it takes.

Because what we have to offer here… This system of meal planning, portion control, daily Shakeology, and exercise… It’s NOT easy. But you want to know the best part about it not being easy? It makes the end goal WORTH IT when you achieve it. It’s the struggle and the effort that result in the reward.

21 Day Fix
The Fix containers make eating clean simple!

21 Day Fix Accountability

That said, do you think 30-45 minutes per day is hard? Do you think setting aside time to meal prep, and to learn the container system by reading the guide and downloading the app, is hard? Do you think engaging and plugging into a Facebook group that is there to support you is hard?

Because it’s not. It’s a matter of priority. It’s actually quite simple and quite easy. What’s NOT so easy could be your current mindset. It could be making assumptions that aren’t true.

We are your Coaches, and we believe in you 100%. It’s time to make the commitment, to dedicate a little bit of time to your health, and to become the you that we know you are. And while we’re happy to answer more questions, we’d rather just help you get started.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

Reach out if you’re interested in hopping into our next Fix accountability group, or to simply inquire.

21 Day Fix


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