Begin the 21 Day Fix

You’ve received your 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix Extreme) Challenge Pack in the mail. Now what? The truth is, some folks NEVER open the box! It sits on a shelf, never to be used, collecting dust. But if you’re a Body Electric Challenger, you’re in great hands. We simply won’t let you and your goals collect dust… We’re here to help you make them happen!

Let’s start here: The unboxing of the 21 Day Fix. 

Start by watching this video, where Autumn walks you through everything that’s included with your Pack.

Then, pull out your guidebook and flip through it. When you get to the caloric equation, grab a pen and paper and calculate your calorie bracket.

21 Day Fix

Your final caloric number equates to the container system chart, which outlines for you how many containers of each color you are able to consume each day.

21 Day Fix

Now that you know your calorie range, it’s time to create a plan. Start by downloading the 21 Day Fix tracker app.

21 Day Fix

Utilizing this app each and every day, for every meal, will make things super simple for you! It’s an easy, clickable way to track your food and containers on the daily. Don’t go without it.

Next, let’s map out your plan for the first week. Print this list of Fix-approved foods. 

21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Meals

Then, map out your meals for the week. What will breakfast look like? When will you have your Shakeology (which counts as 1 Red)? What will you have on hand for snacks, and what will be your daily dinner plan for the next 5-7 days? Planning ahead prevents slip-ups, temptations, and falling off track. Take the hour it takes at the start of your program (and every subsequent week) to plan! Click here for sample meal plan ideas, and click here to learn more about how to meal prep like a boss.

If you’re planning to shop at your local Farmer’s Market for fresh produce, we’ve got you covered! Click here to see how to do so on point with the 21 Day Fix.

Once you’ve grocery shopped, meal prepped, and have your food ready to rock n’ roll, it’s time to set yourself up for success with your workouts. You’ll find a workout calendar for the 21 days in your packet of goodies. Pull it out and hang it up! Feel free to mark out the days as you complete them. Then, be sure to take your Before photos and measurements. We know… NOBODY wants to do this! But trust us, when you see amazing results at the end of your program, you’ll want to see how far you’ve come and heck, maybe even apply for the Beachbody Challenge contest to earn some cash. Don’t skip the photos and measurements!

21 Day Fix is open!

So now your Pack is open, your workouts and calendar are ready to go, and your healthy, clean food is awaiting you in the fridge. NOW is your time. 

Remember, this IS going to work for you. Right here, right now. There’s no putting that program back on the shelf… it’s time to shine! It’s time to achieve those goals you’ve set out for yourself and trust us, this program is the way to do it. Just read a slew of testimonials from other Challengers who have seen success with the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology themselves, and LET’S DO THIS!

To learn more about what footwear to wear in your workouts, click here.

To reach out to inquire about the 21 Day Fix and our amazing accountability groups, click here.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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