Painting Your Path: Interview with Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #189! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I interview Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey on the topic of what it means to live with intention, or in her words, to “paint your path.”

Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey, PsyD is an award-winning transformational coach for creatives, author, and abstract artist. Her top-rated podcast, Painting Your Path, helps multi-passionate mid-life creatives start living life on their terms. 

A trained organizational psychologist from The California School of Professional Psychology, Clarissa is fascinated by the people that continue to bring their dreams and goals to reality no matter what their circumstances. Over her multi-decade career, Clarissa worked with hundreds of leaders and teams in various industries like healthcare, HR consulting, food and beverage and retail. The heart of her work beats at the intersection of leadership development, creativity, and wellness.

You can find her book, “Painting Your Path” on Amazon here.

You can learn more about Clarissa or reach out to her directly via her website at

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at


[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the sync your life podcast today. I’m being joined by my new friend, Clarissa Castillo Ramsey. I’m so excited to talk to her. We had a chance to connect a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been so excited for this interview. Really just ready to dive deep into not just her story, but what she has to offer the world.

[00:01:16] Jenny Swisher: So ladies, if you’re listening, get ready to take some notes. If you’re driving, that’s okay. You can come back and listen later, but Clarissa, welcome to the show. I would love for you to just share with my audience a little bit about who you are and what

[00:01:27] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: you do. Yes. Thank you so much, Jenny, for having me.

[00:01:30] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: I’m so excited to be here. So I describe myself as a multi-passionate entrepreneur. What does that mean? I’m an artist. I’m a podcaster. I’m an organizational psychologist by training, and what I love doing is coaching midlife creatives who are. In a nine to five that they’re not super lit up about, and I really just help them plan their corporate escape and start building their own creative business.

[00:02:07] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: That’s what I do primarily, but I also love doing workshops on wellness and self care because I think that’s absolutely critical, no matter what journey you’re on.

[00:02:21] Jenny Swisher: That’s amazing. And , as a female entrepreneur, um, I can attest to the fact that we can’t go it alone. So we have to have people help us. I know for me personally, when I was. I started in network marketing, and then as I sort of ventured into more entrepreneurship, endeavors, you have to have help. You have to have coaches.

[00:02:39] Jenny Swisher: You have to have people helping you stay accountable and to gain that clarity and all that kind of stuff. So I want you to talk to us today, primarily about your painting your path framework. This is something that anytime someone comes on the podcast and they have a framework or pillars, I’m like, let’s dive into that because I think that’s probably where your bread and butter is.

[00:02:56] Jenny Swisher: So let’s go ahead and start there. Okay.

[00:02:58] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: I would love to share this. So this is a five step process, honestly, to help you achieve any dream or goal that you have. So the first step is starting with a dream. I think as adults, we don’t give ourselves enough time to, to really dream. What is it? I think that’s the hardest question to answer.

[00:03:24] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: What do you want? And it also does not have to be a grandiose, um, movement for the planet. It can just be for you and your family, or it can be you and, whatever adventure you’re excited about next. So that is step one, is to truly give yourself space to dream, whether it’s through journaling or through 20.

[00:03:51] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: For making a vision board, which I’m a super fan of. So that’s step one, is step two is to decide. This is another area where I think people are a little bit flaky. I’m just gonna say it. And they don’t decide that , this is a dream, this is a life. This is a goal worth pursuing. So step two is, is deciding that you’re worth it.

[00:04:21] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Your dream is worth it. Step three is to start making a plan and you don’t need to know the whole staircase. You don’t need to know the A to Z steps right away. Just, just ask yourself, what is one thing that, that I could do next? Step four is to be brave and actually do the thing, do the thing that you said you’re going to do.

[00:04:55] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And then the last step is to reflect, which is another thing I think people don’t do enough of. They just get stuck in just continuing to do, do, do, do, do. And you have got to. Set time aside to really take a step back and just ask yourself, what’s working here and what can I shift and do differently next time?

[00:05:26] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So those are the five steps. But at the foundation is self-care. Mm-Hmm. and a growth mindset. So. Just being committed to learning and taking action and getting feedback from the appropriate people. So, not the naysayers, not the people who are going to tell you you’re unrealistic or your dream is. Not going to happen, not those people, but you want to get feedback from the people who have done what you want

[00:06:06] Jenny Swisher: to do.

[00:06:08] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, that’s so great. And I mean, goodness. Okay, so let’s let’s start at the top with what you say is the foundation and I totally agree this idea of growth mindset. If you’re listening to this and you haven’t read the book mindset by Carol Dweck, I’ll link it up in the show notes, but she talks about this idea of like victim mentality versus growth mentality.

[00:06:25] Jenny Swisher: And I see this, like ever since reading that book, I can’t see it. It’s like, right. Me too. Um, but this embracing a growth mindset really is the foundation, right? Because without that. The rest of the steps can’t happen without embracing the fact that you’re going to possibly fail. You’re most likely going to fail at things in order to move forward, but you’re going to grow through what you go through is the whole idea.

[00:06:48] Jenny Swisher: So let’s start at the very beginning of this. You said we start with a dream, which I agree with you, especially as adults is hard to do. Um, you ask a child like. What do you, you know, what’s your dream? What do you want to be like? I talk to my six year old all the time about this and it’s always so easy for her to be like, I want to be a hairdresser or a YouTube star, or I want to do this or that.

[00:07:06] Jenny Swisher: Like, she’s just such a dreamer. And you ask an adult and it’s like, you get four eyes. Like, what? Like, what do you mean? Right? Like, we fall, we fall into these boxes, I think, as adults. But where I want to go first is actually with step two. Um, because I, I work with a lot of female entrepreneurs, health coaches, and the vision boarding is the fun activity, like the thinking about what we want, and the envisioning, and let’s do a vision board, and let’s get on Canva, and let’s do all the things, but I agree with you that number two, the decision to move forward, deciding that you’re worth it.

[00:07:37] Jenny Swisher: I think it’s how you said it, that is where a lot of people get hung up. So tell us more about why people get hung up there and maybe how to overcome that.

[00:07:46] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: That is, that is such a great question. And I think it’s because a lot of the things we dream about, we have not done yet. We have no evidence that it’s going to work.

[00:07:57] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And I think that in and of itself can stop people, the imposter syndrome, which is who am I? To put out this podcast, who am I to become a health coach? Who am I to put an event together, whatever your cause is. And I think that in and of itself is what stops people. And what I want to say to imposter syndrome is look at the bright side to that, which is.

[00:08:28] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: If you have imposter syndrome, you care about what you’re doing. So you are going to be thoughtful about it and And so, just remember that when it comes to stepping into something you’ve never done before. And I think people also worry, like, am I doing the right thing? And I’ll never forget, I interviewed somebody from my book, Painting Your Path, and they shared that.

[00:09:03] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: One of their bosses gave them this great advice, if you make a decision and you don’t like where it’s going, you can make a new decision and start again. And so I think there’s something about people feeling like once you decide it’s just this permanent thing and you have to keep going down this road that, that maybe eventually you don’t want to go down, but you can make a new decision.

[00:09:32] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, yeah, that’s so true. I’m just thinking about a recent interview that I did with The CEO of Menowell. And she was telling me that she’s sort of a serial entrepreneur. She’s just sort of, she’s created a business and she’s created another business and another business. And you started this off by saying, I’m a multi passionate entrepreneur.

[00:09:49] Jenny Swisher: And I see it so often, first of all, I think there truly is entrepreneurship in everyone. You know, you think back to hundreds and hundreds of years ago, you know, there weren’t corporation corporate offices where you apply for a job, you had, you know, maybe you were the. Blacksmith, maybe you were the, the, you know, the town doctor.

[00:10:06] Jenny Swisher: Like, I don’t know, like everybody has to do something, right. We have entrepreneurship within us. And I think about that with my children too. Like they just set up a lemonade stand last weekend. They chose the coolest day of fall. It was like 62 degrees. And it was a great day for a refreshing lemonade stand in our neighborhood.

[00:10:22] Jenny Swisher: That’s so sweet. So we had this little like talk about like. You know, visibility and, you know, speaking with people and, you know, being friendly and whatever. It was just a funny little side story, but I think you’re right. That like. You know, we don’t, we don’t head into our dreams with abandoned, like with this idea of, okay, this is what I’m envisioning right now.

[00:10:42] Jenny Swisher: So I’m just going to take that next step and see where it leads, right? Like for me, I can talk, talk about this specifically for my story. My background was in network marketing, like I said, and when I decided to step into more entrepreneurship, like when I started to step into a digital course and put the podcast, I was so afraid.

[00:10:59] Jenny Swisher: I had all those thoughts of like, who am I for people? You know, who’s going to listen to me? I’m not an expert. I’m not this or that, but I’m like, you know what? Let’s just take the first step. Like, let me just see if any of my followers would be interested in something like this. Right. And so I took the first step and then that turned into, let’s have a supportive community.

[00:11:18] Jenny Swisher: And then that turned into, well, I might as well turn these videos into a course, which then turned it right. And it was just taking a step, and even now, it’s still that way, right? It’s like, opportunities present themselves, sometimes doors are closed, and you just keep taking the next step. And I do think, Women in particular get really hung up on the whole staircase.

[00:11:37] Jenny Swisher: They feel like they have to see the staircase. They’ll come up with a hundred reasons why they can’t make it to the top of the staircase and therefore they never move forward. So, I love what you said there and I do think it does come back to just how, how worthy are your dreams? Right. Like I think about a friend of mine who just shared this weekend that she started her network marketing business because she wanted to be a bus stop mom.

[00:11:58] Jenny Swisher: She’s like, I didn’t want to have to send my kids to childcare in the morning and then go to work. And then they go to childcare in the afternoon. And then I don’t see them. She’s like, I just, that was what didn’t want. That’s not what I envisioned for my life. So that’s for her was her why, you know, it became her why behind why she wanted to just keep taking that next step.

[00:12:15] Jenny Swisher: So the next step on your painting your path, plan here is to plan like, and I, I also think that this is where people can get kind of hung up as well. So let’s talk more about just planning. What does it look like to plan for your dream? Yeah.

[00:12:29] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And so that could be. A couple of, depending on what it is, I like to have my clients.

[00:12:38] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Just do some, like, just do some research, like, what is this thing that you want to get into it? Maybe it’s, I’m just going to say, like, writing a book and publishing a book. Because a lot of people in my audience want to do that. So maybe it’s researching your

[00:12:57] Jenny Swisher: topic,

[00:12:58] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: or maybe it’s just seeing what books already exist.

[00:13:04] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: in that genre. And, and it’s just as simple as, as just starting there, doing some research. Who can you talk to? So looking at different people, who can you talk to that might be able to help you out? And maybe it’s some reading, like, what can you read about that’s related to the thing that you want to get into?

[00:13:34] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And that’s it. Like just start there. It doesn’t have to be this A to Z, this is just my take. It doesn’t need to be this business plan that is completely veted out, but it’s just starting with what can’t I do? Yeah.

[00:13:54] Jenny Swisher: I think we overcomplicate so much. We really do. Yes. You know, and it’s. Sometimes it’s as simple as saying, what’s the first step in my plan? Like, what is the very first thing that I need to do? Or what is the big thing that will knock those other dominoes over? Right. Is it a connection that needs to be made?

[00:14:10] Jenny Swisher: Is it a, an email that needs to be sent? Like sometimes we can disconnect. Yes. The bigger picture of what needs to be done and we, we don’t associate the tasks that go behind that and that, and then we just do nothing. Right? Yeah. And it can fall apart, so. Yeah. And, and speaking of that, speaking of like doing the thing and doing the work that brings us to our dream, how much of a role does discipline and your opinion play in

[00:14:33] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: that?

[00:14:33] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Oh my gosh, it, it plays a ton. Again, depending on what you want to do. Most of my people want to leave the nine to five and start their own thing. And that takes, it does take a lot of discipline because you’ve got a full time gig. Probably have a family and you wanna start this new endeavor. So I always tell all my clients like, and are you most alive?

[00:15:04] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And if you are working from home and let’s say you’re most alive and alert in the afternoon, can you switch? Can you just start to switch your schedule around or work later? And just take that time that you’re at your best, even if it’s 30 minutes a day. An hour a day. It counts. It

[00:15:28] Jenny Swisher: counts. Yeah, I always like to talk about like working on your dream sometimes has to happen in the pockets of time throughout your day.

[00:15:36] Jenny Swisher: And I think sometimes we can get hung up too on, well, I work full time or I have kids to take care of, or I have, you know, house responsibilities or whatever. And it’s like, when am I ever going to fit in my dream? Or we make sarcastic remarks about like, yeah, right. You know? But I have found that the people who want to do it, do it, right?

[00:15:53] Jenny Swisher: It comes back to that number two. It comes back to that decision. Have you made the decision that you’re going to do it? And if so, those are the people who are doing the, you know, pockets of time work. They’re eating their lunch, like I did, like at a picnic table at their corporate office working on their social media.

[00:16:12] Jenny Swisher: A 100 percent putting their kids to bed at 8 o’clock at night and then sitting down and committing to that power hour of work. So, yeah, I agree with you. I have a feeling that most people either get hung up on the decision or what I would consider to be sometimes. The re decision, like, you have to consistently make that decision.

[00:16:31] Jenny Swisher: It’s not a 1 time decision. Am I going to sit down and do this work today or am I not? Yes. Am I going to pursue this or am I not? And it’s a constant question. Right? So the people who are. And I’m talking about entrepreneurship, but it could go for really anything when it comes to your goals, like the people who are really going after it and who are really making strides toward that dream, whether it’s to be a bus stop mom or to pay for that vacation or to have more time, freedom or flexibility, the people who are doing that are consistently making that redecision.

[00:17:01] Jenny Swisher: They’re consistently re deciding that that’s what they’re into. So, and I want to make sure too, that we, you know, you said reflection, and I think that’s so important. I’m a John Maxwell fan. Um, I’ve worked with a John Maxwell certified life coach for several years, and I know he talks about this too, that at the end of his year, he dedicates some time at the end of the year to go back and reflect on the year before.

[00:17:22] Jenny Swisher: Not just, you know, what was accomplished and that kind of thing, but also just relationships, you know, sort of just like an assessment, of life and where you want to go in the next year. This is something that my husband and I have done. We actually have a New Year’s Eve date. Every year, um, where we don’t go out.

[00:17:38] Jenny Swisher: We just make dinner in and we talk about this. Like what were some things that we loved doing this year? What, you know, what were some big accomplishments? What do we want for the next year? So I want to talk for just a moment on this reflection piece, because I think reflection can really give us the superpowers to keep going and to understand what’s working and what’s not working.

[00:17:57] Jenny Swisher: And without that reflection, without that analysis. We can stay thinking it’s not working right, or we can start, have that negative self-talk.

[00:18:05] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Oh gosh, yeah, a hundred percent. And this is something that I talk about a ton with my clients monthly. We do a monthly reflection as well as an end of the year.

[00:18:16] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And it really is taking, yeah, taking a look at what, okay, first of all, did I do what I said I was going to do? Yes or no? And what. What can I celebrate? Because I also think that doesn’t happen enough, especially in Western society here in the States. It’s like you just continue to go hustle, hustle, hustle, hustle.

[00:18:48] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So, yeah, so you need to carve out time so you’re not just spinning your wheels, doing, but asking, what can I celebrate? But also, what didn’t go well? What, what did I learn from that? So, not, not seeing failure as something bad, but what can I, what lesson can I take from this? And then I also like to ask, Or reflect on, okay, so all of the things that I’m celebrating, what did it take from me to get there?

[00:19:26] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Because that is the secret sauce that’s gonna pull you forward during tough times, and you can bet there’s going to be tough times.

[00:19:39] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, I just wrote down the phrase, who did I have to become? Like, who did I have to become to do that? And I love that you said, pausing to celebrate those things. And I think a lot of times we can just.

[00:19:49] Jenny Swisher: I know for me, I speak, you know, I can only speak to my own experience. When it comes to my own goal setting. I’m very type A and very ambitious by nature. And so for me, sometimes when the goal gets accomplished, I immediately just want to move on to the next goal. Yes. The next thing. What’s the next thing?

[00:20:04] Jenny Swisher: What’s the next thing? And I really had to teach myself. It’s okay to have a day or a week. Or whatever, where I just celebrate what just happened, right? Or I celebrate and I just live in that. And I think it’s so easy to, and the opposite is also true. When things don’t go as planned, you know, being able to kind of coming back to that foundation of that growth mindset and being able to come back and say, I know for me, I always want to put it on myself.

[00:20:30] Jenny Swisher: Where could I have done something differently? Where did I not grow where I needed to grow? Right. And without that reflection, whether it’s celebratory or just figuring out what could have been different. Is what moves us forward. So to me, skipping that, like, just Dreaming, deciding, planning, and doing is not enough without the reflection.

[00:20:49] Jenny Swisher: You have to have the reflection in order to bring it full circle. So friends, if you’re listening, we just went through her painting your path, framework, and we’ll make sure that we link up her book and all of her information as well in the show notes. But we talked about starting with a dream, then making the decision that you’re worth it to pursue it, planning, doing it, and then reflection.

[00:21:07] Jenny Swisher: I love that. I think that’s incredible. I also want to make sure that we, you know, my listeners are dominantly women. If not all women, I mean, there might be a straight guy out there listening. I don’t know, but most women listening are into hormone health. And, you know, I wanted to ask you, cause I know we talked about this in our pre call.

[00:21:24] Jenny Swisher: I’d love to hear your advice to them. Um, especially women who are maybe in their forties who are seeing differences in their bodies. What type of advice would you give to them when it comes to just. Dealing with that,

[00:21:36] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: going through those things. So I’m gonna say a be sure to tune into Jenny’s podcast because you take care of the hormone piece.

[00:21:46] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: And what I just wanna say is to women to be self-compassionate with yourself. I. I think during that time of my life, I was just really hard on myself. Why can’t I lose this weight? Why? Why is my exercise routine not working anymore? And just to give yourself compassion, and also to be a health advocate for yourself, which I’m, I’m guessing, Jenny, you talk about that a lot on your podcast.

[00:22:22] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Hmm. And, and just seek help, like don’t, don’t go through this alone. I have had health challenges in my 40s and above, um, alopecia to psoriasis to like muscle tension and now I’ve got this voice thing and, and it’s, and it really, I think comes down to just taking care of yourself and being an advocate and don’t.

[00:22:55] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Don’t overlook it. Don’t burn out because I think part of what has happened to me is because of burnout.

[00:23:05] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. I mean, it’s so common. It’s so common in women. I think that we. We want to wear all the hats and do all the things for everyone else. And sometimes it’s to our own detriment where all of a sudden then we are like, wait, what’s happening to me?

[00:23:18] Jenny Swisher: Where’s my energy? You know, my energy. That’s so true. And a lot of what you talked about in your framework, I think can also be applied to women who are, you know, yes, it’s applicable to goal setting, but I think it’s also applicable to. Going through something or incurring, I guess, entering something that is unfamiliar.

[00:23:38] Jenny Swisher: You talked about this goal, part of what makes it uncomfortable is that it’s uncom it’s, it’s new to you. It’s uncomfortable because you’ve never done it before, right? Perimenopause is the same thing. You’ve never done it before. Yes, right. So first, give yourself grace. And have a growth mindset. How can you learn more about your body?

[00:23:56] Jenny Swisher: How can you understand your body on a different level? And then making the decision that you love your body no matter what. That would be my decision, you know, tip for those listening. Make the decision that you’re going to love your body through this phase no matter what. And then from there, start working on that functional wellness journey that I teach.

[00:24:14] Jenny Swisher: Because that’s where we can really make the changes, you know, for sure. How have you been able to navigate your own, whether it’s health concerns or whatever, what type of mindset do you embrace

[00:24:24] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: with it? Yeah. Uh, so I like doing bioenergetics that, so the last therapist that I had was a bioenergetics therapist.

[00:24:35] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So that is not only talk therapy, but it’s also a lot of body work and a lot of the poses are similar to yoga poses. So, so that is one way that I, that I help manage my mindset. I also live in Southern California. I’m right by a trail and I go out when it’s not super hot and and I just walk in nature and I’m also an artist and for me my ultimate self care is getting back to to painting and just painting for pleasure.

[00:25:14] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: I’m not necessarily trying to sell stuff but But just, just for relaxation and meditation, those are some of

[00:25:24] Jenny Swisher: the things I do. No, I love that. I love that. And I think this all intertwines so beautifully because, especially coming back to what I just mentioned a minute ago about my own type A ness, and how I can really get into my goals, this is where finding balance between that and what brings me joy, like spending time doing things that bring me joy, spending time.

[00:25:45] Jenny Swisher: Building margin into my life, right? So that I can not only enjoy my relationships, but also just have time alone, have time in nature, have time doing things that reset my mind and reset my spirit. So I love that. Um, what would you say at this, at this stage in your life, as you’re pursuing your, your own personal brand and everything you’re working on and, and your health and everything else, like, what would you say right now brings you the most

[00:26:08] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: joy?

[00:26:10] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So what brings me the most joy is working with my clients to help show them new possibilities in their life. And I love doing events that are centered around that theme of possibility.

[00:26:31] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Just because I think, you know, the number one regret of the dying is I wish I would have led a life by my choosing and not living for other people. And I think ultimately that is, that’s what I. Advocate for myself and for others and, and it’s a journey, like I am still, I’m 51, like, I have not arrived, and I’m still learning more about myself and just embracing the process.

[00:27:07] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: I used to hate that, like, life is, it’s not a destination, it’s about the journey, and, and that’s what I’m really embracing, that’s what I want others to embrace too.

[00:27:19] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, yeah, so good embracing the process. I think, you know, it’s where could I go with this so many different directions, but I think.

[00:27:28] Jenny Swisher: Embracing the process applies to everything, right? And I, I’m learning that too. I’m, um, at the age of 39, I’m learning that there is no destination. It’s really just about you’re along for the ride. And sometimes it feels like you’re in control, but you’re never really in control is what I’m learning. Yeah.

[00:27:43] Jenny Swisher: So you’ve got your book, um, painting your path. We’ll make sure, like I said, that we link it up in the show notes and everything, but I’d love to know what’s next for you. Like, what is your next big endeavor?

[00:27:56] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So I also have my podcast, Painting Our Path, and, uh, and I just got an email saying that my 75th episode was published today.

[00:28:06] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So that is, uh, something that I’m really excited about, continuing that. And what’s next for me? I, I have missed in person events because of, you know, the last… A couple of years that we’ve had. So I’m really looking forward to doing more retreat, like doing retreats and in person events, um, around creative entrepreneurship, leadership and wellness and creativity.

[00:28:40] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: Those like my buckets and, and we’ll see where it goes and. I have another book, so more to come on that. Yeah,

[00:28:53] Jenny Swisher: yeah, very cool. Well, if you’re listening to this and you’re thinking. I need someone to speak on these topics, obviously we’ll link up Clarissa’s information for you for, for potential speaking and retreats and all that kind of stuff, you’ve got my wheels spinning because the one thing that I love to do is I love to get passionate women in a room together because I think we’re so much stronger together and when we can have people speak into us like this, if you guys, if you could just embrace this idea that this is the type of thing that you’re filling your head with every day, It’s really hard to, sometimes the world becomes this foreign feeling because the world can be so negative and toxic and low energy and when you surround yourself with people like Clarissa and these, these awesome, this growth mindset that we’re talking about, you see the world differently.

[00:29:40] Jenny Swisher: Right? Like you don’t understand how anybody could be so hung up in the news. Right? Like I was just talking to my mom the other day and she was like, Oh, she’s goes through like three or four different things that are happening in the news. And I’m like, I don’t, I mean, yes, I know what’s happening in the world, but I just, I don’t let it affect me.

[00:29:56] Jenny Swisher: Right? Like I have a different mindset. I have a different approach to life. So surrounding yourself with positive people surrounding yourself with. These multi passionate entrepreneurs that I get to surround myself with helps me be a better person, right? It helps me to think differently in the world. So yes.

[00:30:13] Jenny Swisher: Clarissa, I would love for you to share with my listeners, where can they find you if you’re on social media, where can they find the book? Um, obviously we’ll link up the podcast as well, but give us all of your information.

[00:30:23] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: So the book you can find on Amazon, and if you want to connect with me, you can find me on Instagram.

[00:30:30] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: I’m at doctor.

[00:30:35] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: clarissacastillo. And I would love for you to

[00:30:37] Jenny Swisher: say hello. Yeah, so you guys can follow her, shoot her a message, pick up a copy of the book, all the things. I’ll link it all up so it’s nice and easy for you, so you can swipe up to click. But Clarissa, thank you so much for spending part of your time with us today, for teaching us your framework, for painting your path, for telling us more about just your health story and everything that’s going on with you.

[00:30:56] Jenny Swisher: I wish you the best. I can’t wait to hear more about the book that you have coming out and everything that you’re doing, so please stay in touch

[00:31:02] Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey: and we’ll talk soon. Oh, for sure. Thank you so much for having me.

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