SYNC Fitness Program Overview: Interview with Trainer Kelsey Lensman

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #247! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I share a recent interview with our SYNC fitness trainer, Kelsey Lensman about the ins and outs of the SYNC fitness program launching end of May 2024. We talk about the science behind the program, who it’s best for, and all the details! 

You can access the free SYNC sample workout by joining the email list here:

You can hear even more details about the SYNC fitness program in another Q&A with SYNC trainer Kelsey Lensman here.

Virtual consults with Dr. Paige are forthcoming to the public! Stay tuned to the podcast for the release of this amazing opportunity. 

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the sync your life podcast. I’m joined today by Kelsey Lintzman. And I really think at this point, she needs no introduction. She’s our, our sync fitness trainer. As we prepare to launch our 28 day sync fitness program, in less than a month, which is super exciting. So she’s with me today as we are preparing to go live into my sync community to answer some questions that women in there have been asking about the program.

[00:01:21] Jenny Swisher: But I wanted to bring this to the podcast too, because I wanted you guys to hear firsthand from her. All about this program, all about the specifics, the science behind it. And really, I love this. I love that this is a program created by women for women based on the research done on women. So we are super excited to launch the program.

[00:01:38] Jenny Swisher: Super excited to talk about this today. All right. So let’s dive into talking about the SYNC fitness program. Let’s just kick things off, Kelsey. Just give us a short, you know, brief summary of who you are, what You know, where you’re from, what you do, and then also tell us what you’re most excited about with this program.

[00:01:53] Kelsey Lensman: Oh man, I’ll make it very short because I could go on and on about this. But I am from Columbus, Ohio. I live in Ohio here. And long story short, graduated in sports medicine, was really tired of seeing people in pain that didn’t have to be in pain. And I was in the fitness world and I saw all of the, lack of a better way to say it, BS in the fitness world for women.

[00:02:12] Kelsey Lensman: And I always said, Kelsey, you need to be the change that you want to see. So I started my company at company and we really work with women, women, one on one and nutrition fitness, similar to everything that we talk about the fitness sync program here. And then we also do all women’s strength events around the country because you guys are strong and you got to show it off.

[00:02:31] Kelsey Lensman: So that, that is all it. And the biggest thing that I’m excited for, to be honest with you with this fitness sync program is For fitness to make sense for you. And what I mean by that is like Jenny talks about all the time is we operate in a man’s world when it comes with fitness, you know, you have the, uh, stereotypical programs do three sets by 10 reps and that’s it.

[00:02:52] Kelsey Lensman: And so now you get to actually work with your cycle, get to work with your body. And for example, me today, I’m sitting a few days out for my cycle. I am not my strongest and I did not feel too great this morning. So it allows you to understand what’s going on with your body and for you to make it make sense for you.

[00:03:07] Kelsey Lensman: More than anything.

[00:03:09] Jenny Swisher: So good. You guys. Okay. So as of the time of this recording, we’ve already launched our sample workout. So if you’ve not already tried the sample workout, you can do so. You can go to sync that Jenny swisher. com slash sample. I’m super excited for you guys to try that out so that you can see firsthand a lot of what this is going to be like.

[00:03:24] Jenny Swisher: So a lot of our community who we are simultaneously live streaming with right now has. Sampled the workout and we’ve been getting questions rolling in an excitement and lots of enthusiasm like when’s this going to launch what you know, we’re so excited. So we’re going to run through some of the questions that women have been asking.

[00:03:40] Jenny Swisher: And also we’re going to provide you guys in case you didn’t hear our first episode. Uh, which I’ll link up in the show notes. We’re also going to make sure that you guys hear more about just the science behind this program. So let’s actually start there. Let’s start with this idea of progressive overload.

[00:03:54] Jenny Swisher: I know that I’ve asked you to share this before, but let’s give everybody sort of an overview of why progressive overload and why it works.

[00:04:01] Kelsey Lensman: I love it. And I’ll first start on the opposite of why workouts don’t work for a lot of women, and then I’ll go into progressive overload too. So a lot of times you’ll see people doing different workouts every single day of the week, every single week being different, and then they’re spinning their wheels wondering, why am I not getting results?

[00:04:17] Kelsey Lensman: Whether that be their, Health, whether that be their actual physique, whatever that looks like, why can’t I get results? And I tell a lot of the women too, it’s that we’re not working smart. And so this is where progressive overload comes in. Of it’s not about doing these crazy Instagram exercises that you see that get a lot of likes on Instagram just because they’re insane.

[00:04:36] Kelsey Lensman: But it’s about doing really effective, still fun. but effective movements where you’re increasing the weight over a period of time and you’re not keeping the body guessing because the body doesn’t need to guess. It does not need to guess for results. And so we’re really focused on, like I said, increasing that weight over a period of time or utilizing the same weight with it moving faster or moving better or the technique getting better.

[00:05:00] Kelsey Lensman: And so that’s where results, body composition, health really comes from is getting really good at those exercises, improving strength in those exercises. And then you’ll be able to get, um, the progress that you’re looking for after that.

[00:05:13] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, exactly. So I feel like a lot of women are sort of on the hamster wheel of doing all the cardio, right?

[00:05:18] Jenny Swisher: Whether that’s through orange theory classes or home fitness programs or the elliptical or the treadmill, and there’s nothing wrong with an occasional good old cardio day. Right. But at the same time, when we get into the habit of making everything a cardio workout or making us feel like we have to really, um, I guess pummel ourselves into the ground to get a good workout and get those endorphins released.

[00:05:37] Jenny Swisher: That’s when we can actually do a lot of internal damage with our endocrine system. And we’re kind of working against our physiology, right? We want to work with our physiology, which is the whole thing. This is, this is exactly why we’re calling it sink. So I want to make sure that women understand here from the get go that

[00:05:52] Jenny Swisher: this is a program made by women for women based on the research done on women. So even if you come into this and you’re like, but my cycle is weird. I’m in perimenopause. Sometimes I have a 20 day cycle. Sometimes I have a 40 day cycle, or maybe you’re a woman who’s, um, you know, post hysterectomy or post menopause.

[00:06:08] Jenny Swisher: This. Style of training can’t be messed up. Like this is, this is exactly what women should be doing. So yes, we’re taking it to the nth degree and we’re cycle syncing it. And if you mess up a day, you mess up a day. You’re still following the science of the, you know, the workouts done on women. So I just want you to understand.

[00:06:25] Jenny Swisher: This is still conducive for you. Now, I also want to mention, this is something that this is repetitive, but I want to mention it again. It’s a 28 day program. So we’re aligning this with a textbook 28 day menstrual cycle. And I realized that almost none of us have a textbook 28 day menstrual cycle. So in the program itself, there are videos.

[00:06:43] Jenny Swisher: There’s a video from me explaining how to cycle sync it for you and your new unique body. body and your unique cycle, regardless of whether that’s your menstrual cycle or the moon cycle, which is acceptable too. But we’re also making sure that you guys understand one important thing, which is We’ve kind of gotten away.

[00:06:59] Jenny Swisher: I feel like I feel like a lot of us who come from sort of like the home fitness space have gotten away from what works right. We’ve kind of fallen victim to what works from a marketing perspective as far as what will sell a workout. What will sell a workout is. How fast can you do a workout in 20 minutes a day?

[00:07:16] Jenny Swisher: Or, um, you know, how, how much cardio can you do to burn the calories, right? It’s that whole diet culture mentality of burning all the calories to lose all the weight. And that’s not what we’re after here. We’re following what we know works. Which is, like she said, progressive overload. And also a word that we didn’t touch on last time that I want to mention and have it brought up here, which is this idea of muscle hypertrophy.

[00:07:38] Jenny Swisher: And if you’re like me, if you’re somebody who my first introduction to that word was with the program P90X way back in the day, but it’s this idea that, you know, we, we can be working different muscle groups of the body with, with the idea that we are really working to failure. We’re working that, that muscle to failure to help it tear down and grow and repair bigger to help it grow.

[00:08:01] Jenny Swisher: This is about muscle gain, right? And you guys have heard me say, um, muscle is the key to longevity. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is, that’s her quote. So I want to make sure I give her credit, but that’s what this is for. We are talking about longevity. We’re talking about what women need. to be able to be healthy for the long term.

[00:08:16] Jenny Swisher: I’m no longer interested in helping you get six pack abs. That might be a nice byproduct if it happens, but that’s not the goal. So we are not going for what works to sell a program. We’re going for what works to get you results. With a program. So Kelsey, talk to us about, I mean, she’s got the arms out for you guys tonight too.

[00:08:35] Jenny Swisher: So if she just, we thought maybe she brought you, I hope you guys have tickets. Um, but tell us more about just hypertrophy and tell them how you train.

[00:08:45] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah, I love it. So actually you hit on such a good, uh, topic there because we have so many women come in that, you know, do all the sweat drenching workouts and you’re still going to sweat in this.

[00:08:55] Kelsey Lensman: You’re going to get after it and be like, okay, it feels like a good workout, but they come to us and like, Kelsey, you’re telling me. To not train and do high intensity or middle intensity, um, cardio five, six days a week. And they, they are very fearful of that for a second. They’re like, Oh, I don’t, I don’t know if I can actually get results that way.

[00:09:11] Kelsey Lensman: And there’s a little bit of resistance there, but they finally buy in and I have them really skill back a lot of their cardio and have them be very intentional. Like Jenny also talked about, it’s like the muscle hypertrophy type of programming and just the rec scheme and all of that. And little do they realize, they are bought in and their body’s actually able to thrive instead of just survive.

[00:09:33] Kelsey Lensman: And so that is exactly what we’re talking about here with that muscle hypertrophy. That is actually, if you look at it, it’s reps 8 to 12. So if we want to be a muscle hypertrophy, that’s actually reps, how many you do, 8 to 12. It’s not 15 plus, it’s not only 2 or 3. Right. And so when we really want to talk about, like, we always say work smart is for women.

[00:09:54] Kelsey Lensman: They need more muscle on their body. And we’re not talking about beefing up like the Hulk, but really quality muscle tissue, because she’s also talked about this. That is such a regulator of your metabolism and really the biggest endocrine organ of your body. Right. And so when you have more quality muscle tissue, that’s where the quote unquote toneness comes in.

[00:10:12] Kelsey Lensman: A lot of women are, they, they do the cardio and this is where you might hear the term like skinny fat. Like I’m doing all the things but I’m still not getting the body composition that I really want and then take a level deeper, probably not the internal health that what they want either, right? They don’t have enough muscle tissue on their body to see the lean physique that they want to see.

[00:10:29] Kelsey Lensman: So I tell all our women now and I’m not amazing, right? Like I still go through my own journey. But I am able to give a lot less effort now, but still maintain a physique, not just because, you know, of my age, but because I have a lot of muscle tissue and women that we’ve had 50, 60, even 70s, when they build that muscle, they’ll, they’ll be able to see it better, but also feel better, more energy sleep better in the short and long term.

[00:10:53] Kelsey Lensman: So reps eight to 12 was what we’re really trying to target on. but also a good amount of weight to actually challenge those muscles in that rep scheme. So it’s not 12 reps. Okay. I can just, you know, nothing is really hard and I’m just able to drop that weight real quick, but really challenging in those eight to 12 reps where you don’t know if you can do another rep.

[00:11:12] Kelsey Lensman: And that’s exactly what we’re looking for in this.

[00:11:15] Jenny Swisher: So good. Well, yeah. And I, I liked it. I think the, the token phrase for this program is going to be require the recovery. Um, this is something that so many women have been saying already just from the sample workout. They’re like, I can’t believe I really thought I was going to be bored with the rest between sets.

[00:11:31] Jenny Swisher: Or I really thought that that was going to be a struggle for me since I’m used to like the higher, faster paced workouts. But in fact, they find out that they’re so, they can be so much stronger and they can actually lift a little bit heavier because they’re giving their body the chance to recover before they enter the next set.

[00:11:46] Jenny Swisher: And so let’s talk about that. I mean, you guys have experienced the sample workout. So this has been a question that’s been coming in from a lot of women, right? Of like, why the 92nd rest or why the 62nd rest? Well, we know from research through Dr. Stacy Sims and other pioneers in this space that women should be resting between sets.

[00:12:04] Jenny Swisher: About double the amount of time that the work takes. So if the work itself is around 30 seconds of a movement, we need 60 seconds or more of recovery before we enter that movement again. So that’s why when you’re doing the leg day, the lower body sample workout, that’s why Kelsey has the 90 second rest built into the first block.

[00:12:21] Jenny Swisher: She’s got the 60 second rest built into the second block. And there are times where I know you’re going to ask me the question, but there was a couple of those where we’re doing super sets, super sets is where you’re doing two moves intentionally back to back before you reenter that double set, that super set, that’s where the rest takes place.

[00:12:37] Jenny Swisher: So there’s not necessarily that rest in between every move. That’s not what we’re saying. We’re saying rest between the sets. So we want you to require the recovery, right? We want you to be able to pick up heavy enough weight, like Kelsey said, so that by the eighth, ninth, or 10th rep. You’re like, this is as much as I can do with this weight.

[00:12:55] Jenny Swisher: I’ve worked to fatigue with proper form. There’s always going to be with proper form, right? We’re not like swinging our arms into a bicep curl. We’re doing them nice, you know, methodical motion. We’re getting our good full range of motion there. We’re doing them with proper form, but when we get to no more than 12 reps, we’re done, right?

[00:13:13] Jenny Swisher: So you’re going to probably need to lift heavier than your purse or your small child. I’m just letting you know, right? Like Three and five pound weights are great for a bar program or for, you know, starting out as a beginner, you want to just get used to weights. Great. Let’s start there. But for the majority of us, those of us who’ve been training for a while, I would recommend that you really focus on lifting heavy with this program.

[00:13:36] Jenny Swisher: Kelsey.

[00:13:37] Kelsey Lensman: Can I say one thing about that too? You’ll see, like, for example, um, the demo workout that we released for everybody, There’s the goblet squat, which is the only exercise. That’s the single set exercise. And then the super sets, right? And this is where we’re going to get a little bit more nerdy when it comes with this about why is for usually in a proper strength program, there’s usually one compound movement.

[00:13:59] Kelsey Lensman: And what a compound movement is, it’s, it’s multi joint, right? That’s your back squat. That’s your, that’s your, Bench press. It’s more than your upper body. That’s your deadlift. So we’re really looking at a compound movement for compound movements because it’s multi joint one, you’re utilizing more muscles.

[00:14:15] Kelsey Lensman: And so you need more recovery. So you’ll always see a 90 second or a longer rest in that first compound movement, because that is where we want to go. Like Jenny said, with good technique, but all out from a strength standpoint, right? So I want you and your goblet squat on that fourth or set or third set.

[00:14:33] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. to be having to drive it up really, really nice and slow, but also get it up there, um, to be able to really focus on that strength component. Okay. Then conversely, into your supersets, there’s less rest because that’s where our accessory movements are, right? So that’s us really targeting, for example, the glute bridge is your glutes.

[00:14:51] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. That’s one specific muscle that we’re trying to target. Um, that’s the lunges specifically for glutes or quads. And so those accessory movements are going to require less rest and we get to do the more of a superset. Because we’re trying to burn that muscle out, not just focus on muscle building with strength too.

[00:15:07] Kelsey Lensman: So those are a few from a strategy standpoint. You’re going to see there, there’s a method to the madness behind everything we do. That’s where your guys questions are so incredibly helpful for us to also get you guys to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing.

[00:15:20] Jenny Swisher: And you’re going to find too that, you know, I noticed with the movements also that these, I think I’ve been hearing these called like antagonistic movements, right?

[00:15:27] Jenny Swisher: When we’re, we’re focusing on like the quadricep in one movement and then the hamstring in the next movement or the glute in the next movement, there’s a reason for that. And I feel like so many of myself included have, I’ve gotten away from that more traditional training because it has been commercialized in a way, you know, for me where it’s like, how tired can I make myself in 30 minutes or how much can I burn out my legs?

[00:15:47] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. When in reality, like this sample workout was, I didn’t feel like I was gasping for air. I never entered zone three. Which we can handle zone three, by the way, guys, like everybody freaks out about like zone three, we can handle zone three, especially in certain phases of our cycle. But I felt like it was such an intentional workout.

[00:16:05] Jenny Swisher: Like I was really focused on making sure I was lifting heavy, making sure that I was really getting that proper form. And then I was sore for like three to four days and all the right ways, not just. Exhausted. There’s a difference between like sore and building muscle. And I’m making a difference here versus I just burnt myself into the ground.

[00:16:22] Jenny Swisher: Right. And that’s what we’re after. So, okay, Kelsey, this question came up a lot, um, in the circles that I’m in here in the community about how heavy should we be lifting? So one thing that Kelsey and I chatted about before this is, you know, making sure that she’s queuing in the workouts. Also, maybe what she’s lifting, but I get, sometimes I’m like, do I want her to cue that or not?

[00:16:42] Jenny Swisher: Because I don’t want people to get that sort of imposter syndrome of like, oh my gosh, Kelsey’s squatting a 50 and I’ve got 10s or whatever. Every woman is different. The idea is to do this program, by the way, not just 28 days. Yes, it’s aligned with your menstrual cycle. We want you to do this two, three, four months.

[00:17:01] Jenny Swisher: That’s the idea of progressive overload, right? So you’re going to be following your menstrual cycle three times through. If you’re really going to follow this program through. And the idea is that maybe you start in the first week holding 10 pounds for your squat, and then the next week you go to 12 or 15 and the next week you go to 20, by the time you get to that third month, you might be with 25, right?

[00:17:19] Jenny Swisher: Like the idea is to slowly build on it, but again, the way that you’re grading yourself in these workouts is, do I feel fatigued with still with proper form? Do I feel like I need to drop the weight by the time I get to that 10th, rep? That’s really what you’re, you’re judging. If it felt like a breeze to bicep curl five pounds for 12 reps, you’re not lifting heavy enough.

[00:17:41] Jenny Swisher: So I’d love for you to share Kelsey. I mean, you can brag if you want to about how heavy you lift.

[00:17:45] Kelsey Lensman: I’ll brag on some of my women because I think that also that could be applicable. Um, but I, I also first want to give context to, and I know many of us come from doing different workouts and in home programs and all the different options there.

[00:17:58] Kelsey Lensman: But especially when it comes to muscle building and the strength world and even body composition there, people will work in 12 week cycles. So they’ll do the same exercises or similar for 12 weeks. So that’s not an uncommon thing and it’s actually really beneficial to the body. Um, but when we’re really talking about the weight, okay, there is one woman and I want to say she’s mid forties that she was in the gym with me one day.

[00:18:23] Kelsey Lensman: And we had her doing a goblet squat, very similar to many of you that did the demo program. And she went over and just grabbed a 25, right, which is still really decent weight. And then she did eight reps and she’s like, Oh, you know, like that’s probably good for me. And I was like, I knew that she had more in the tank.

[00:18:39] Kelsey Lensman: I had her grab a 35. Easy. She worked up, and I’m not saying that we have this available at home, but just to give context, worked up to 85 pounds on a goblet squat for eight reps. And I always say too, though, and I’m gonna tap every single one of you take this home, make sure you’re feeling it in the right place.

[00:18:56] Kelsey Lensman: Hey, if your low back is really achy or your knees are really achy, that means one, we don’t want to go up. And two, we want to make sure that our mind muscle connection is right. But I share that story to say most oftentimes 99. 9 percent of times we will undersell our strength because it feels hard. And if you could see him on the screen, I’m quoting like, it feels hard when really we have so much more capability within this, no matter what age, what background, what skillset.

[00:19:23] Kelsey Lensman: I will always say there, I have, there’s a prerequisite to this. I have what I call the yes, yes, go method. Okay. For knowing whether I should jump up weight. Okay. The first question is, is the technique good, right? Like is from a squat, am I starting to really round my back and like cave into the dumbbell?

[00:19:40] Kelsey Lensman: If that’s a no, then you stay the same way. Okay. One is my technique good. And you’ll see me in all the videos, I’ll cue technique. Where are my elbows? Where’s my chest? Cause I want to make sure that you are aware of where your body’s at in space. If that’s a yes, Hey Kelce, I think my technique is pretty good.

[00:19:56] Kelsey Lensman: Great. Go to the second question. And the last question is, am I feeling it in the right place? All right. Well, you know what? It’s rep eight and I’m really feeling it. My glutes, my quads. Amazing. Technique was right. Yes. My muscle connection, right? Was yes. Go up. Okay. And so that can be a really easy thing to say.

[00:20:13] Kelsey Lensman: If any of those questions are no, I either say the same or go down a little bit. Okay, what I’m also going to recommend and I’m about Johnny too is write the weights that you use down. Okay, when you go to week to look at week one to see what you did. So if you did 20 pounds go 25 pounds and then over that time, you’re going to see your weights go up.

[00:20:31] Kelsey Lensman: But then also you’ll just see how much you’re able to do over that period of time to.

[00:20:36] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. So we actually have, worksheets that will be sent out when people purchase the program. They’ll be getting the nutrition guide and the printable worksheets that you guys can track. Um, I know that I I’m victim of like, Oh, I’ll just track in my head.

[00:20:49] Jenny Swisher: No, don’t crack in your head, like print off the worksheets or use your phone if you have to, but make sure you’re tracking your weights as you go through the program.

[00:20:56] Kelsey Lensman: Okay.

[00:20:56] Jenny Swisher: Next step is this idea of, and I’m glad we’re here. Cause I think this is all related, this idea of how heavy can we lift and what should our focus and mindset be?

[00:21:05] Jenny Swisher: We’ve been talking a lot in our community, just about unlearning diet culture. I just had Emily Yates, who she’s basically like a mindset coach as it pertains to disordered eating, really unlearning diet culture. This program is going to help you guys unlearn what’s not serving you in the fitness realm as well.

[00:21:23] Jenny Swisher: But here’s what I know for sure. A lot of women are saying, what should my expectations be? Right. Like what should my expectations be heading into this program? And again, I know a lot of us come from a background of before and after photos or stepping on the scale before, you know, you take on this program for 28 days.

[00:21:38] Jenny Swisher: And here’s what I would encourage you to do. Maybe for the first time ever, I would encourage you to make this about how much stronger can I get? How much stronger can I get over 28 days, over 60 days, over 90 days, run off those worksheets, right? Follow the nutrition plan. I’m giving you guys amazing recipes and this nutrition guide, follow the meal plan to a T, right?

[00:21:59] Jenny Swisher: Cycle, sync your nutrition cycle, sync your fitness. Hopefully you’re also working on your supplementation and your sleep. Cause there’s other fundamentals of hormone balance. As we know, do that and focus on how strong can I get? And how can I keep maximizing my energy? If you can focus on that, you won’t get hung up.

[00:22:16] Jenny Swisher: I know for sure there’s going to be a woman in our community who at some point is going to say to me, I’m only a weekend and I’ve gained three pounds or whatever. This happens for every single time. Every single time there’s Uh, a change in training, right? Like there’s water retention. There’s initially when you’re in the soreness phase, there’s lactic acid buildup.

[00:22:35] Jenny Swisher: There’s so much, so many different things that are happening when you first take on a program, please don’t like, please don’t step on the scale in the first week. That is not the goal. The goal is for you to say, how can I get stronger? And how can I reach that maximum energy by following this program, both the nutrition and the fitness, and really focusing on my fundamentals for this 30, days.

[00:22:54] Jenny Swisher: So. What would you say Kelsey about mindset? What should their mindset be going into the program?

[00:23:01] Kelsey Lensman: I absolutely love that you said focus on getting stronger because that, that is the number one key here. And I’ll even say it, and I imagine a lot of your audience know this too, is the term body recomposition.

[00:23:12] Kelsey Lensman: And this can trip so many women up, especially if they see the scale and their number one predictor of success is the scale. When, especially when you add a strength program in, when we’re focusing on muscle hypertrophy, trying to build quality muscle or quote unquote, see that muscle too. Okay. Muscle tissue will weigh more than fat.

[00:23:31] Kelsey Lensman: And so when you’re building that muscle, that scale might not change at all. Okay. But what will is how your body feels and how your body looks. Okay, I have so many example pictures of women weighing the exact same if they would only look on the scale It’s not a progress to them when really if you see side by side pictures It’s insane because they’re really building that muscle tissue, but also at the same time they’re losing that fat to see it And so jenny, I love that.

[00:23:56] Kelsey Lensman: You really talked about one stronger two, and I would say just consistency how consistent Can you be in this program? Because that is going to be the number one key of number one, your success, but then also the predictor of how you’re going to be going forward. That is in your control. You can’t control the progress or lack thereof.

[00:24:13] Kelsey Lensman: You can’t control all these factors, other confounding factors. You can control you showing up for you. And so what I would say is have your success radar be how consistent can I be? Can I crush this 28 days? Not perfection. But show up for myself over these 28 days. And I think through that, you’re going to be amazed how you change mentally, but also physically too with that.

[00:24:34] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. I’m so glad you said that about body recomposition because I have weighed about 136 pounds most of my adult life. But if you were to look at a picture of me from 10, 12 years ago versus a picture now, you can see the difference in muscle. You can see the difference in how my body just, what’s the word?

[00:24:51] Jenny Swisher: Like it did, it just recomposed. Is that the, is that the word I’m looking for? Like, it just completely changed. Um, through strength training, eating enough, focusing on protein, those types of things. So actually,

[00:25:02] Kelsey Lensman: I don’t mean to cut you off to anybody. I would say one thing too, is if you would tell me that I’m at the weight that I am when I first started my journey, I am 10 pounds heavier than when I first started.

[00:25:12] Kelsey Lensman: And when I first started, I thought I needed to lose 20 pounds, which is mind boggling to me, right? My body composition looks so different. So it’s just, I think hearing some of those stories, it’s like, okay, it kind of plants the seed there for what, what that is going forward.

[00:25:26] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. I love that. We’re all about the muscle here.

[00:25:29] Jenny Swisher: Okay. So in alignment with that, since we’ve kind of mentioned the nutrition plan, I’ll mention it here for the sake of the podcast and for you guys to listen to as well. This nutrition guide, you guys, I’ve never been more proud of a nutrition guide that I’ve created in all my life. I’ve had a registered dietitian look over this as well.

[00:25:44] Jenny Swisher: So this is not just my opinion. This is also based on actual registered dietitian knowledge as well. But what we’ve done is we’ve, what we started with was. A list of foods, basically, like what are the foods that women really need to be consuming period, right? With a focus on protein, with a focus on fiber, making sure that you’re getting healthy fats that are not necessarily those inflammatory fats like dairy, et cetera, right?

[00:26:07] Jenny Swisher: And then we also looked at what foods serve a woman in the different phases of her cycle. And you guys learned in the course, right? Cruciferous vegetables help with excess estrogen detoxification and omega threes help inflammatory benefit, especially nearing your period. There’s seed cycling, there’s all these different.

[00:26:22] Jenny Swisher: Aspects of nutrition that we can leverage, but if you were to teach somebody all those things, it can be overwhelming. Like, well, where do I start? Right. This makes it simple. Like I’m telling you, it’s a 13 page basically cookbook with grocery lists. Um, I’m giving you some of my favorite lunches, including like raw carrot salads.

[00:26:41] Jenny Swisher: I’m telling you how to simplify your lunch so that it can be pretty much consistently the same over time. How to prioritize a savory, high protein breakfast. And then the dinner or the recipes in there are for your dinners and the dinners, my friends, I know we’re busy. Like I know that we are moms and wives and we wear all the hats.

[00:26:58] Jenny Swisher: We have all the things I am. If, if it requires a mixing bowl, it is not in this plan. Okay. So these are sheet pan dinners. These are one skillet dinners. These are crock pot recipes or grill recipes. These are very simple for you to do. So what I did was I created the food list and then I said, okay, how can I incorporate?

[00:27:17] Jenny Swisher: Okay. The seeds, the different foods during the different phases. And then I plugged them into the recipes all across the board. So I’m telling you, I know for sure that your energy, you’re going to start to see like, wow, this workout is kind of like, maybe I wasn’t feeling it before, but this was exactly what I needed today.

[00:27:33] Jenny Swisher: Right. You’re going to find that like, oh my gosh, my energy did align with this type of workout today, or. Wow. This is exactly what my body’s craving. Maybe I’m not having those additional cravings because I’m satisfying my nutritional needs with this plan. So it’s a 13, 13 page nutrition plan. Like I said, totally comprehensive.

[00:27:50] Jenny Swisher: I’m super excited about it. It is all original recipes, uh, from me. So there’s nothing from any other source there. And that’s going to be included when you register for the program, you’ll receive the nutrition guide and email along with those worksheets for the workout trackers. Okay, perfect. Kelsey, we’re going to dive into just a few questions that came in to make sure we answer everybody’s questions.

[00:28:13] Jenny Swisher: So the first one that came in is, this is a simple one, how long are the workouts roughly? And so the answer to that is 30 to 40 minutes is our, is our, that was our anticipated goal for each of them. As you saw in a sample workout, I think it was just around 35 minutes. So that’s what you’re looking at for this program.

[00:28:28] Jenny Swisher: And here’s, I know what, what’s coming next from some of you. Should I add on? Okay. Listen, sister, if you’re asking yourself the question, should I add on? We need to go back to that conversation about unlearning diet culture. Okay. If you are truly pushing the way that you should be pushing in these workouts in the way that you should be with the proper weights, you should not require a cardio session or anything like that afterwards.

[00:28:53] Jenny Swisher: You feel like you’ve got more energy, go for a walk. Take the yoga class, right? You do not need to pick up dumbbells again for the day. You do not need to put yourself into zone three cardio after this workout ends. So I know some of you guys are just really into fitness. You love that endorphin high. I’m really encouraging you to just follow the program as it is.

[00:29:14] Jenny Swisher: I’m never going to tell you not to walk. I think every woman should be walking every day. I think that’s, that’s just part of just functionality and mobility, right? Like that should definitely be part of your plan in general, but you do not have to do more. So workouts are 30 to 40 minutes, but I want Kelsey to talk about the next question.

[00:29:31] Jenny Swisher: Which is what will the wind down week? So that’s our late luteal phase, right? Our fourth week of our cycle. What does that look like as we approach our period? So I know on our last interview, we talked about eccentric work. I want to, I want you to talk about that again. So really quickly as an intro. I’ve always wanted to create a program or tell you guys how to do this, but it’s been really hard to do with existing programs out there.

[00:29:55] Jenny Swisher: Um, we want to continue strength training. No matter what the problem is that before now, there’s never been an approach quite like this. Right? So what we’re wanting to do is focus on that more hypertrophy. Muscle building aspect, like we talked about in the first half of our cycle. And then as we taper down leading into our period, we’re focusing more on eccentric work and eccentric muscle contraction.

[00:30:17] Jenny Swisher: So Kelsey is going to talk about that. We do implement a little bit more of some interval training in week three, just to leverage that catabolic progesterone and get that fat burning zone in week three. And then in week four, we do start to taper down with the strength training, but it’s in a different way.

[00:30:33] Jenny Swisher: We’re just working the muscles in a different way. So Kelsey, tell us what that’s all about.

[00:30:37] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah, let’s dig into eccentric. So I’ll take a bicep muscle, for example. So in every muscle in your body, you have a concentric portion of it, which, for example, it’s you actually doing a bicep curl. You’re overcoming that tension.

[00:30:50] Kelsey Lensman: And you have an eccentric portion. So bicep curl is actually lowering on the way down. So a lot of programs will always think about like overcoming that resistance, right? Like really pulling that weight up, which in week one, week two, we are, we’re focusing a lot on adding some weight, trying to overcome that weight, right?

[00:31:07] Kelsey Lensman: What a lot of people don’t focus on, which is actually incredibly beneficial one where we’re at in our cycle. but also number two to continue the muscle building and hypertrophy process that we’ve been going is focusing on eccentric training that fourth week. Okay. And so what we’re doing that fourth week is you will see me slow it down.

[00:31:27] Kelsey Lensman: And so, yes, for example, let’s take bicep just because we keep talking about it is you will curl that bicep up, but instead we’re going to do a three or four seconds slow on the way down. So four, 3, 2, 1, where gravity is fighting against you. You have that dumbbell in your hand and you’re slowly lowering it.

[00:31:46] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. What this allows us to do is focus on lightening that load. Okay. So you’re going to do a lot less weight on eccentric training than you would do for concentric, for example. Okay. But with lightening, that load coincides with our cycle, but also allows us to still focus on that hypertrophy in our muscles and really, continue that muscle building process throughout it.

[00:32:06] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. So less load, less tension in your body gives it a little bit of a break that fourth week, but then also allows you to still continue the game that you’ve made, um, versus stopping and starting. And then your body kind of being all out of whack with that. So East center training, I cannot say enough about it.

[00:32:21] Kelsey Lensman: I do it personally almost every single month in my own program and every client that we have, we do a version of East center training for them. And I’ll, I’ll tell this real quick. Okay. You will be sore. Every woman that I’ve had do eccentric. They’re like, cause it’s later. Wait, am I really going to be sore?

[00:32:37] Kelsey Lensman: They wake up the next morning and they’re like, this is 10 times worse than any other screening. So be prepared. It is not for the weary, but you’re going to really focus on lightning below during e center too.

[00:32:47] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And that’s going to feel so good. so good at that point in our cycle. Like it’s going to feel so good because as our hormones are tapering down, we really are slowing down.

[00:32:56] Jenny Swisher: It doesn’t mean we’re lessening the intensity or that we’re, you know, the last thing I would want is for women to walk away from strength training for a week or two. That’s not the goal. Um, but we’re doing it in a different way. Like we’re just saying, Hey, let’s remove sort of the power aspect maybe. Um, and instead implement something that’s just a little bit slower.

[00:33:14] Jenny Swisher: It’s gonna be game changing, so I love that. Okay, next question is, and we, you and I chatted about this beforehand. Cool Downs, right? I know people tried the sample workout and they’re like, wait a minute, there’s no cool down. You guys didn’t think that the a hundred glue bridges, um, not a cool down for cool down, like, I mean No, I’m kidding.

[00:33:30] Jenny Swisher: So Kelsey is planning on, for some of the workouts, there will be like a little bit of a cool down at the end, but she’s also filming a five minute full body Cool down for you guys so that you can add that on at the end if you’d like. If you want that extra stretch. So Kelsey, anything to say about that?

[00:33:45] Kelsey Lensman: No, I think it’s going to be a really cool addition that we’re going to have to some workouts in the future. And also too, since we’ll have a few additional ones, just quick five minutes, use that throughout the workday too. If you’re feeling tight, utilize that lower body or body stretch just to get you moving.

[00:33:59] Kelsey Lensman: So I’m excited to really add that in going forward.

[00:34:01] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, for sure we have, you know, there’s restorative yoga as part of the program. So there will be that as well. If you’re feeling extra tight and you want to, you know, loosen things up, plug that in, plug the five minute full body stretch in, um, you know, we’ve got some steady state cardio built into there, some interval training.

[00:34:16] Jenny Swisher: So this isn’t all strength training. It is dominantly strength training focused, but like I said before, we are plugging in a little bit of some cardio with the interval training and week three. And then that eccentric work in the last week of the cycle. So next question is, uh, will this be a low impact program or will there be less cardio?

[00:34:33] Jenny Swisher: So I just answered the cardio, right? There’s still going to be some interval training, especially in week three. We’re plugging it in here and there in follicular phase, uh, week three of the cycle. We amped that up a little bit to leverage the rise of progesterone. So there is still some cardio, some interval training, but I think Kelsey does a great job of indicating modifications where needed if someone does need to make this low impact.

[00:34:53] Jenny Swisher: So again, this is. A dominantly strength training focus, right? So even my mom who’s 76 years old, I’m excited to get her doing this because she has dumbbells in her bedroom and has no idea what to do with them, right? So we did have a conversation about how they’re only two pounds and we do need to buy her some bigger ones, but I’m excited for her to have something to follow along.

[00:35:13] Jenny Swisher: So I would love for you guys to just understand that, like, We’re not doing some crazy jump knee, jump knee tucks. Like we’re not doing any sort of like ball slam burpees, you know, with a cross kick punch. Like that’s not what we’re doing. Like we’re doing functional movements and there’s always going to be a way to modify.

[00:35:30] Jenny Swisher: If there’s high knees, you can step right. If there’s jumping jacks, you can step. So there’s always a way to modify. But Kelsey, tell us, um, from your, from your perspective, how would you make this a low impact program for people asking that question?

[00:35:43] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah, so we will talk a lot throughout the workouts to about modifications, just like Jenny said.

[00:35:48] Kelsey Lensman: So, for example, if, um, in week two, uh, three, we have, for example, like a jump squat, right? Instead of that, you’re just going to do an actual squat, right? So we’ll have a lot of different modifications to with that. And I always say, cut the range of motion. If, if two, a whole goblet squat is too much or, hey, I can’t really get that low.

[00:36:08] Kelsey Lensman: cut that range of motion or also take some weight out and focus on holding something for stability. So I’ll cue a lot of different ranges, whether you’re, you know, whatever age, whatever skill level. So you feel comfortable and that you’re able to train effectively, but also not too much work at hurt the body too.

[00:36:23] Kelsey Lensman: So we’ll be very strategic with it.

[00:36:25] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, so good. I can remember back in the days when I was training clients in the gym. Um, I had a woman who had had, uh, like a knee surgery. Right. And she came in and she’s like, I can’t do anything high impact. You know, I’m not going to I’m like, don’t worry. We’re not putting you into the jumps right away.

[00:36:38] Jenny Swisher: Right. But we would focus on literally taking a chair and having her sit. Like booty to the chair and stand back up, like slow movements, sitting and standing, sitting and standing. My mom just had knee replacement a couple years ago and that was, go figure, the physical therapy for her was practicing going from seated to standing or, you know, doing different knee raises, right?

[00:36:58] Jenny Swisher: Like, so there’s always going to be a modification. Kelsey does a great job of giving you those. But I think, again, this is a great example of, you know, we’ve been talking about progressive overload in the sense of You know, maybe you’re at 10 pound dumbbells in each hand for a squat in the first week, but by the end of 90 days, maybe you’re holding 30s or 35s in your hand or whatever the case is, right?

[00:37:18] Jenny Swisher: You’re the idea is to increase weight for those of you who say, you know, I’m new to fitness. I, you know, I don’t know where to start. I’m going to start with the modification. I’m not going to do the, the, the jump squats. I’m going to just try to squat as deep as I can. Perfect. Then maybe your goal is to do one or two jump squats by the end of the month or the end of the 60 days.

[00:37:36] Jenny Swisher: So it’s not always. Progressive overload doesn’t always just mean going heavier in weights. That’s what we’ve been indicating here, but I want to also make sure you, it’s just really just leveling up your intensity, right? So leveling up your intensity could look like following the modification for the first month.

[00:37:52] Jenny Swisher: And by month three, you’re able to do a couple of those full blown progressions. They’re not, that doesn’t mean that they’re the real move. There is no such thing as like the real move. There’s a progression. And there’s the modification. Okay. All right. So, and then someone asked this question and I love this and I can’t wait for you to answer.

[00:38:10] Jenny Swisher: Um, they said, what age, uh, is, is appropriate for this, for this style of training and Kelsey just came off of an event where, um, I’ll let you share it. But. So I’ve been telling people age 16 to 76, but I think we can actually lower the age. I know I have a seven year old daughter who will probably be hopping in with me for some of this stuff.

[00:38:29] Jenny Swisher: So Kelsey share, share with us just your client range, because I want women to hear what you do.

[00:38:35] Kelsey Lensman: Well, I’m going to lower and higher it. So we’re going to flip it on both. So in our last event, we had a seven year old doing the movements that we’re going to do squat. She bent, she deadlift obviously with not a 45 pound bar for all of it, but same thing.

[00:38:47] Kelsey Lensman: And I always say, it’s just the mechanics of it. If we can teach you proper mechanics, it’s going to help you for the rest of your life. So seven year old was our youngest. 82 year old farmer that I’m working with that’s doing the same moves, just decreasing that range of motion, focusing on really holding something as he squats down.

[00:39:05] Kelsey Lensman: And so when I say that this is for everybody, I’m not just saying it to market towards everybody. I say this to say, The movements that you do are going to be functional for the rest of your life. And so if we can train those really well and effectively, that’s going to help you, yes, with the gains that you want to make, but also for the longevity that you also want to have too.

[00:39:24] Kelsey Lensman: So invite your kiddos, also invite your mom, your grandmas, and I’m excited to have them in this for sure.

[00:39:29] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Yeah. Again. By women, for women, based on the research done on women, age 7 to 82. That’s our new, that’s our new metrics. Alright, perfect. So, as we wrap this up, you guys, I want to mention two more things.

[00:39:41] Jenny Swisher: One is, Um, you know, as you guys saw when you did the sample workout, this workout is being housed within Kelsey’s app and people have been asking me this question, right? Like, well, what about the other stuff in Kelsey’s app? You have the opportunity to upgrade in her app if and whenever you so choose.

[00:39:57] Jenny Swisher: You don’t have to. If you want to and you want more content from Kelsey, there’s plenty there as well. So Kelsey, tell us more about your app, your vision for the app and kind of the value that you’re bringing there so that my community is fully exposed to everything you have to offer.

[00:40:10] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah, well, I’m so excited that the sync fitness program is the landmark program that’s launching in that app.

[00:40:16] Kelsey Lensman: So I’m excited to really get it to everybody here. And so all of my knowledge from the training piece of it, from the mindset, from obviously not nitty gritty as Jenny’s nutrition, but some of the nutrition pieces too, I went a home for everything. So. We will have, um, specific gym programs. We’ll have a different home program.

[00:40:35] Kelsey Lensman: And that’s once again, very much strength training oriented, some mindset pieces to it, some technique. So you’ll see, and there’s two, a seven day trials. You don’t need to obviously just jump in, but you can see a lot more, um, they’re variability wise for you to help you reach the goals that you want. So it’s definitely just an accessory to what we have for the fitness sync program, but I wanted to make sure that we’re able to give you as much value as we can there.

[00:40:56] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Yeah. So if you just fall in love with Kelsey, the, the phrase I kept hearing after the sample release was she’s so cute, but also just so badass. Like that was the phrase like I’m hearing. Um, so if you’re just in love with Kelsey and you want more, right, there’s, there’s more within her app. But again, I would encourage you to follow the 28 day program as is one, two to three months.

[00:41:16] Jenny Swisher: Um, hopefully we’ll be able to build out more with Kelsey from there as well. I’ve been getting lots of questions from women who follow it. Researchers in sort of the fitness space for women like I do, and they are, they’re hearing these things like women really truly can’t lift heavy enough unless they’re in a gym or unless they have access to equipment that allows them to do that.

[00:41:34] Jenny Swisher: And I have those beliefs too, but I, what I wanted to do is create a core program that any woman could do from home with dumbbells because let’s just be real. Most women aren’t at all. Most women are using the elliptical or. They’re running or they’re doing the cardio and they’re not doing the string training.

[00:41:49] Jenny Swisher: So this is a core program, foundational program. That doesn’t mean though, that we won’t grow into more so. Okay. And then last but not least, um, uh, this is another question that I’m getting. So when this program launches, even though it’s happening at the same time, they’re technically separate. We are also launching virtual health consoles with Dr.

[00:42:10] Jenny Swisher: Page. to the public. So prior to now, these have been, um, available to any of my SYNC community. So people who’ve taken my SYNC course have had access to sign up for these consults with she and I. Moving forward, when this program launches, we’ll be offering quarterly launches of these consults.

[00:42:28] Jenny Swisher: So these consults are going to be packaged in various ways. I’ll be sharing that on a future live stream and a future podcast with Dr. Paige herself, because it is separate here. But what we’re doing is we’re We’re taking Dr. Page’s knowledge and expertise and we’re plugging that into the program and into the fitness app as well.

[00:42:45] Jenny Swisher: So in the Sync Fitness Program, when you purchase it and you land in Kelsey’s app, you’re going to hear a welcome video from me. You’re going to hear a video from me talking about how to align this with your cycle and the various options that there are for women with menstrual cycles and women without.

[00:43:00] Jenny Swisher: You’re also going to have the workouts from Kelsey, including the bonus workout. She just mentioned of the, um, the full body stretching and all that kind of stuff. And then you’re going to also get three videos from Dr. Page where she goes even deeper on your hormone health. Because the last thing I want is a fitness program out there that where women think that they can just cycle sink and get results and cycle sink their way to healthy.

[00:43:22] Jenny Swisher: And in reality, there’s so much more. Like, we have to address sleep, we have to address supplementation, we have to address bio individuality. And Dr. Paige does a phenomenal job in her videos of doing that. So her videos will live in the app. As a way for women who take the fitness program to meet her and to consider doing consults with her in the future.

[00:43:41] Jenny Swisher: So just letting you guys know that. So that’ll be a separate, we’ll do a separate little event here to teach you guys what the consult packages look like, but tonight, this was awesome. Thank you, Kelsey, so much for coming on here. We’re sharing your knowledge and expertise. If we have more questions in the next couple of weeks, uh, you guys I’ll let you know for those asking about price details, that’s my final thing that I forgot to mention, um, 147 is the cost of this program that gets you everything we just mentioned, right?

[00:44:09] Jenny Swisher: So that is the full 28 day program with the nutrition plan, with the videos from Dr. Page, um, all of that content to you, lifetime access, 147. So I’m excited for this. Like we’re already, you know, we’re already almost a week into the month of May. This is coming fast. So you guys, thank you so much for tuning in tonight.

[00:44:30] Jenny Swisher: Thank you so much, Kelsey, for your time. And I’m excited. I don’t know. Like every time we do this, I can’t sleep. So I feel like I’ll just be up thinking about it tonight, but

[00:44:38] Kelsey Lensman: I’m so excited. So all for having us. And I cannot wait for what’s

[00:44:42] Jenny Swisher: going forward. Me too. And for those of you listening to the podcast, I will link everything up in the show notes for you.

[00:44:48] Jenny Swisher: So if you want to access the sample workout, if you want to hear more about consults with Dr. Page, you want to find Kelsey on social media or her website, I’ll link everything up for you in the show notes. So thank you guys so much for tuning in and we’ll talk soon. Everybody have a good night.

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