SYNC Certified Coach Spotlight: Kristine Carroll

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #185! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I interview SYNC Certified Coach Kristine Carroll on her experience in the SYNC digital course and certification program. In this episode, we mention this previous episode with Jayme Thompson.

You can find Kristine on Facebook here or on Instagram here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

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[00:00:00] video1879708878: Welcome friends to this [00:01:00] episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today, I’m joined by my friend, Christine Carroll, who’s coming to us from Texas. Uh, she just said it’s 90 degrees in Texas right now. We’re just starting to experience the fall temperatures here in the Midwest. So I love summertime. I love the hot weather, but I’m ready for fall, ready for the change of seasons too.

[00:01:17] video1879708878: So, so grateful that she’s here. We met, gosh, we met a few years ago, through our network marketing company, which is Body. Used to be Beachbody and we’ve both been health coaches for quite some time. I think we met at like an elite event. Like we were, um, years ago, years ago. Yeah. But fast forward to the last year and she hopped into my SYNC digital course and has been kind of full fledged in that and becoming SYNC certified.

[00:01:40] video1879708878: And that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. It’s her experience with that. So without further ado, Christine, I know I I’d rather you just share about yourself. I’d love for you to tell our listeners about you, your family, your, your experience and getting into health and wellness, whatever you’re willing to.

[00:01:54] video1879708878: Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for having me, Jenny. This is the first podcast I’ve ever done, so I might be a little nervous, but [00:02:00] yes. So I’ve known Jenny for ages. And we have both been with body for, I’ve been 11 years and kind of how I started out, I’ll try to keep it short, but I have dealt with a lot of mental health issues for a very, very long time.

[00:02:14] video1879708878: Um, depression, anxiety, and with that, and a lot of women will understand lack of self confidence, you know, people pleaser and all the things. And it kind of reared its ugly head at rock bottom in 2012. And my husband had basically told me that I needed to go and get some help. So I went to outpatient treatment.

[00:02:31] video1879708878: And they diagnosed me bipolar when I was there and I did that for five weeks. And when I was there, I started my first official beach body. I’m going to say beach body. That’s what it was at the time program. And I went away and I happened to take my weights and my Shakeology with me, which I always say is God just nudging me on the shoulder and say, put it in the car.

[00:02:50] video1879708878: So during that five weeks, I would press play every day, drink my shake and go to therapy, press play, drink my shake. And I came out a different person being diagnosed [00:03:00] was not any kind of shame to me. It was almost a relief and just taking care of me physically. While I’ve always been active and worked out, I never was like really consistent or committed, if you will.

[00:03:10] video1879708878: And it just kind of helped me focus on, Oh, look, when you eat better food, you feel better. And when you are consistent with workouts, it helps your mental health. And I think that has played a huge factor all these years later, and working out and just how much I think it just not help someone. With bipolar, but every human on the planet.

[00:03:27] video1879708878: So that’s when I decided to become a coach now partners, because I realized that I had a platform to help other women to be their best version of themselves and a lot of that shame. And a lot of that with just knowing that there are tools out there besides medication, that I still take to this day, that’s a whole other conversation, but, um, that I take to this day that I can help other women.

[00:03:50] video1879708878: Yeah, and I love, I love that. I mean, I think everybody, you know, that, that comes into health coaching, I think some people have this misconception that they have to be like some sort of like personal trainer or actually like get [00:04:00] started.

[00:04:00] video1879708878: And most of us, especially fellow body coaches, I know we come into it because. We just, we start to love it ourselves and we want to share it. We start to feel better and you start to get that energy back and you’re like, I want everybody to feel this way, which is right. So, so fast forward through, you know, so you’re, you’ve been a body coach for a while now we’ve been connected.

[00:04:18] video1879708878: And you decided this year to jump into the SYNC course. Now, disclaimer, Jamie Thompson is listening to this. And I had Jamie on the podcast. I’ll link that up in the show notes. She has, she shared her testimonial as well, several months ago.

[00:04:31] video1879708878: But she was kind of planting seeds with you about this. And eventually you sat, you decided to hop in. So tell us about getting started. Well, and it’s funny. I think Jayme was the first person you interviewed that went through the course because she did it before anybody knew about it. And so Jamie was telling me, like I said, I knew Jenny, I met Jenny.

[00:04:49] video1879708878: Jamie even told me she spoke at a live event in January and was it January of this year? Okay. So Jamie’s like, you got to watch Jenny. And I watched it and [00:05:00] I was like, that’s great. I reached out to you, but Jamie kept talking about this course and how cycling, you know, cycling your workouts and your lifestyle with your cycle.

[00:05:09] video1879708878: But at the time, I wasn’t really going through that. I mean, I fell, I turned 50 last September and things were changing a little bit, but I think it reared its ugly head. And in the conversation I had with you in April, that I had been pounding my body with workouts, that I, my body was in such pain. I had gained about 10 to 12 pounds overnight.

[00:05:31] video1879708878: What I was doing for all these years was not working. And that’s when I was like, okay. I got to take Jamie seriously. That’s when a like random message thread got put together where they’re like seven of us in this message thread saying, okay, we’re women of this age group. It all starts at different ages.

[00:05:49] video1879708878: Mine happened to be 50 and we need to figure out a way to help other women. So I always tell Jamie, I humbled myself and was like, well, son of a gun, this happened to me. Didn’t happen when [00:06:00] Jamie, you know, so yes, that’s when I dove into the course and partnered with you and partnered with these other women, which I think is a huge component is that community again, and something we’ve always as partners have provided, but being in the same shoes and being like women, this sucks.

[00:06:17] video1879708878: How are we going to figure it out? So you knew you were not alone. So taking the course was completely eyeopening to me. It was something that validated. Everything that I was feeling, but I also learned so much not realizing how clueless I was. And so because I took the course, I did become sync certified and I talked about that.

[00:06:38] video1879708878: Um, obviously going through what I did before. I’m pretty transparent on social media just about my life stories because I feel like people can connect to that versus, you know, the perfect picture or highlight reel that people put out. That’s not me. At all. So I just realized that I was in this position and that I needed to do something about it because and I still to this day and I told Jenny I’m going to be [00:07:00] perfectly honest, because I just started on my, let’s fix it journey if you will, as far as seeing a doctor and whatnot but I started being part of these groups that you were running and just listening to binge listening to your podcast, which had just been a lifesaver in addition to taking the course and learning to be my own advocate. And honestly, you know, I, I grew a pair when I went out of treatment and realized I can take care of myself.

[00:07:25] video1879708878: And I’m confident for the first time at 40 years of age. So doing that was no problem. So I invested in little things like the Oura ring, which has been a life changer, learning to track my cycle and be aware at 50, I never tracked my cycle before that’s crazy. Like, I’d go to the doctor, when was your last period?

[00:07:44] video1879708878: I have so, just being aware, and I still, I use the Stardust app, I wake up every morning, and I did use the Scope, and then it broke, but I never ovulated in the months I was using it, so I’m like, okay, this is what I have to do. So, you talked about little tools. And little investments to make you gave [00:08:00] certain suggestions.

[00:08:00] video1879708878: Like if you listen to her podcast, talk about magnesium glycinate. That was something that I did not need to see a doctor, but it helped immediately. Cause I’ve always been one that has struggled with sleep. You’ve given these little free value, like suggestions. I have been amazing. But one of the things that you said, and that Jamie had done too, was the Dutch test.

[00:08:19] video1879708878: Because I learned from you that the labs that you kind of know this stuff as a woman, as you get involved, like, I knew that those panel labs that a doctor gives you, they tell you, like, three things. And as you always said, it’s like a period of five minutes in a day where I learned that the Dutch test for women shows you urine and saliva samples over a period of time.

[00:08:41] video1879708878: So I made the investment and what you said to me, like I took notes. I literally have, well, you can’t say it on the podcast. I have a notebook that I took notes from Jenny’s course. I took notes on podcasts and things that she said. But one thing she said to me was that. Because the Dutch test is not cheap.[00:09:00]

[00:09:00] video1879708878: But what she said is you’re making that investment up front versus going to a doctor and paying this or might pay out of pocket out of that because this might not be covered and so on and so on. So I made the huge investment front that I have the answer. So I did the Dutch test. It’s very extensive, but I was able to get that panel.

[00:09:16] video1879708878: And so I was able Jenny, um, be just became an integrative health practitioner. So while she told me she can’t prescribe, she can read and it was like a foreign language to me when I looked at it. So Jenny was kind enough to read it and give me some suggestions that I could start right away. Then she partnered with Dr.

[00:09:34] video1879708878: Page and they have set up this amazing program that you can work with both them for, um, a three month period and they’ll do consults. So I met with Jenny and Dr. Page, about September 7th, I think was our appointment. And I, you fill out an extensive intake form and it took me a long time, but that way they literally had everything like down to like my lifestyle and not just what supplements are you taking or what are you [00:10:00] doing?

[00:10:00] video1879708878: It was everything. So now when we met, there was like this detailed specific conversation, but I didn’t have to wait and to go to a doctor’s office and like the questions were already answered. You guys made it easy and you gave me some hope. So based upon that conversation. You both gave me, I mean, literally they take so much time.

[00:10:21] video1879708878: It was 15 pages of information that she sent back to me after the questionnaire. So one of the things on my Dutch test, like my adrenals were shot, my DHEA was in the toilet, my progesterone was in the toilet, cortisol was supposed to be one way was the other. I just remember all the things that Jenny shared.

[00:10:38] video1879708878: So right away I was able to, I had already started some supplementation and then Dr. Page was like, okay, we’re going to start progesterone. So it has been just when I finally got it, cause we had to wait for her to get the prescription to me. So it’s been two weeks, maybe two and a half. So I can’t sit here and tell you women like, I feel amazing.

[00:10:58] video1879708878: I’ve dropped 10 pounds. [00:11:00] Cause I know from Jenny, like you guys have to give this time. And I remember when I first started working with Jenny, she said, you’ve got to give it two to three months. So knowing, um, cause I still like some of these mental health issues have come back, um, kind of out of nowhere and I’m working through it.

[00:11:14] video1879708878: I saw or had an appointment with my therapist last week and one thing Dr. Page suggested was like, if you have any of these issues to see your therapist once a month. So just knowing in my gut that it was time was very helpful to me and Dr. Page and Jenny are very much about self care. It’s not about let’s just pop a pill or put some cream on you because it’s not just magic.

[00:11:35] video1879708878: That’s not just magic, but everything else like. When I was telling Jenny one day I saw a picture of myself and the belly fat and I was like that what is going on and Dr. Page said to me when you’re looking at that picture, you’re increasing stress in your body that is it’s not benefiting you whatsoever.

[00:11:54] video1879708878: So a lot of times women, we cause so much stress on ourselves because we’re so hard on ourselves. [00:12:00] And that was something I had to learn. Like I had to breathe. I’m doing things like grounding. So I’m going out in the morning in 10 minutes of personal development. I literally set a timer on my watch and I walk around with my book and I just kind of walk in circles in the grass and these little things that I’ve learned.

[00:12:15] video1879708878: To help me. So yes, I started a progesterone which is brand new. I have a physical where what I love to is that Jenny and Dr. Page give you specific labs in which to ask, not just hand me go to the doctor, you’re going to draw some blood. Thank you. Bye. But specific labs for which to ask that then they can provide what other other supplementation they recommend.

[00:12:37] video1879708878: So that’s where I am now. But even though I’m not like say at my you. And I’m going to say this. Women say, they’re like, I just want to feel good. We want to look good too. And that’s okay. Like, I really feel like that’s okay. It doesn’t make us vain. It doesn’t make us shallow. So when we feel good, that is, you know, we’re going to look good and that’s okay.

[00:12:58] video1879708878: So, but I’m appreciative [00:13:00] of what I’ve learned, what I’ve been able to apply as it’s helped. And just, I’m so grateful for where I am now versus I don’t even know where I would be if I hadn’t pursued this avenue. Yeah. Well, you mentioned so many things. I think that the most important thing to really call out is just this idea of self advocacy.

[00:13:17] video1879708878: Right. And really understanding. I feel like it’s a, it’s a redundant thing that like I, every time I interview a SYNC certified coach, it’s like one of the first things they say is I feel like I was able to really step into my own power of understanding my body and understanding what questions to ask and feeling equipped.

[00:13:33] video1879708878: To go into an appointment, whether it’s with Dr page or their regular doctor or whatever to get answers. And I think there are too many women out there who are just struggling. Their check engine lights are flashing their energy off. They feel like they’re struggling with, you know, whether it’s belly fat or fill in the blank.

[00:13:50] video1879708878: It doesn’t matter and they don’t know where to start. They don’t know what questions to ask. They don’t know what supplements to take. They don’t, you know, and so that’s where we can fall victim. [00:14:00] To fad diets, right? Like when things aren’t working for you, then you’re like, Oh, well, I must, I must need to try keto or I must need to try intermittent fasting, or I must need to try this or that right.

[00:14:11] video1879708878: In reality, health is individual. And so I think what the, what the course teaches first and foremost is that, is that health is individual, figure out what’s going on, what’s going on for you. And, and teach you to really be your own best advocate. So you came into the course. Let’s backtrack a little bit before we talk.

[00:14:27] video1879708878: When we talk about your um, your go forwards from your appointments and stuff. Let’s talk about the course itself because you came in, you simultaneously enrolled in the course and the certification so that you could become certified in this and be able to share it with other women. I know that your, your personal story was you were afraid to like complete the certification.

[00:14:47] video1879708878: You were like afraid of the test. You’re like, Oh my gosh, like what’s going to happen here? And then you just did it and you’re like, why didn’t I already do this? This is crazy. So tell us about that. Funny. I took the course. I don’t want to [00:15:00] say fast. I mean, there was a lot that took the course, got certified.

[00:15:02] video1879708878: I feel like in 5. 2 seconds. So I took the course and there was something holding me back and taking the certification. And when I finally did, I laughed because like, because I paid attention, it was easy if you will. Right. And I’m laughing at myself because I thought, why didn’t I just do this? Once I finish the modules and just to backtrack little things that I think help women in general that I learned from you and from the course, because I try to keep things as simple as possible when talking to other women, but I think let’s just say 3 things that I learned because there’s a ton.

[00:15:39] video1879708878: We need. a ton of protein. That was one thing I learned. And that’s one thing I’ve learned that’s across the board. People can have doctors, whoever have so many opinions on the, on perimenopause, but the constant was, you just need basically grams of protein per pound of body weight, protein, protein, protein.

[00:15:57] video1879708878: We need to eat before our workouts, [00:16:00] and I was the fasted workout girl. And honestly, can I tell you why? No. I just thought that’s what you’re supposed to do. But I learned so much, and my performance in my workouts has been night and day. And also, strength training. Which is something I like to do anyways, but when I talked to you and finally had the mental breakdown, that’s when I was doing the intense cardio and my body was inflamed and screaming and hated me and I was in so much pain.

[00:16:26] video1879708878: It was waking me up in the middle of the night. So I think the course is so invaluable to women because you can learn so much and maybe they don’t want to get all super deep science y and learn specifics about the four legged chair, right? But they can learn and take something away. Like you give the, one of the things you give, like you talk about, You give specific, like, you give a mile long list of specific questions to ask your doctor based on your symptoms.

[00:16:57] video1879708878: So you have done all the legwork for us. [00:17:00] Basically, like we said, so I’m not going to my doctor. This is how I feel. What about this? What about this? Okay. Let’s take those labs. You go home and do this and then we’ll do this and then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it’s kind of like you’re, you have prepared us and you’ve given us tools that can give us advocates to move forward for ourself.

[00:17:15] video1879708878: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s, that’s really the idea is to say, you know, I mean, I went through years of sitting in doctor’s offices and feeling like. I mean, even now, I mean, I, my listeners know I’m dealing with vertigo issues and trying to get to the bottom of that. And there’s so much that just the medical world doesn’t tell you.

[00:17:32] video1879708878: Here’s a great example, right? Apparently an ENT is not necessarily an ear specialist. So an ENT only looks at the outer and middle ear and an ear specialist will look at the inner ear as well. So these are things that you don’t know until, you know, until you wait. The multiple weeks for an appointment and you sit in the office and you go through it and you realize, Oh, wait, I think I need the other guy.

[00:17:54] video1879708878: So it’s so infuriating. And I know I’ve talked about it before on the podcast, just this world that we [00:18:00] live in of specialty medicine and. No one really looking at the full picture. So for me, it was like, how can I bring women into this course and show them the full picture and help them work with a full picture doctor, which tends to be an integrative or functional doctor so that they can figure out why all of this adds up for them.

[00:18:19] video1879708878: Right. So taking the guesswork out of it. So now that you’ve become certified, what would you say? Like, how are you using the certification piece in your business, like in your health coaching business? So I’ve just been trying to, you know, I try to tell people, and like I said, I’m simple, I like to keep it simple.

[00:18:36] video1879708878: If I start talking about estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, adrenals, like if I, I’m not Jenny. And so, you know, this is what her life’s mission and this is where she has become certified. Like, I’m a sync certified coach. So I can talk to you basically about the broader, I don’t say broad.

[00:18:55] video1879708878: I can talk about the simplicity of certain things that I can help you learn that you [00:19:00] need to track your cycle. And one thing that I always say. Even before they ask, yes, even if you no longer have your period, you can follow this just because they’re like, well, I don’t cycle anymore. I don’t this. I’m like, I’ve got you.

[00:19:12] video1879708878: I’ve got you. Just bringing awareness to women, because since we started talking about so many women come to you. Right. And they’re like coming to me or I’m talking about on my social media, just number one, I hear you and I see you because like you said, so many women feel unheard and feel like, well, my doctor just tells me how it is.

[00:19:34] video1879708878: And that’s infuriating to me that, you know, and I see almost, I see women sometimes on social media. Read some comments and they just think it’s okay that they’re this way. I’m like, no, you can live, like, what do you say? Normal’s not optimal. Bad’s not feeling bad. It’s not optimal either. That’s no fun that I want.

[00:19:53] video1879708878: Like, I can look at it this way. I might not feel my best, but I’m still thriving and I’m still going. And I’m not giving up because it’s not going to get better if [00:20:00] I sit on the couch and cry. So just being able to, when I help other women, I can teach them. And like I said, I keep it simple. I can teach them about their phases of their cycle and why they feel a certain way.

[00:20:11] video1879708878: Cause I look brand new to me. I like, as I, as I’ve hit perimenopause, my emotions have been more elevated. Like I remember when I started with you, I was, and I don’t like to use the word psycho because, but I’m like, I joke. I’m like, I’m literally trying to am, but I’m diagnosed, but I would feel all these crazy feelings.

[00:20:30] video1879708878: And it was almost, it wasn’t paranoia. But it was just things you wouldn’t think of normally. And then I was reading like, Oh, you know, luteal phase or whatever it was. And just certain things that, made me aware. So I can tell the other woman, this is what you’re going through. This is why you might feel that way.

[00:20:51] video1879708878: Or this is why, like when you sync the workout calendars, um, that it’s okay to rest. I mean, and you and I talked about this, your [00:21:00] podcast, where you say, I didn’t know what to do with my left arm. Maybe you said right arm. When it came to rest days, that used to be me. Like you can’t take a rest day that is, and just showing women, you have to.

[00:21:11] video1879708878: You know, Saturday I played pickleball and I woke up Sunday and I was sore from my neck to my toes. I literally, I laid around all day. My body hurt so bad and I knew that was okay. And yesterday it still hurt so bad. All I did was a, uh, restorative yoga stretching. Like literally I, I held positions for like three minutes and that’s something like I try to teach other women that like you can rest.

[00:21:36] video1879708878: You need to rest talking about like the simple importance of protein. So that’s the things I’m sharing. Like I said, again, I keep it simple that you need to do this. This is what’s going to help you. These are things that I know for fact, and these are things that are easy to apply. And so I just keep sharing my message too.

[00:21:55] video1879708878: And sometimes we do it through humor. You know, how many reels do we send [00:22:00] in our little message thread? Sometimes you gotta laugh, right? And people resonate with that stuff too, you know, totally, totally. Yeah, it’s interesting because I think it’s like you said, women just want to be heard like you’ve said that.

[00:22:12] video1879708878: And I think you’re so right because You know, at the end of the day, we want to feel like we’re not alone. And I think because society doesn’t talk about women’s health, really, we don’t talk about periods. We don’t, you know, women don’t really talk about sex. There’s just not a lot about menstrual health that we discuss.

[00:22:30] video1879708878: Right. And so the same is true for preparing menopause and menopause. I was just talking to somebody recently who said. That she, she was on a, she was telling me about how she was on this trip with some friends and the friends were all younger than her, like thirties and forties. And she was in her fifties and she was in menopause and she said she made a comment about the struggle of menopause and the other girl, the other women just laughed.

[00:22:52] video1879708878: And that was it. Like, that was the end of the conversation. That’s really how it is. Like we left the end of the conversation. And so I always like to say. You [00:23:00] know, women’s health is something that we don’t talk about until we talk about it. Like once the door is open, once the door is open, then women are like more vulnerable.

[00:23:07] video1879708878: And they’re, they’re just more vulnerable in the service of other women. Right. So it’s like, you start talking, you know, you might do a funny reel on Instagram about birth control pills or something. And the next thing you know, you’re having an intimate conversation with him. He’s like, Oh my gosh, this is me.

[00:23:21] video1879708878: Like, I’m struggling. And you’re like, wow, I’m so glad that I took that effort of putting it out there because it is. Need to talk about for sure. So you went on to, okay, so now you’re, you’re doing your, your coaching, you’re niching down into hormone health and you’re, you’re, you’re advocating the course and, and everything else.

[00:23:38] video1879708878: So, but you’re also like on your own personal journey. I want to make sure we slow down a little bit and talk about that because, so Christine came into the course, then became certified. Then we rolled out the virtual consults with Dr. Page and I, and she took, she was our first client. She was like, please let me be number one.

[00:23:55] video1879708878: Please let me be number one. So she was our first official [00:24:00] virtual consult that we did. And, I want to just pause and maybe just ask you, what, what were the maybe one or two biggest things that you learned that were most pivotal for you in that virtual console? Like you talked about how Dr. Page really, um, encouraged the whole stress related to body image thing, like the whole, you know, every time you look at yourself in the mirror, you’re telling yourself, I’m, you’re not okay.

[00:24:24] video1879708878: I think were her words. What else would you share? Like, what have you learned about that experience? You don’t have to tell us about the consult, but like, what are you taking from that and implementing now into your life that you think could be pivotal for you? Well, and this might not, I don’t want to say it’s not the answer you, not the answer you want to hear, but this is one thing, and because I get very emotional about it, but when I, because it’s been hard, and I think it’s been hard because Out of nowhere, I’m dealing with some of my mental health struggles that I haven’t dealt with in a long time of this level, but I got off the call and I cried because I was grateful.

[00:24:58] video1879708878: Because you guys [00:25:00] decided to come up with this concept. Uh, because I didn’t know who the hell to go to. You know what I’m saying? Like, women have such a hard time finding doctors. And as you as I know, they’ll go and they’re not heard. And so, just knowing that I could trust you, after… All the months of working with you and taking the course and then I think if you told me that like the person you were partnering with was not even a person like a cow.

[00:25:24] video1879708878: Listen to you both and just been like, Okay, Jenny says, we’re sorry that was a little weird. I get what you’re saying. It’s just, you know, if you could have said, you know, I found this person in 7 Eleven and blah, blah, blah, we hit it off and this is what they know, but I, I felt like you guys took time to read, you suggested the Dutch test and I trusted you enough to do that because I believe in why I just didn’t hear a podcast.

[00:25:52] video1879708878: You took the time to explain why you both took the time to read this, these two PDFs that literally looked like [00:26:00] Mandarin to me. and tell me what it meant. You took the time to not just um, I mean I told you I was waiting for the progesterone just because you told me how much it helped you in your journey.

[00:26:12] video1879708878: So yes, I was waiting for that prescription, but I was based upon also my test. But you guys went above and beyond to talk about and I think other self care items. That we don’t think about like the importance of sleep and I mean, I think that’s so undervalued to women. So you talked about other things. I mean, I think some of it’s like common sense, not as eat cleaner, but you guys took such an in depth approach and you did your homework before even talking to me.

[00:26:44] video1879708878: Right. I didn’t fill out the intake form as I’m waiting in the doctor’s office. You get it and you read it with me. You guys read it before. So I think the time and effort that you were putting into individuals is something to be accredited and grateful. I think that’s what I was most grateful for. And you have a game [00:27:00] plan for me.

[00:27:00] video1879708878: That’s not done yet. Yeah. Right. It wasn’t a one and done. Yeah. You’re just starting. Yeah. It’s it’s just starting. I mean, I wish that with, with modern medicine, I wish that. It is weird, isn’t it? That like we fill out the intake form in the office and then you know that that doctor is not taking time to look at that.

[00:27:16] video1879708878: Yes. Yes. Nor is it asking questions that are even relevant to, you know, like in my case, I was adopted at birth. So my entire medical history intake form is just N. A. Because I don’t have any medical history. So then how much information is the doctor really starting off with, you know, like, so you think about that.

[00:27:36] video1879708878: And you also think about the fact that a lot of times they bring you in. And then you have a whole hour long appointment that you pay for where they just send you off to do the testing and then come back and then you go over the testing. Whereas I feel like one thing that we’re trying to do with our consults is, in your case, you had the Dutch test.

[00:27:52] video1879708878: Yeah, I had the, yes. And that has helped most of the women actually that we’re meeting with already have something. They already have at least [00:28:00] baseline levels. And so because they’ve gone through the course. So they’ve gotten that testing done, we’re able to order that testing for people if they’re not able to, but it’s just a whole new level when you can come into the conversation with an in depth intake form.

[00:28:13] video1879708878: We know what your struggles are, what your history is, what your lifestyle is like, we’re asking about your food, we’re asking about your activity levels. Yes. So we have that information and we have your labs and we’re able to sit down and be like, okay, here’s a clear picture of what I like to call the holes in your boat.

[00:28:30] video1879708878: How can you get the holes in your boat so that you can sail? I feel like there’s so much time wasted. When women go to their OBGYN or whoever, and they do this like random lab draw, and they’re told they’re normal. There’s like a ton of women out there, thousands of women listening to this right now, who I’m sure have been told everything is normal.

[00:28:48] video1879708878: Everything’s fine. Absolutely. It’s fine. It’s just part of aging. It’s just part of the perimenopause process. That infuriates me. Me too. Like even if I feel my body, that’s something to, my body has changed. [00:29:00] Things have changed. But I still feel, I just turned 51 a couple weeks ago, but I don’t feel 51. I sure as heck don’t act 51.

[00:29:10] video1879708878: So I’m still, even through the struggles, like trying to live my best life, and I’m not going to let someone else tell me, and tell me like, that it just happens. I mean, I’ll tell you, I was humbled when it did happen to me, you know, again, Jamie, you should look into this. I feel great. You know, for three or four years, I felt, you know, like 2018, I kind of, I don’t know what I’m talking about this morning, 2017, 2018, I think I got a little lax and then you remember 80 days session came out and so did that and I got back on my game and so I felt so good for all these years until it happened.

[00:29:44] video1879708878: So I will say this. It is. Which is why I’m trying to advocate for women now. It may not be happening to you, but you better trust me. It’s going to come out of nowhere and it’s going to bite you in the butt. And then you’re gonna be like, what the heck? I should have listened to Jamie and I should have listened to Christie.

[00:29:58] video1879708878: But, um, [00:30:00] yeah, I don’t, I’m, and I guess I want to be that voice for women. Cause I do that with your mental health. I’m like, you don’t have to hide. You don’t have to be ashamed that you feel a certain way. So I’m going to be the one that puts it out there. And some people might think it’s weird. I’m so over that.

[00:30:14] video1879708878: And I’m going to talk about this because I know there’s that woman sitting at home feeling like, why did this happen? Why do I feel this way to let them know you can do something about it and just don’t listen to some random doctor. Yeah. So true. So true. Mic drop moment. Yeah. I think it’s, it’s just something that we’ve got to start talking about and we’ve got to start making it.

[00:30:37] video1879708878: Relatable. That’s what I love about, you know, everybody wants to talk about like the negatives of social media. And like, I like to talk about the positives. I love that. So yeah, you’re someone who’s out there and you’re willing to share what’s going on with you, you know, so that other people can resonate with that and ultimately change a life and that’s what it’s all about.

[00:30:55] video1879708878: So, as you move forward from here. Obviously, you’re just [00:31:00] starting on like the new protocol and whatnot, but what is, what is your plan? Like from a business perspective, from a health coaching perspective, like what do you feel like is really next for you? So for me, and that’s a great question. I, you and I had this conversation privately about like what kind of my next steps looks like because I really would like to niche down and in doing so I had to tell myself, I’m not Jenny.

[00:31:25] video1879708878: So I want to share this message and I keep going back to basic and I want to help women, but I know that I have got to keep it simple for them. So again, I’m still trying to share the message and I do try to share some of it with humor because I mean, like, someone sent me one this morning and it was like going through menopause and it was like all these fancy girls walking down these stairs, you know, for some, they were filming something probably for something pretty and one girl just crashes and she falls down in her heels and her dress and then they all start laughing.

[00:31:56] video1879708878: And you know, and the meme at the top was like me going through menopause or [00:32:00] perimenopause. But I want to make it simple for women so that they would come in and they would understand I can help on a simplistic level. I always encourage people to take the course because I’m like, there are things that you’re going to get out of that, that no one else can teach you.

[00:32:15] video1879708878: Like, I feel like if you learn it yourself. Then it’s so much easier than me telling you, right? And so I’m just trying to keep my message right now for me. And, you know, kind of my mental capacity as well, keeping it simpler. It’s like, let’s talk about the workouts and why let’s talk about, you know, the phases of your cycle and why let’s talk about protein.

[00:32:34] video1879708878: And why let’s talk about why we eat before our workouts. Let’s talk about getting proper sleep. So things like that. You know, I always go back to, if I talk to someone, I go back to what you said, nutrition, fitness, sleep, and supplementation. So those are kind of, I guess you call them your four pillars or whatever.

[00:32:50] video1879708878: Those are the four pillars. And so I talk about those and then share my experience, what I did, the Dutch test, what the heck’s the Dutch test. I’m like, that’s okay. I didn’t know what it was either, or, you know, and [00:33:00] talk about getting answers or doing this before just going to your doctor and. You know, them telling you you’re fine when you’re not.

[00:33:11] video1879708878: Yeah. So it’s, it’s really about just getting the message out and niching down into hormone health and, and really helping more women on this level. I mean, I think, you know, the woman that I speak to might be different than the woman that you speak to. You know, I think it’s interesting because when people ask me about like, what does the certification involve?

[00:33:28] video1879708878: I’m like, well, it’s really just a matter of going through the course yourself. And starting this process for yourself, this process, finding a functional wellness journey, you know, figuring out how to reach your maximum energy. And then you’re really just giving the tools to another woman who do the same thing, right?

[00:33:45] video1879708878: You don’t have to be the expert. You don’t have to be the person who’s like sharing the knowledge. You can just be simply like, Hey, I’ve got this thing that can help you get there. Right? So even when people ask me, how do I find a functional medicine doctor? Or how do I, how do I know what testing to get?

[00:33:59] video1879708878: I’m like, you need to [00:34:00] get in the course. I can give you a list. I can give you a list of tests, but if you don’t understand what those tests are. what they’re testing you for, how to interpret that, how to know if the doctor’s interpreting it correctly, what to ask about. Like there’s so much more than just give me the list of tests to ask for.

[00:34:17] video1879708878: Because when, when you’re asking me that question, you’re, you’re putting the assumption on the fact that the doctor is the authority on your health. So you’re saying to Jenny, Jenny, give me the list of testing I need to give my doctor. That tells me that you’re then going to hand that to the doctor.

[00:34:33] video1879708878: They’re going to run those tests. Maybe, maybe not. And if they do, then you’re going to trust what they say to be the truth. And I’m not saying that doctors are liars. That’s not what I’m saying. You guys know, I don’t feel that way. It’s just so true that they may not be looking at it the same way, right?

[00:34:48] video1879708878: That might be more of a, I like to say your house is on fire, a modern medicine approach, as opposed to there are matches in your basement, functional medicine approach. And so I want to teach you how to know that [00:35:00] information for yourself or even just what questions to ask when it comes up. So. Yeah, this is awesome.

[00:35:05] video1879708878: I mean, I love, I love following you, Christine, cause you’re so real and you’re so authentic and every time I watch your stories, you’re always like, Hey, listen, I’m not the expert, but I can point you in the direction. So I want you to tell everybody, you know, Where can they find you on social media? Where can they see your funny reels?

[00:35:24] video1879708878: All the things. I go through phases and I’ll never forget when you’re like, I’ve never done a reel. And yet you have been able to help so many women and have such a successful business. Because I also look at that. This is my business. Like I’ve been able to take. What has helped me and that’s what I love about it is we get to help women like that’s our job and we get paid to do that and I think that’s wonderful.

[00:35:46] video1879708878: So I am on Instagram. It’s Christine Carroll fitness. It’s Christine with a K K R I S T I N E C A R R O L L fitness. And then I’m also on Facebook just Christine Carroll because I am 51 and I still [00:36:00] use Facebook. So I am going to go there and I’m not. Please, like I’m not, you’re not going to find perfect nothing.

[00:36:07] video1879708878: I’m just going to put it that way. Perfect real. It’s not going to be whatever. I just, I have to be me. Yeah. I love that. And I love that about you. And I think that the best influencers out there are people who are saying true to themselves. So I love that. Well, thank you, Christine, so much for being here.

[00:36:22] video1879708878: Thank you for taking the time out of your day to share your course and just.

[00:36:31] video1879708878: I hope you’ll consider taking the SYNC course and taking the certification, especially if you’re wanting to just step into your own self advocacy and learn more about your body and want to help women along the way. So without further ado, my friend, thank you so much for being here. And we’ll talk soon.

[00:36:47] video1879708878: Thanks guys. We’ll talk. Thank you. [00:37:00][00:38:00][00:39:00][00:40:00][00:41:00]

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