Interview With SYNC Course Member Jayme Thompson

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #25! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing SYNC course member. She is learning how her body is designed to feel, understanding her hormonal imbalances, and starting to get to the root cause of what’s going on for her. In this episode we hear her story and her progress. 

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

Enjoy the show!

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Jenny Swisher 0:05
Welcome to the SYNC Your Life Podcast. I’m your host, Jenny Swisher, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, hormone, health expert and girl mom, I believe all women should be able to understand how our bodies are designed to feel. And I teach you how to sync your lifestyle to your cycle to reach maximum energy. You deserve to feel your best. And this podcast is going to teach you how let’s dive in!

This podcast is sponsored by the SYNC Digital Course, to take the free hormone imbalance quiz to see what your symptoms could mean about your health. Visit That’s sync s y n c dot Jenny

Okay, welcome everyone to this episode of the SYNC Your Life Podcast. I’m so grateful today to have my friend Jayme Thompson with me. Jayme is a recent course taker of the SYNC Digital Course. And I’m excited to be doing this little series here where for the entire month of April, I’m going to be doing basically little coach sessions, right like little coaching sessions, where I meet with people who are taking my course. And I ask them about their progress. And I really kind of check in with them to see how things are going with their learning where I can serve them better. And I want you guys to be able to hear that. Because I think a lot of times people say oh is this is this course, something that could help me. And there’s no better way to know than to hear from other people and to hear what other people are experiencing and what’s helping them. So Jayme has been so kind to be my first little guinea pig here for the course she’s been in the course just over a month, I think so relatively still new, she’s still on a journey for sure of kind of investigating her hormone health. But I’m just we became friends years ago through our network marketing business. And she’s also a health and fitness coach. And I just loved getting to know her. We’re both small town girls. So we have a lot in common when it comes to that small town girl mentality of friendship and connection and being real with people. And so I know you guys are going to take away some some realness today from this call. So first of all, Jayme, welcome to the show. I’m so glad you’re here.

Jayme 2:18
Thank you. I’m so happy to be here and so grateful for you and all you have shared.

Jenny Swisher 2:25
Well, let’s tell everyone that’s listening. You know, who are you like from day to day? Who is Jayme?

Jayme 2:31
Uh, well, I’m a mother of three. I was a former elementary, third grade teacher married to a high school basketball coach. And we have now moved a third time, and we’ve been where we are at for four years now. So hopefully, hopefully we’re staying a little a little longer this time. I have a 19 year old daughter, a 14 year old son and a nine year old son, but they all keep us very, very busy. I’ve been with health and wellness for almost 12 years. Yeah, 12 years. Well, but, you know, I’ve just kind of come to the point where I realized Oh, I hit 40. And things weren’t working for me that always seemed to work for me. So I am grateful that I found Well, I’m glad we’ve been friends. Gosh, I think it’s been we met on I thought of this the other day we met on the shuttle bus. Cruise. Yeah.

Jenny Swisher 3:36
Yes. We met on a little bus a little transit.

Unknown Speaker 3:39
Like work from Indiana over from Indiana, we realized we like connected so much. So yeah, I’ve always been really grateful that you and I met because I feel like we definitely connected and stay connected. So being able to watch you and see everything you’ve been sharing helped me a lot to finally say Okay, I think I need to I need to know more. So

Jenny Swisher 4:03
yeah. Yeah. So I mean, I know that when we first started talking, it was you know, I’m feeling off like something’s off and I think I need to learn more about hormone health. Can you tell us a little bit about you know, when did you last feel your best?

Well, I turned 40 We had just moved and we had to move into a rental while we’re waiting for our house. So moving a family into a very small space turned 40 and then COVID in quarantine in a very small space with your family. That was probably last time I remembered like I felt good. I had energy and there’s just like a spiral from there. Like I just felt things just started. Yeah, being way off. I noticed a lot in my energy. I noticed a lot in my brain fog. Like I would just have days where I felt like I could not focus and do anything And then of course, the weight game that started then as well. And I know you’ve also talked about like sleep issues like trouble sleeping or good quality of sound, as well. Yeah, that’s been kind of later. That was probably one of the things I noticed early on, I never had issues with sleeping. And then probably in the last year, I realized I started like waking up through the night or, well, my attention issues, I always have kind of an issue with actually calling myself down to go to sleep. But just the waking up was so weird. And I used to be good at being able to like get up in the morning, I used to be that 5:00 am’er like, I have. Not anymore.

Yeah. So when you sort of feeling this way, did you take any initiatives with your current, you know, with your primary care doctor at that time? Or did you ask questions to any sort of doctor about what could be going on for you?

Jayme 5:57
Yeah, it was a year ago. And I finally was like, Okay, I’ve got, I’ve got to figure out what is going on. Like, there. This is not right. And I’m wanting to literally drop dead and take a nap at 230. Every day. Like, this is not me. I found a doctor. And I always kind of question, you know, things like maybe there’s something with my thyroid, like, I don’t know, like, what’s going on. This is all new to me. I had no idea about this topic at all. And she said, My thyroid was enlarged, she can feel that. So I had blood work done, which of course, I didn’t know if I was getting the right stuff or anything, had blood work done, all of it came back normal, and just was deficient in a couple vitamins. They wanted me to add in and supplement. They did have an ultrasound done on my thyroid, and they saw a nodule, then I get back that oh, that’s normal check in a year. So I basically was handed like no answers still feeling terrible. Started the vitamins, I can’t tell you that really honestly did anything I don’t think it did to be honest, because I never felt any better. My nutrition just continued to get worse, like, my cravings for like, the carbs and the sugar or just everything, just like everything I’d worked so hard at feeling like I’d overcome and was just like, spiraling out of control. And yeah, had no direction, then it was my daughter senior year. So I put myself on the back burner. And my focus was on her and everything she had going on. So I never went to another doctor never got a second opinion or anything just kind of started following other people. And of course, I had watched you and I think I reached out to you. I don’t know how many times and you’re like I have this course. And I’m like, Oh, I know.

Jenny Swisher 7:58
So isn’t it funny? I mean, I just think it’s so interesting. I mean, how many women, I was just talking about this with a friend last night. You know, it’s so common for women to want to, you know, prioritize and put everyone else on the front burner. And I mean, myself included, I’ve been in that position too. And sometimes you feel like I know, you know, I know my check engine lights flashing, I know there’s something off I know I don’t I always say I like to measure everything and energy, right. And so women know when their energy is off. But a lot of times it’s like, but you know, my kids come first my husband comes first taking care of my parents comes first. If I had $1 for every person who’s ever said, you know, well, when my daughter graduates, I’m going to investigate this or when my daughter gets through what she’s going through, right? Like when someone else gets to this next point, I’ll start to prioritize myself. So if you’re listening to this, let this be your warning that putting yourself off does not make you better for the people that you love, right. And it doesn’t make you better for yourself, either. So that’s my biggest goal with this course. And this podcast, and everything that I’m doing is to make sure that people especially women are feeling that energy that you that you wake up every day with that energy that you can then put toward the people that you love. And it’s not a selfish thing to say, Okay, I’m really going to get to the root of this, right? I mean, I just had a I was just talking to someone last night, another client and they said, they’re getting ready to really focus on their gut health and really take their gut health seriously, and they’re following a regimen for that. And they said, selfishly, she said this to me, selfishly, I’m doing this for me. And I thought it’s girlfriend, it is not selfish. Like you’re doing it for you because you deserve to feel good. Right? So I just wanted to pause and say that really quick. So, okay, so then COVID happens, right? So that’s a disaster in itself, and we won’t go there. But COVID happens and everybody’s feeling the stress and then you’re home with everybody and you’re quarantine. So, you know, you said that, you know it sounds to me like I’m guessing that the general practitioner or whoever you were seeing that did the blood work? And I want to say this too. A lot of times when you ask what you think Something feels off typical modern medicine doctors and this is not to shame them, there is definitely a place for modern medicine. But a lot of times they’ll do just what what’s considered to be a basic metabolic panel. So they’ll do basic bloodwork to make sure that nothing is alarmingly wrong, right. But they don’t do a lot of specific testing. When it comes to even with the thyroid, they might look at your general TSH and your general thyroid, but they might not be digging deeper to the T three T four to the thyroid antibodies, there’s a lot of other things that can be looked at. And so that’s what I love so much about functional wellness, right is like getting to the root cause of what’s going on and to do that deeper testing. So that then you can kind of start to connect the dots on what’s needed for you to kind of get back up to speed right for you it for you to supplement accordingly or for you to come and get yourself back. So So anyway, so you finally make the decision, you reach out to me, I think we did talk multiple times. And I’m like, Okay, you need to get into the course you need to start digging it. And the next thing I know you get into the course. And then it was like two days later, and you’re like I just finished everything you’re like I just watched all the videos. I just listened to all the podcasts like oh my gosh, I’m just so overwhelmed. So tell me like coming into the course what? What stood out to you? What was your first aha moment? You know, where you thought this is something I need to do?

Jayme 11:16
Yeah, well, I did. I did. I benched everything. I was like painting my office and listening to everything. And I’d stop and take like three pages of notes. And it helped me to like, go and say something to my husband about it or go say something to my daughter, because it helped me retain it, or I would share it with some of my ladies like, oh my gosh, my mind is blown. Like, this makes so much sense. But I think for me, the biggest thing was like, wow, I really wish that when I was whatever you’re how old like understanding our cycles, and everything that is really going on. And I literally am 42 years old. And some of that is like, Wow, that really explains so much of the things that we have gone through and having you know a daughter, I’m like, You need to understand this stuff. Like you need to watch this stuff now and understand it. So you know, because she’s already had her own issues with with some of the things and understanding that, wow, it’s really not supposed to be that way. You’re that’s not normal. We’re we’re taught to think some of these things are normal, and they’re not really normal to have those types of symptoms. Kind of like I said, You know what led to me having the ablation done and having other things done, or, you know, going to my doctor and saying I fell off and I am on an antidepressant but sometimes I wonder, okay, but let’s get to my root cause like, I know, there’s something deeper going on, that can be causing those issues. So I think just hearing you just explain all the things I loved the four legged chair that helped so much like understanding going on. Yeah, all of it. I mean, I still I felt so educated.

Jenny Swisher 13:10
Yeah, I had a few of you guys reached out to me around the same time. And each of you were saying the same thing, which is okay, like, and I love it. I love when people come into the course and they they get through the content, and then they act on it. Because sometimes people can say like, Am I really going to use this course? Like if I if I invest in this course, am I really going to apply it, you know, like, and so I love when people come in, and they just take the bull by the horns, and they’re like, Okay, like fit module one. She’s teaching me how to find a functional medicine doctor, she’s giving me the testing to ask for I’m going to go do it right. And so there were a handful of you that came in around the same time. Who all did that. And so I started getting this immediate feedback of, you know, first it was I’ve enjoyed all the videos, I’m learning so much. And then a couple of weeks later, I’m in my doctor’s waiting off waiting room, and I can’t wait. And it’s so funny because most the time as women we hate sitting in the waiting room, right like, and I think it comes as a result of the fact that what you just said, we don’t feel educated on our body, we know that something’s off, but we aren’t in the doctor position. And so we put too much reliance on the doctor to know what’s going on for us as opposed to understanding what’s going on in our body and asking the right questions. So by you coming into the course downloading the file of what to ask my doctor about taking the symptom quiz, like having the supplement guide having the different things that are provided. I remember hearing from you and from others at the same time. I feel so confident going into this appointment for the first time in my life. I feel like I’m on the right track. I feel like I know exactly where I’m headed. I know what I’m asking for. And I’m not going to take anything less than this for an answer. And unfortunately it does happen sometimes where you know, a lady will go to a doctor and it still isn’t the right fit or they have to keep up that can be a journey in itself of finding the right doctor but I love that that you’re that you’re one of the ones that just said no, I’m doing this and so tell us about kind of where you’ve been since then. So you went to a functional Medicine doctor, tell us about that experience.

Jayme 15:02
And like you just said, when I’m talking to her, and she’s going through all my stuff, and she would say things, I’m like, what you’re talking about, like, I felt so educated going into that. Whereas my first appointment, you know it, you know, a year ago, I had no idea, like, nothing was totally clueless on all this whole topic. But just to have her say things, and then I printed off all your, your forms you gave us and she was like, wow, this is awesome. You know, she was like, I do all this. And I was like, Okay, I felt so relieved to feel like, wow, I finally feel like I’m moving in a direction to start getting answers and to feel like myself again. So I was able to get all the testing done, that you also recommend, and she did all of them. And now I’m just at the point of just waiting now for my next appointment, we’ll be going over results to see results

Jenny Swisher 16:03
right back. Yeah, I know, you’ve gotten some of your blood work back, and you’re still waiting on your Dutch test results and some other things too. So one thing that we teach in the course, is about the accuracy and inaccuracy of certain types of tests. And that’s something that’s worth mentioning here, too, if your doctor is if you’re telling them that you feel off and they’re sending you in for bloodwork, and they’re not going a level deeper, and they’re not looking at salivary test results, or urinary test results, it’s most likely that we’re not getting a very accurate picture of your hormones. And so I like to teach women that first you know, that’s kind of how you know when you have the right doctor on board, is if that doctor says to you, hey, you know, we’ll do some blood work as a baseline, but it’s not going to be a super accurate picture of what’s going on for you. So let’s do something more than you know, you have the right person. Okay, so that’s always going to be number one. Number two is, and I’ve unfortunately, I’ve had this happen multiple times where I have taken my Dutch test results or whatever to a doctor, and they look at it, and they are completely honest with me. And they say this is not something that I specialize in, this is not something that I understand. So again, you know, getting the right practitioner is going to be helpful for everyone so that you feel like this person knows what they’re doing. They know what they’re prescribing. For me, they know what they’re looking at, they know how to interpret these results. I am by no means I’m not a practitioner at this point. But I do like to walk alongside the women in the course and to help them know what to ask about and what to not settle for. So obviously, first and foremost, if you’re going some to someone and they’re just wanting to do basic blood work, and they say everything looks normal, don’t settle for that push and ask for more, they say no, find another doctor, even just as a second opinion. But also when it comes time to meet with that functional medicine doctor and go over your results. There are also some things to be paying attention to one of those things and this is, you know, we don’t have Jayme’s test results to go over for this. But this is something that I just I’ll call attention to her and to anyone listening. You know, because Jayme has mentioned that she’s turned 40, she started noticing these changes to me. And again, disclaimer, I’m not a doctor, I’m not here to diagnose her or prescribe her with anything, but just being someone who’s been in this world for a while now I can say that, given her age, given the signs that she’s seeing the sleep issues, the carb cravings, I’m guessing her adrenals are at play, I’m guessing her progesterone is at play. So the thing that I’m most interested in seeing with Jamie for her pay attention to are those markers when she gets her Dutch test results. I want her to go into this appointment with for this follow up and I want her to ask about not just are my levels, okay? But also are my ratios, okay? And that’s something that we teach in the course, right? So you could have a doctor that tells you your estrogen is fine, your progesterone is fine, your testosterone is fine. But you know, you have the right doctor when the doctor is also talking to you about the ratios between those things between your progesterone and your estrogen. Just a little teaching moment, right. And I’ve said this on the podcast before, but it’s worth mentioning, again, for some women like for me and my husband in my 30s for Jayme maybe at age 40. Right. So it just depends on on the woman, but your progesterone will actually start to decline before your estrogen does. And so what happens is it creates this big gap, right this large ratio between estrogen and progesterone. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that your estrogen is high, it also doesn’t necessarily mean that your progesterone is too low, it just means that the gap between the two is too wide. So as a result of that, that’s when we start to see the body hold on to excess fat especially in like the lower belly, the hips and thighs, the hips and thighs especially. And you know, your adrenals are compensating more for sex hormone production. So your ovaries start to work less and less, right your your fertile years are winding down slowly even if it does take 10 years they’re winding down. So your ovaries are producing less. your adrenals start to produce more and your adrenals I’m guessing even just from your situation, right you’re moving you were living in a rental like so not only are you this is all happening at one time. It’s like a perfect storm of stress and travel stress, external stress. And what I see most women do I don’t know if this is the case for you, Jayme. But what I see most women do is they just say I just need to push harder. And they say, I just need to maybe I’ll do two workouts a day, I’ll do 75 hard, right? I’m going to cut back, I’m going to cut back on my fat, I’m going to cut back on my carbs. And what happens when that happens is your body goes into a state of fight or flight. It’s like, holy crap, what’s she doing to me, I’m already stressed. And now of course, exercise is a stressor. So now she’s exercising me even more. So now I’m even more stressed. And so what does it do? You gain more weight? Right? And it’s so frustrating. So is that is that kind of summarizing?

Jayme 20:36
Described to me to a T? Yes, yes, exactly. You know, I was like, Oh, my gosh, I cannot everything I’ve always done not losing, gaining right and exact areas. You said,

Jenny Swisher 20:48
Yeah. And you and I are both like health and fitness people like we love to work out. I mean, our workout is our therapy, right? And so I think it’s so common, I went through this too, in 2017, when I definitely had a big progesterone dip. Thanks to the testing that I had been doing. I could compare and see what was happening. But when I had that happen, I at first I thought like I need to work harder, right? Like because in my 20s, I was super. And I was thinking this in my mind and my 20s I was super lean. And I was but you know, I was exercising an hour a day. So I’ll go back to that, right. And you go back to that. And then you’re like, wait, nothing’s working, and I’m gaining more weight, and I’m more tired, and I’m sleeping worse, right? So again, if you’re listening to this, and you’re like, I feel like she’s describing me, the best way to really tackle this is to step one, go about finding a functional medicine doctor and getting the right testing. You know, the number one nutrient that you’re deficient in is the number one nutrient that you are deficient in. It’s different for every single person, so I can give you my general top supplements to take. But it doesn’t mean that it’s attacking what your specific deficiencies. From there, though. And this is where I want to take the conversation from once we start getting progress. So with Jamie, she’s starting to get progress, right? She’s starting to kind of have a feeling that in your mind, you kind of know what these results are going to show you based on what you’ve learned off course. And so now you’re going to feel educated going into the second appointment, you’re going to ask the right questions, and I’m hoping that they are going to put you on some whether it’s bioidentical hormone therapy, or they’re going to put you on some sort of supplements that will help you in the right get in the right direction with that, in the course I teach about the force, the four fundamentals of hormone balance, right your supplementation, your nutrition, your sleep and your fitness. In my experience, at least with women I’ve worked with so far, getting the proper supplementation and really kind of steering away from inflammatory foods and proper nutrition most of the time, takes care of asleep, right, it takes care of the sleep because now their body is getting what it needs. And so it can relax. Okay, the adrenals are in overdrive. So let’s touch on the fitness and nutrition piece. Obviously, you’ve been someone who has followed I’m guessing maybe a couple of different types of nutrition regimens. What has worked for you before what stopped working and what are you doing now? I guess it’s the question

Jayme 22:56
Well I definitely went through like a phase of life with you know, pregnancies and things. So for me the first time ever really following any type of nutrition plan it was definitely when I plugged into just the portion that worked for me. Until you know, I felt like okay, I’ve always been one who struggled with nutrition so issues with disordered eating and binge eating so you know those things I always have to work on mindset which is definitely where I’m at still on it’s it’s a constant work for me then moving into more of a really did like the principles that were taught with the to be mindset. I really did like that so kind of moved me into more of like, okay, let’s start doing more and intuitive eating. But when you struggle with eating issues and disordered eating that sometimes can come back and and can be an issue I found myself in a battle of that but so when I stop and look at it when I really need to be plugged in and really paying attention, I think it is the portions that helps me I need a little more discipline for sure. So learning from your nutrition understanding some things I need to to change I need to just because we’re we need more of those certain foods. That’s kind of helped me open my eyes of okay, mapping out my plan of what I’m going to be doing is where I’m at. So that’s kind of the nutrition side, but the fitness side, I was totally amazed by everything. I probably was doing wrong for so long. And like you said, like, I was a cardio junkie. I’ve always loved cardio. Where’s the point? I’ve know I’ve overtrained in the past. I did teach classes too. So I know I probably did a lot of things wrong and having to understand I need to follow my cycle and there’s a certain plan for that and seeing that plan and now being able to start working to implement that

Jenny Swisher 25:01
is where I’m at. Yeah, I can think back to high school, I was a high school athlete. And there were a couple of girls on our cross country team, who would one in particular that really struggled with, I think endometriosis and some menstrual cramps each month. And I can remember her like doubling over at practice, like once a month, and the coach just saying, we’ll just get your three miles in, and then you know, you can go home and I’m thinking, Oh, my God, like now knowing what I know. Now I’m like, oh, you know, Dr. Stacey Sims, who is the author of ROAR, which is an awesome book. And she’s also been viral for her TED talk called Women are not small men. She’s really passionate about teaching male and female coaches how to work with adolescent athletes, because I don’t know if you guys know this or not. But she was, she was a I don’t know if she was the nutritionist or whatever. But she was a consult for the USA women’s soccer team, and really got them into the rhythm of cycle syncing with their workouts and with their nutrition. And obviously, we, we don’t need to talk about the USA women’s soccer team, they’re pretty incredible. So you know, awareness needs to be there. For for this idea of cycle syncing. And you know, I like to say that if you’re if you’re just pounding the pavement every day as a runner, or you’re, you know, hitting the treadmill or the elliptical, or you’re just pressing play on a home program every day, and there’s no strategy behind it cater to your cycle, you could very easily be working against your physiology. So you could be really taxing those adrenals in ways that they shouldn’t be taxed, you could be affecting the regularity of your menstrual cycle. I see that happen a lot, myself included. I know when I’m training too hard when my menstrual cycle starts to get wonky, you have to pay attention to it, right? Because if you’re not, you’re ignoring that check engine light and then later down the road, you might not notice it until you stop sleeping, or you start gaining weight, right. Those are the later signs that you’re working against your physiology. So I know that one thing that you had said was the meal plans were helpful, like when you got into the course like seeing the meal plans laid out of this is what you should eat week to week and your cycle broken down by phase. So so far, I mean, it sounds like you’ve really started implementing quite a bit like you’ve, you’re making progress with a functional doctor. You’re paying attention I’ve seen in your stories and stuff. You’re like I’m taking a rest day. And then in my mind, I’m like, Okay, I know where she is in her cycle. I know what she’s doing. Right. So you’re so how do you feel so far? I know that you haven’t started, you know, there’s not much supplementation happening yet. But how are you feeling? As far as energy? Are you noticing any differences?

Jayme 27:26
Well, I mean, I’m proud of myself, like you said, taking a rest day. That’s, that’s huge. That’s a huge step. Because I mentally look for fitness and movement as my therapy. But realizing, like pushing myself when I don’t need to be. That’s, that’s huge. And understanding like, Okay, this is when I really need to be lifting heavy, I really need to be lifting or Okay, let’s it’s time to rest. That’s huge. Because I’ve always just been like, Okay, here’s my schedule, I’m just gonna do this. And no matter how horrible I feel today, I’m going to do this cardio workout and kill myself and feel terrible and not even realize that I just totally should have done that. Or, oh, you know, I’m gonna go and do a second workout like I don’t, my brain is not there anymore. So that just tells me I’ve made huge, huge leaps and progress with this, to have that mindset changed, and feel happy and excited that I have something that I can follow that’s going to be good and teach my daughter because she’s saying that with her fitness right now. But I mean, she like I said, she has those issues, and you’re talking about the cramping. And I mean, I remember those days, too. I remember when it was mile day and PE in high school. And I mean, I’m literally doubled over and like I’m, I’m not doing it today, because yeah, physically. Do you think back now, knowing a lot of these things, you think back to all the things you went through through those years. And so helping her to see that there’s certain things she needs to be doing, too, is huge. It’s a topic that is not not talked about. No, no,

Jenny Swisher 29:14
pNo, even amongst women, I think it’s so interesting, even women, I mean, when you’re I could be at a three day weekend with women and the subject of hormone health is just not gonna come up. Like it’s just not like, and a woman could be suffering the entire three day weekend with menstrual cramps, and you never know it. Right? We just take the Advil we just pushed through it, we find we find and that’s just that’s society. Yeah. And I think back to like, sex education in middle school, right. And it was about how you have a baby, right? And how to prevent pregnancy, like how to protect yourself from you know, from that and, and I think back and I’m like, I think it was probably 25 Before I had an understanding of what my cycle even was. I remember talking to a friend of mine who was like, Well, what day of your cycle are you on? And I was like, what, like, what does that mean? And she was you know, I didn’t even under But that meant I didn’t know how many days my cycle was, I didn’t know what and then you. So it’s funny because I hear this a lot from women who’ve taken the course. And they start to follow the fitness plan that’s in the course. And they say, oh, like, you know, I just heard this last week, a girl was like, I was going to go take my usual orange theory class on a particular morning, and she’s like, but the class was full or something happened, and she couldn’t get there. So she’s like, so I ended up just going to my local YMCA that I’m a member of, and she said, I just looked at the fitness calendar for the day. And I saw that it said, some sort of yoga or low impact yoga, and she’s like, so I just decided to go into one of the empty rooms and do what it said on the calendar. And she’s like, my body feels so good. And so it’s like, it’s almost like an after effect, right? Like, they follow the calendar. And then they’re like, Wow, that felt really well, of course, it felt really good, because you’re following the energy of your cycle at that time. Had she gone to the orange theory class, or to the high impact class? Would she have felt that good? You know, we don’t know. But I remember her saying like, and she was sharing it in her social, right? Like, I’m so glad I followed that, because my body feels so much better for having done it. And so it is so powerful, I mean, everything. It’s funny, because when I thought about creating this program, I thought about it be just fitness and nutrition related, because that’s what I that’s what my world had been. It had been, you know, personal training and helping people with with home programs. And I thought, you know, I’m still not getting deep enough. If we only talk about workouts and nutrition, and there’s some sort of imbalance or something underlying then these people are still not going to get results. So that’s why I take you through step by step of you know, finding that doctor getting the right testing, asking the right questions, getting the right supplementation, and then the icing on the cake is okay, let’s start cycle syncing your workouts, let’s start getting you comfortable with that some women are coming in not having exercised in quite some time. So it’s a good starting point for them to and then of course, their nutrition, you know, taking the guesswork out of it and giving you exactly what to eat during the phases of your cycle. So anyways, okay, we’ve come full circle. So I my final question for you, before we wrap it up is just what would you say to the person listening? who’s like, I feel off? Not sure where to start? And then what’s next for you? Like? Are you thinking about getting certified? Are you you know, talking about this, I know, you have a large followership of women who look to you for advice, and health and wellness, like, are you using this information to teach them as well? So if you could cover both of those things and be super?

Jayme 32:26
Yeah, well, like you said, I’ve definitely been sharing, you know, little bits of what I’ve learned and what have already implemented, you know, with my following with my group with ladies, I already helped, because I’m like, some of them are younger, and I want them to understand like, this is a topic you need to be understanding and learning now, not, not when you’re 40. And they’re like, what happened? In that topic early on, and understand, yes, I am definitely wanting to get certified because I want to be able to help as many other women as I possibly can. Because this is something that I hear all the time I hear all the time, I’m tired, I brain fog, I’m not seeing results, I’m doing all the things and and Something’s just not right, I was shocked at how many women when I first kind of opened up and kind of share just how many women are going through it and don’t know where to go, don’t know where to turn, or going to the wrong places aren’t getting the right test. So it’s something I feel like I need to have in my back pocket of tools so that I can also lead them to get answers to feel better to you are leading the way on that. And I appreciate you so much.

Jenny Swisher 33:51
That that’s my goal, right is like if I can help you, and then you turn around and help somebody else, and then they help somebody else. Like it’s just a domino effect. And I’ve seen the power of that in multiple ways in the past several years, but I just think that this is information that needs to get out there. And it’s, you know, we’ve I think Michael Phelps coined the phrase, it’s okay to not be okay. Right, which is directed at the mental health aspect of things. But I think in a lot of ways, this physical health component affects our mental health. And when we’re not talking about it, when we’re not talking about it, and we’re just keeping it in, and we feel like our check engine lights are flashing, and we’re just like, well, oh, well, because my daughter’s in this phase of her life, or my son’s in this phase of his life. And we’re just making sure that everybody else gets that priority. We’re doing ourselves a big disservice, not just in the short term, but in the long term. And so, you know, it’s never too late. I know that we had that conversation. When you came to me, you’re like, What do I do now? Like, I feel like I’ve done all these things wrong, like, what do I do now? Guess what, it’s not too late. Like you just turned 40. You’re entering this new phase. And I think there’s you’re going to learn so much just in the approach that you’re already taking. So I just want to thank you for being with me today and for sharing this story with everybody who’s listening. hopefully everyone’s getting something out. So I’m excited to do more of these interviews here in the next few weeks so you get you guys get to hear from a multitude of people dealing with different struggles when it comes to their hormones and what they’re up to now and how they’re progressing so Jamie thanks so much for being with me today I’m so I value your friendship so much and to have you be my first little guinea pig on here means the world. Thank you

Thanks for listening to this episode of the SYNC Your Life Podcast. I hope you found value from today’s episode. If you did, please share it out to your friends or leave a review. Remember your cycles are your superpower and by aligning with them, you can live your life with all the energy needs to be a mom, Wife, Daughter and friend to those you love. Until next time!

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