Seeing Obstacles as Opportunity: Interview with Macarena Real de Azua

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #183! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing speaker and transformation coach Macarena Real de Azua on the topic of what it takes to transform your mindset and your life. 

You can find more about Macarena at

In this interview, we reference the book “Success Principles” by Jack Canfield, found here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

[00:00:00] Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Jenny Swisher, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, hormone health expert, and girl mom. I believe all women should be able to understand how our bodies are designed to feel, and I teach you how to sync your lifestyle to your cycle to reach maximum energy.

You deserve to feel your best. And this podcast is going to teach you how. Let’s dive in.

This podcast is sponsored by the SYNC digital course. To take the free hormone imbalance quiz to see what your symptoms could mean about your health, visit sync. jennyswisher. com. That’s SYNC, S Y N C, dot jennyswisher. com.[00:01:00]

[00:01:25] video2255736796: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today, I’m being joined by my new friend, Macarena. She has a longer name than what I just said, but I’m going to stick with that. That seems safest for me right now. I’m so grateful that she’s here. We’re going to do a deep dive into all things related to just what it’s like to be a woman and how to How to really navigate our life in the best way possible.

[00:01:45] video2255736796: You guys know that I like to touch on things related to hormone health, but I also like to just treat you as a whole person. And I like to talk about things related to our personal development and personal growth as women. So that’s what we’re going to dive into today. Without further ado, Macarena, welcome to the show.[00:02:00]

[00:02:00] video2255736796: I would love for you to just tell my listeners a little bit about you, who you are, your story, and how you got to doing what you’re doing. Thank you. I’m glad to be here. This is so fun. Yes, we spoke, uh, briefly, I think a few weeks ago, about each other’s journeys and mine in particular, I, it was shocking to me when we were talking about hormones, because I thought I would be that person that those things don’t affect her when she turned 50 and here I am 50 and all the things happen.

[00:02:37] video2255736796: So, uh, so it’s kind of funny that I have that, that mix of like mindset can conquer it all and also have to navigate, you know, the, Body issues. So to tell you briefly, I am originally from Uruguay. I’ve been in the U. S. for 25 years, Uruguay, South America. So I came when I was 25 [00:03:00] and, um, I started working at the United Nations.

[00:03:03] video2255736796: So, and I’ve done that for as long I think came to, to the U S I live in New York city. And in 2013, my, who is now my ex second husband was living in South Sudan deployed with the UN. And he met someone younger there who he chose over the family that we have created. So after he told me this, it was, I think about two or three years that were pretty rocky.

[00:03:36] video2255736796: And I thought, you know, when you can’t. really accept your reality. So in that persistence to resist, I stayed kind of, um, in autopilot for those first three years. And I think is, is interesting to think [00:04:00] about, uh, what things, how things happened in the past, because you think three years is a long time to be like stuck in one place.

[00:04:07] video2255736796: But in reality, you think about your life. you can also think about those chunks, right? And think about, Oh, how did that happen so quickly, but also so slowly. And so that happened. And then eventually I found my way to a book that is called the success principles by Jack Canfield. And I said, I’m going to do everything that this book says to see if I’m actually able to find myself and happiness again.

[00:04:36] video2255736796: So that’s what I did. And after I followed literally that book, every single step. I, um, I decided to no longer be in kind of like an autopilot and let life take me, but instead take control and decide what were the things that I wanted to achieve and what, what kind of person I wanted to become, what [00:05:00] kind of mom I wanted to be.

[00:05:01] video2255736796: So I started this journey of saying, okay. What do, how do I want to feel? And I, I realized that what I wanted to be was I wanted to feel that I loved being with my kids all the time. And you know, when you go to work on Friday and everybody’s like, Oh my God, it’s Friday and you think, Oh Jesus, I have to spend this entire weekend with my kids alone again, and, you know, take them to the practice and doing all the things.

[00:05:32] video2255736796: Well, you don’t feel like doing any of them. So, so I found myself a year later thinking, okay, now nothing has changed in the past year. Meaning no outside

[00:05:49] video2255736796: things have changed. So I had the same job. I had the same salary. I obviously had the same children. I had, I live in the same apartment. I did the same workouts. Pretty much everything was [00:06:00] exactly the same, except I was in love with my life. I was completely fulfilled. I enjoyed every, the mundane. I loved being with, with, with the kids and taking them to the park and doing all the little things.

[00:06:13] video2255736796: So from there, I thought, okay, so if I felt this way and I was able to overcome all these obstacles, then there’s probably other people who want to, who feel the same way. So I thought, I am going to now put other goals in my life. And I said, I’m going to go to school. I had never been done, uh, um, university.

[00:06:39] video2255736796: So I signed up for online college and I did that while I was working full time at the UN while I was raising my kids. And then I thought I need a new challenge. So I’m going to do Ironman triathlons. So I signed up for those and I started training. So I was doing all the things and like within three years, I actually accomplished everything that [00:07:00] I put my mind to.

[00:07:01] video2255736796: So since I’ve used those tools to keep accomplishing different things, to keep, um, putting new goals in my life and to, to basically diversify my tools of. That I can use for myself and for my clients and for the people who I work with at corporations and say, what are you struggling with now and how you can, can you use those obstacles and those, that adversity for as an opportunity for growth instead of, uh, something that can bring you down.

[00:07:36] video2255736796: So that’s briefly how I ended up in it. Well, I love it. I love the way you just positioned your story because, um, I want to share this too with my listeners along. I think it was a long time ago. It was probably only about seven or eight years ago. Lewis Howes was on a book tour. We brought him here to Indianapolis for an event and he did this amazing activity with the health coaches that were in the room.

[00:07:59] video2255736796: He had [00:08:00] us find a partner in the room, sit across from them, and we had to go through all of the activities and actions of our day, and we had to tell the person across from us, we had to tell them things like, I wake up, I have to wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. I have to get my kids to school. I have to brush my teeth.

[00:08:15] video2255736796: And we had to tell, we had to say, like, what are the things that we’re required to do each day? And tell your, tell the person across from you every little detail of everything you have to do. So we did that, and then afterwards, he had us go back and do it again. And the second time we did it, he said, This time I want you to tell the person across from you the same thing you already told them, but I want you to change the phrase to, I get to.

[00:08:37] video2255736796: I get to wake up at six o’clock in the morning. I get to brush my teeth. I get to X, Y, Z and the whole idea there, of course, was just reframing our perspective into more gratitude and, you know, making that decision that, um, you said earlier that, you know, you were doing all the same things. Nothing changed as far as your routines.

[00:08:57] video2255736796: What changed was your mindset and your mentality around [00:09:00] those things. So yeah, exactly. I love the way that you positioned that story. Um, I love success principles by Canfield. I want to kind of start with this. I want to ask you this question because you said you kind of just flipped the switch for yourself and said, I’m no longer going to be on autopilot.

[00:09:14] video2255736796: What did autopilot look like for you at that time? It looked like life was taking me. Life was just happening to me instead of for me. So it looked like I was going through the motions, but not making choices intentionally. So everything that I was going through in the day, it was sort of, Oh, okay, I’m doing this and I’m doing this just because that’s what I’m supposed to do.

[00:09:41] video2255736796: Not thinking, Oh, I’m going to choose to do these things. You know, with with the intention behind it. And actually, that’s it’s funny that you said that because, um, I was listening to a podcast, an interview of John [00:10:00] Mackey, I think is his name, the founder of Whole Foods. And he was he was sharing a story where He said, uh, when I was 19 years old, I was in college and I was taking these classes and that day I decided that I wasn’t, I was never going to do anything I didn’t want to do.

[00:10:19] video2255736796: And when I was listening to this, I remember I was parking actually by the whole food zone here in New York city. And I thought. Can you do that? Can you just not do the things you don’t want to do? And then I started thinking, yes, of course you can. And then, you know, like, you know, there are certain things that you hear at certain points when you’re actually ready to listen, that trigger these different, this like small, small actions that, but change your entire perspective.

[00:10:46] video2255736796: So I was thinking, yes, I wouldn’t do that. Of course. Yes, I want to live. I want to do everything that I want to do, not do the things that I don’t want to do. You know? Yeah. Yeah, I love that. Yeah. And I mean, I think I’ve shared it here on the show before, so I won’t, [00:11:00] I won’t, you know, beat a dead horse. But for me personally, when I was in my corporate job, I always felt like.

[00:11:06] video2255736796: This is over a decade ago. I always felt like my growth as a person was reliant on my employer. Like, I just thought like, Oh, well, they’ll send me to the seminars and they’ll do the things. And I didn’t realize that like personal development and and breaking through barriers was really up to me, right?

[00:11:22] video2255736796: Like, it’s really up to me. And so for you, it was the book, right? Like Success Principles by Canfield is sort of what set it off for you. We all have our something, whether it’s a podcast or a book, or we have something that like makes us think differently about the world makes us think different. I should say it makes us think differently about our own world and how we can shift our own perspective.

[00:11:41] video2255736796: You mentioned at the very beginning when you were sharing your story. You talked about, you know, the age of 50 and the hormonal changes that are happening and that sort of thing. And I want to make sure that that’s something that we touch on as well, because I know a lot of my listeners listening are women.

[00:11:57] video2255736796: Obviously, most of them are women and they’re, they’re [00:12:00] listening because they feel heard and seen. Um, because I always say maybe their check engine lights are flashing or their energy is low and off and they’re not exactly sure why. And a lot of times it’s because. You know, our bodies as women, especially, are changing through different phases of our life.

[00:12:16] video2255736796: I just saw this viral video on Instagram yesterday of this female doctor, and she was talking about how when we’re 30, we wish we had the body that we had at 20. And when we’re 40, we wonder why our bodies are falling apart. And then when we’re 60, we wish we had that 40 year old physique. And then when we’re 80, we realized, why did I spend my whole life hating my body?

[00:12:37] video2255736796: And I think it’s, it’s so interesting. Um, because I see the different phases of women in my digital course and just who I speak to. I see the frustration between not just body image, but also just. Um, these challenging periods that we go through raising Children caring for parents like the different stressors that are in our life.

[00:12:56] video2255736796: So I want to touch on maybe 1st 1st and foremost, [00:13:00] what you’ve gone through as far as the adversity that you faced and what you’re seeing now at this age. Looking back, what was the 1st part of the question? I’m sorry. Yeah. Just sharing more about like your, you know, how you’ve overcome adversity, you know, um, at 50, like how you’re, how you’re sort of viewing yourself as, as coming through a lot of things.

[00:13:20] video2255736796: You mentioned hormonal changes and things like that at the beginning of the show. And I’d love for you to elaborate. Okay. So the first, the first thing that I, I, that I think it’s important more for myself and perhaps for your listeners is I never saw myself as someone who gets caught up in those ages and those.

[00:13:42] video2255736796: Topics and those problems. I always, I’ve seen myself as someone who does whatever I wanna do and gets, and gets and accomplishes all the goals that I have. The same way that I did. I said I’m gonna do, um, [00:14:00] triathlons, I out for triathlons. I try not do ’em the same way I did. Oh. And now I’m gonna do Ironman.

[00:14:04] video2255736796: Oh, okay. Sign up by trying to do them the same way. You know, I’ve, I’ve had that, that um, that clarity and that. intention behind the decisions that I make. And so I thought, you know, my friends are complaining about hormones. They’re turning 50 and I’m doing this. And I thought that’s not gonna happen to me because I, I am, you know, I, my mind is so strong that I will be able to, to overcome these, these obstacles easy.

[00:14:31] video2255736796: That has not been the case. I feel like my My body has almost, I’m not going to say stop working because that’s not the case, but I’m going to say completely different from the, in the past seven, eight months. And that is because I’ve been so focused on, on my, on my business and working so hard [00:15:00] on my business that I almost.

[00:15:02] video2255736796: let my body, gave my body, like, uh, put it on the, in the back burner. So I don’t know if that’s why I feel this way or is it because, or it’s because I had, I also had like a thyroid issue. So I thought, Oh, okay. Once I like take that medication, then everything’s going to be fine. And then it wasn’t fine. And then, you know, it’s almost like things keep.

[00:15:23] video2255736796: up. So, um, so that’s one thing. And secondly, what you were saying about how I use adversity, I’m looking at my life right now in a way that I’m trying to be compassionate about where I am. And even though it’s not where I thought I would be at 50 in term, well, anywhere, pretty much, but Be compassionate with myself and try to say, Okay, so what is the silver lining here?

[00:15:53] video2255736796: What am I? What am I not seeing? That is all right with this moment. That is actually [00:16:00] right with this moment. So to think about, okay, so this I am not able to do the things or train as hard as I wanted. I signed up for a triathlon that is happening on the weekend and I did not train for it properly. So this is the first time I think in my life that I said, I’m not going to do it.

[00:16:22] video2255736796: And I don’t even know how to feel about that because I, on one hand, I think I’m failing at something that I said I was going to do. And on the other hand, I think I need to be realistic of how, of where I am at this moment, even if I’m not able, if I don’t think I’ll be able to finish, I’m not going to show up.

[00:16:41] video2255736796: To, you know, to do it half ass, because that’s not the way it’s not, it’s not going to feel great. You know? No, I love that. And this is, it’s interesting. I just finished recording a solo round. That’s going to go live on the podcast here soon as well. And it’s, it has to do with, I think I labeled it something like, are your workouts.

[00:16:59] video2255736796: Are your [00:17:00] workouts that you’re doing counterproductive? And it’s the same idea where like, I feel like women can get so, um, committed to the goal. Sometimes I see this a lot in women, like the perfectionism and you know, they, they see, you know, I’m going to do the marathon or I’m going to finish this home fitness program and mark, check all the boxes on the calendar, or I’m going to, you know, train for this or do that or whatever.

[00:17:22] video2255736796: And. I think they, they do sometimes feel like they’re a failure if they don’t do it, if they don’t do it to a T, if they don’t execute. So I love that you brought that up because my new messaging, um, that I’m coming out with on the podcast is, is really more about just listening to your energy. And what your energy is telling you.

[00:17:41] video2255736796: And I think as women, often we, we work against our physiology and we work against our energy. You know, like you could push yourself through and try to make that happen for your training. Or, you know, but it’s just, is it even worth it? Right. It’s like, is it worth it when in reality, maybe what’s best is for you to accept that this [00:18:00] is where your body and your energy is right now.

[00:18:02] video2255736796: And it’s okay not to write. So I think as women in general, we’ve got to give ourself permission more to listen to that energy. And I think that because you can blame it on society, you can blame it on whatever, but we have become so out of touch. With what we really need that oftentimes that’s why we’re feeling off because we want to make sure everybody else is taken care of and that we’re still hitting all those goals and doing all those things when in reality, we could be internally falling apart.

[00:18:28] video2255736796: You know what I mean? I agree 100 percent because I mean, I think that’s so important because also. It’s, I mean, I don’t know how much I went through in my mind to actually make this decision. I actually had a call with my three friends who do, do, you know, marathons and things. I was like, okay, this is what I’m thinking.

[00:18:50] video2255736796: What do you think? And they were like, what are you talking about? Just go and see if you can finish. And I’m like, I’m not going to do that because how I’m going to feel afterwards, you know? [00:19:00] So in terms of, um, how I’m going to feel afterwards, if I show up and I can’t finish because my body’s just not there.

[00:19:06] video2255736796: I mean, it’s, It’s not, uh, 5k, you know, and my friend was like, yeah, but you can still do you can walk the, you can, you can just the swim is fine. I’m like, yes, the, the bike you’re, you know, it might take you longer than, than, than last year, but who cares? I’m like, all right, next, the run where you can just walk.

[00:19:26] video2255736796: And I’m thinking, Yeah, but all that doing thing, doing it like that won’t be fun. It’s going to be torture. And I do these things for them to be fun, not for me to be like torturing myself, trying to finish a fireman that no one cares about, but myself, you know, yeah, exactly. I did an interview here on the podcast with a woman named Renee Linnell, and I’ll make sure that I link it up in the show notes.

[00:19:53] video2255736796: But I remember, um, the night before we did the podcast, she sent me an email about an hour before the podcast, [00:20:00] and she said, I just wanted to check in on your energy. Is what the email said. She was like, are you still feeling energetic enough for the podcast? And when we had not talked, like we had not spoken beforehand, you know, so I was like hustling around in my kitchen, like getting ready to, you know, get the girls to bed so that I could hop on and do the podcast recording.

[00:20:17] video2255736796: So I get this email and I, I remember it’s stopping me in my tracks. Like, wait, what is, does she not want to do it? You know, like what’s going on? So I wrote her back and I said, yeah, I’m fully prepared to do the interview tonight. Are you feeling up to it? So she wrote back and she said, yes, I’m feeling very up to it and high energy, but I always like to check in with people beforehand so that it’s not a waste of our time.

[00:20:37] video2255736796: And I thought, well, how beautiful is that to just how, how often should we really be checking in with ourselves to see, like, is this really what I need in this moment? Right? Like, do I have the energy it takes to really do this? We don’t ask ourselves that. Right. We don’t ask ourselves that before a workout.

[00:20:52] video2255736796: We don’t ask ourselves that before a triathlon we signed up for. We don’t ask ourselves that before getting on a phone call with somebody. And [00:21:00] it’s okay, you know, kind of, I don’t want to go too far deep into like boundaries and, but it’s okay to say no, it would have been okay for me or for her to say.

[00:21:08] video2255736796: I’m not feeling up to it tonight. Right. And, but we’re so used to, there’s a commitment, therefore we follow through, we, we show up, you know, and I think sometimes it’s great to be committed, but it’s also great to pay attention to your energy. I think both. I mean, the thing is also is almost like, I think we stopped.

[00:21:28] video2255736796: We, as people in society, we. Are so afraid of feeling the feelings that we created massive, I don’t know the numbers, so I can’t quote them massive, um, industries around not feeling what we feel and that is obviously, I don’t know how many people are on antidepressants. I don’t know how many people are, you know, taking different drugs and.

[00:21:55] video2255736796: Medication and drinking and now we [00:22:00] have, um, weed that is legal. So avoid, keep avoiding the feelings, you know, and I think that is the, that is one of the, one of the giant issues in society right now. We don’t want to feel sad or upset or angry or the things that we actually are frustrated. Right. But I was telling this to my, to my 17 year old.

[00:22:23] video2255736796: A few weeks ago, um, she was sharing something very important and deep in her life and she was mortified. She was like, I just, I was just, you know, so upset and so sad that I just… And I said, there’s nothing wrong with just being sad and just crying. Nothing’s going to happen to you for feeling the feelings that you need to feel.

[00:22:47] video2255736796: Just sit with your feelings for as long as it takes. You know, and of course, as parents, we, it breaks our heart to see them, to see them so, so upset. But we are [00:23:00] giving them the wrong, the wrong message. We try to make them happy all the time. We’re always saying, what I do? Oh my God, I’m going to make your favorite food.

[00:23:09] video2255736796: Oh, I’m going to do this. Oh, let’s go shopping. Oh, I’ll take you to this. That is not the way we teach our kids to deal with problems and to deal with their emotions. Right. So, and then they grow up to try to cover all these emotions because who wants to be, I mean, I don’t want to be upset. I don’t want to feel like I look at myself in the mirror and I, I can’t fit any of the.

[00:23:33] video2255736796: I don’t know, 15 pairs of jeans I have in the closet. No one wants to feel those things. However, once we learn to feel them and wants to learn to, once we learn to use those, what we see as obstacles as an opportunity and say, okay, what is here? What is it that, how I’m going to use what I’m going through now to as a springboard for what’s coming next?

[00:23:56] video2255736796: Because what happens is, Once [00:24:00] we navigate those emotions and once we navigate that adversity the same way we were talking about before or the or what you are going through now, right? Once you think, okay, and this is something that I learned from Michael Beckwith that I think is so valuable. So. Let’s say, for instance, what you’re going through now with your, uh, with your vertigo.

[00:24:24] video2255736796: What if this situation were to last forever? So if this, just think for that for a second, right? So if this were to last forever, then what are the, um, the qualities that you have within you that you will need to develop further in order for you to still be happy and have a fulfilling life? Yeah, that’s a great question because I think, I mean, I know for me personally, just in this last week or so, I was telling when I.

[00:24:55] video2255736796: For my listeners listening. I’ve been struggling with vertigo for three weeks or so with this new [00:25:00] migraine journey that I’ve shared on the podcast. And, um, I met with the balance Institute yesterday and. I told the lady, I said, the first week or two that it was happening, I was like, I’ll try, you know, give me the antibiotic, give me the, whatever it’s going to take to get rid of whatever this is.

[00:25:15] video2255736796: And then now that it’s been a month of dealing with it, the fear really sets in like the fear of like, what if this isn’t going away? What if this is permanent? Like, what if I can’t figure this out? So the first thing I would say is I’ve got to overcome that fear first. I’ve got to, I’ve got to decide, like you said.

[00:25:31] video2255736796: That if I was conditioned with this permanently, what will I, how will I come through it? Like, how will I live my life and how will I continue to make that fulfilling? It’s a great question. It’s something that I’d have to ponder. Um, but I think for me, it’s, it’s last night I told myself this, right? Like, and I won’t go into the details cause it’s too nuanced, but I’m also tracking my hormones at the same time because I’m doing some different things with my hormone therapy.

[00:25:58] video2255736796: And. Yesterday, I [00:26:00] had a raging migraine, and so in case vertigo wasn’t bad enough, throw in a migraine, and it was a pretty bad day. So last night, I’m getting ready to go to bed, and I said to myself, I was like, okay, what about this day was good? Like, what about this day was good, and what about this day was, is teaching me something?

[00:26:18] video2255736796: So I made a list, like, in my head of like, well, I learned that this form of therapy that I tried today. didn’t work, right? So that’s good. I know something didn’t work. I know that this medication helped me with my pain today. I know that this happened. I know that that like, you know, I was able to play with my daughter at the park.

[00:26:37] video2255736796: Like I went through a few different things that were good today. And I feel like for me, it was like, that is how I would come through it. Is really having to, you know, retrain my brain. I feel like I’m a person who lives in gratitude, who lives in a positive mindset, but when you’re in pain and you’re, the room is spinning, it is really hard to get into that frame of mind.

[00:26:54] video2255736796: So for me, it’s, it’s more about just practicing that and asking myself that [00:27:00] question of. What is good today? Like what happened today that is good and continually, continuously thinking in that frame of mind. So the idea is, yes, to, to bring back gratitude right into your life. So let’s say, um, you practice this is thinking about, uh, is it, uh, resilience?

[00:27:21] video2255736796: Is it strength? Is it one of those qualities? Is it patience? Is it. You know, so thinking about those or even living gratitude. Okay. So what happens is, what are the practices that you mentioned precisely that you would need to, to do to enhance that quality? And then what happens is as I’m sure, you know, when, um, when you concentrate on something, your energy goes there, right?

[00:27:52] video2255736796: So where attention goes, energy flows, yes? So once you’re able to, to develop that [00:28:00] quality, then once, when you are on the other side, that is the difficult quality that you, that you harness, that you’re going to use when you’re on the other side. So I think that’s something that we can all use in, you know, whatever obstacle you’re going through.

[00:28:22] video2255736796: Like, I feel like everyone is It’s going through something, you know, and adversity is something that we see. We all see differently depending on, well, we’re not going to get into why, but you know, so I think that’s something that is really helpful for everyone to say, okay, so once I’m there, how do I get out of this place?

[00:28:42] video2255736796: And why just briefly to mention why gratitude is so important in our lives because is one of the highest energy vibrating emotions that we have. So joy and gratitude and love are one of [00:29:00] the three of the highest vibrating. So that’s why when we are thankful for something, when we practice gratitude. You feel a certain way, and there’s a reason.

[00:29:10] video2255736796: It’s actually like a biological reason for it. Secondly, it’s something that once you practice it, you cannot feel, you cannot be in gratitude and upset at the same time. So is this, you know, you can’t be, you can be in gratitude and also be angry at the world for whatever is happening. So you practice that and then once you move all your energy into there, that’s what’s going to expand.

[00:29:38] video2255736796: Yeah. And I’ve heard that before. It’s interesting because it is so true, right? Like last night as I’m sitting there and, and very true to what you were just talking about with your daughter, I have been trying to get outside my house and try to walk with vertigo. It’s harder than you think. Um, I’ve been trying to just like walk up and down the street, even just in front of my neighbor’s houses and [00:30:00] cry and just cry because it, it sucks and it’s hard.

[00:30:04] video2255736796: And then I do it and then I sit in that feeling and then I come home and like the first thing that I’ve been trying to do is say, what is good? What did I learn? Like, you know, and to, to constantly kind of circle through that, like, it’s okay. Yeah. It’s okay for me to feel this way, but let’s also think this way, right?

[00:30:21] video2255736796: Feel this way, think this way. And, and so there’s a fine balance. I, I wanted to come back to that as well, because I think that’s so powerful too. You know, I’ve got. Two little girls, a two year old and an almost seven year old and my seven year old, um, has really taught me, you know, she, she tends to be what I would call like a fight or flight type of kid.

[00:30:39] video2255736796: She’s a lot like me. She’s very type A. Um, she’s a worrier. And so she tends to sit in that, like, that’s kind of her, you know, personality. And so when she gets upset about something, um, we’ve, I have really, myself have had to learn that it’s, I don’t need to fix it. Like, it’s not a situation that I need to fix.

[00:30:58] video2255736796: It’s not something where I need [00:31:00] to say like, Oh, it’s okay. Like dry your tears. You’ll be okay. Instead. It’s better for me to sit with her in that moment. Like to literally just let her cry, to let her be upset, to get through that so that she can feel what, you know, feel those feelings and not think that it’s, she needs to cover them up.

[00:31:16] video2255736796: So I wanted to, I, you mentioned that earlier and I wanted to make sure I mentioned that too. Yeah. This is also powerful because it’s, we’re, we’re speaking to mindset. We’re also speaking to. Um, what really it’s yes, it’s adversity, but it’s also just how we make those choices like to come through those moments of adversity.

[00:31:36] video2255736796: What would you say? What would you say is really the silver lining? Um, in the whole picture, like, what would you say if you had to, you know, share what is the silver lining behind coming through something, whether it’s like what I’m, you know, my story or, or whatever example you want to give, but how can people see, you know, whether it’s their body image or whatever it is they’re struggling with, how can they see through that to the silver lining?[00:32:00]

[00:32:00] video2255736796: I think it’s all about growth. We are here in this, we’re having a human experience and that experience. is all about the emotions. It is all about what we feel. If we don’t feel and we numb our feelings, then what’s the point of this experience? And And the emotions come, all of them, right? What we feel is, all of the feelings.

[00:32:24] video2255736796: It’s not just, we don’t pick just to be happy all the time. There’s no growth than just be a mosquito, you know? So, I think that’s a silver lining. And also, this, this life is a roller coaster. There’s no flat… Unless you don’t do anything and you don’t try anything new ever, and you sit in front of your TV and that’s the way you want to live, then that’s the only time that, you know, you can just not feel anything.

[00:32:54] video2255736796: So I think the silver lining is actually living this experience, this life, the way it’s, [00:33:00] the way it’s meant to be. Yeah. Yeah. So I know for you personally, you know, you’ve shared that you sort of transformed your life through this. You know, create, I think your exact phrase was seeing obstacles as opportunity and, and really just, um, seeing life happening for you and not to you, what would you say, you know, how can other women listening who might be feeling like they’re stuck, who might be feeling like they’re on autopilot, as you said, how would you say that they can start to really springboard their own transformations?

[00:33:34] video2255736796: I think the first thing is, is what you shared before, is make a list of everything you’re grateful for. Every morning, wake up and you write 10 things you’re grateful for. Your breathing, okay, that’s one. Depending on, you know, the spectrum of, of high and low emotions, how, you know, where you start.

[00:33:53] video2255736796: Sometimes you say, okay, I’m thankful for my kids. Or I’m grateful for, I love [00:34:00] thinking my, I love being grateful for my legs, my feet that are able to, you know, because of them, I’m able to, to do all these races and even the training. And I think that that gives me the sense of. Okay, I can still do this, you know, but for other people might be different things.

[00:34:17] video2255736796: It’s like, okay, I’m grateful that I’m able to walk around the block. So 10 things that you’re grateful for, for that reason that we mentioned before. The first one is that gratitude. Is one of the highest emotions in terms of vibration. And secondly, because it takes you away from the other stuff that is very uncomfortable at the moment.

[00:34:40] video2255736796: So in order to prepare yourself to have those feelings and not like dwell on them, Say, okay, this is perhaps my, my switch that I can actually like flip and then from there start having a different day. Yeah, yeah, it makes me think of like, um, when I was growing up and, you know, you’d [00:35:00] watch the old talk shows.

[00:35:01] video2255736796: Like I used to watch Oprah with my mom and, you know, you see people come on Oprah for an interview and you see them just literally you can see their mindset transform in an episode by someone triggering the right thought response. You know, and I think that’s the power in someone like a life coach. Um, I’ve worked with a life coach myself for several years.

[00:35:21] video2255736796: Um, even as I’m trekking through this journey with my vertigo and everything, she’s been checking in on me every day just to see how things are going, how my mindset is. And I just, I think it’s so powerful. So for anyone listening, if you’re not currently working with someone, you know, we’ll make sure that we link up Macarena’s information in the show notes as well, but working with a life coach, working with someone who can really help instigate this growth in you that can really help you sort of see yourself in your life from a 10, 000 foot view.

[00:35:47] video2255736796: Right? So, so, so often we’re so in it. That we don’t see what is within our control to change and so by having someone else to kind of lead us through that and to help hold us accountable. It can be really a really powerful thing. So [00:36:00] Margarita, I need to point people in the direction of where they can find you.

[00:36:04] video2255736796: Like, how can they get in contact with you? Any resources that you have, please share. Yes. The first thing I want to add something to what you said. about the um, how we’re not able, once you’re like, I usually say, once you’re like in the, the tomato sauce jar, you can’t read the label. It’s impossible, right?

[00:36:26] video2255736796: And that’s how we live our lives. Mostly without the awareness of the different aspects and the different solutions that are out there Um, so that’s number one. Number two is are the resources. I have actually a free Guide that it’s called three steps to clarity and it can be found on my website, which is real coaching dot cc And there you can this guide is is only three steps, but it’s very profound if you actually do it you know if you take the [00:37:00] 11 minutes that takes for seven minutes that takes to do because it takes you through your different different aspects of your life and also It gives you um a different way of looking at each aspect of it where you rate each aspect of your life and then You go through this exercise to say, okay, what am I actually?

[00:37:22] video2255736796: Grateful for in this. And what do I want to work on? Because I think most times like when people complain at my age or well, all ages, basically women complain about their bodies. They’re not, they’re not realizing or they’re not taking into consideration what those bodies have done for them for all their lives.

[00:37:40] video2255736796: These bodies, I mean, do amazing things. We don’t need to mention how many miles these legs have run, and the babies that it fed, and the babies that it created, and, you know, all these different things that women’s bodies are able to do, you know? Yeah. So that is like just one [00:38:00] small example. Right? Yeah, yeah, it’s so true.

[00:38:05] video2255736796: And I, I mean, I, it’s easier said than done, you know, like, it’s easy to sit back and say like, oh, you know, let’s find ways to, to love ourselves. And then, and then you go to do it and you’re like, okay, where do I begin? How do I break through this, this barrier for myself sometimes? And I see that in so many women that I work with, but.

[00:38:21] video2255736796: You’ve been able to give us such amazing viewpoint here. Um, just with your own story and what you’re after, you know, like going through different challenges and how you can really overcome that to become something really, you’re a light in the world for other people, like you’re now able to take other people along with you.

[00:38:38] video2255736796: As their guide and say, you know, Hey, I see this in you, um, let’s work on this. So thank you so much for being here today. I truly am grateful for our connection that we were able to do this, that we were able to share your story and that we can of course, hook all of my listeners up with your information so they can reach out to you directly if they have any questions or if they’d like to work with you, but, um, any final thoughts.[00:39:00]

[00:39:01] video2255736796: I think that we see it that sometimes what you would the last the last thought you had that you shared was once you’re in it is really difficult to get out of it. And maybe that’s just our paradigm, you know, and that needs to be shifted. It’s not that difficult is It’s only because we’ve been told that this is going to be hard and difficult and insane.

[00:39:26] video2255736796: But in reality, we all have the power to make those changes. Every human being on this planet is, was born for a reason, for, to live on purpose. And once we realize this and that, that, that, that mindset shifts to a point where you say, okay, so what is my purpose? And just having that awareness of that thought, then that can trigger a whole different, um, list of actions that, you know, that people can do, especially women that can actually make the changes that are going to impact you [00:40:00] and people around you.

[00:40:02] video2255736796: And in terms of what can we control, you can control your thoughts. And your actions and your emotions. Well, that’s a perfect place to end for us today, my friends. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you, Macarena, for being here. Again, everything will be linked up with the show notes and we’ll talk soon.

[00:40:21] video2255736796: Thanks guys. Bye bye. Thank you.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. I hope you found value from today’s episode. If you did, please share it out to your friends or leave a review. Remember your cycles are your superpower, and by aligning with them, you can live your life with all the energy you need to be a mom, wife, daughter, and friend to those you love.

Until next time!


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