In the summer of 2010, I decided to do something I never dreamt I’d do…

I entered the “Self Help” section of a bookstore.

I’m sure I glanced over my shoulder a few times to ensure no one I knew was nearby, because truth be told, I didn’t think I needed any help.

I had a happy marriage, a comfortable corporate job, and I had friends. 

But when I became a Coach, one of the core principles of Coaching is investing in yourself and your growth, and at that point in my life, I figured I’d see what it was all about. We were going on a trip and taking a 4 hour flight, so I needed a good read anyway.

I walked away with the book, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. I boarded that flight and by the time I disembarked, I had finished the book, and my life was forever changed.

It was 30,000 feet in the air in that 4 hour window of time that I learned the one crucial thing I didn’t know before then…

“Aging is inevitable. Growth is optional.” (John Maxwell)

I realized that I had unique talents, and that I had so much more potential that wasn’t being engaged in my corporate job.

I realized that while I was comfortable in life and thought that meant I was happy, it was causing me to therefore NOT be growing. 

I realized that I was in charge of my future, and my reactions, and my relationships.

It was such a transformational book for me, and it started a pure addiction to the Self Help section of the bookstore. 

Then came podcasts, and Audible, and well… the rest is history. I’m now a self-proclaimed a serial personal growth junkie. 

So I thought maybe I would write a post telling you the books that have made the biggest impact on me, most of which from just 2019 alone. You see, for the last 7 years, I have committed to one personal growth book per month (10-15 minutes of reading per day), 1 personal growth podcast per day, and one personal growth audio book per month. 

Told ya. I’m addicted.

Let’s dive in.

There are only about 3 books I keep handy and never box away, and the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell is one of them. The 15 laws are eye-opening, and this is a great book to kick off your personal growth journey. You’ll be able to know the areas of growth you need most to help direct you to your next book choice. Remember one thing: whatever book is popular isn’t necessarily the book YOU need. You read what you need, boo.

I just finished the Audible version of No Plan B for Your A Game by Bo Eason, and I had so many nuggets, I purchased the physical book, too. That way I can go back through and make notes, dog ear pages, and implement action steps from things I learned. Bo is a natural storyteller, so it’s a great one to listen to if that’s your jam!

My first book of 2019 was Tribe Called Bliss by Lori Harder. I listened to this one via Audible as well, and let me tell you, it taught me so much about how to relate with other women in a constructive manner. A group of my Coaches and I read it together, and my success partner and I used it as a guide to determining our core values in our business. It set the tone for my year last year.

Another game changing book for me was Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. I think every female loves Brene Brown and her TEDTalk on shame, and her other books, too, but for me, this particular book stood out as being her all time best. I love her perspective on courage, and on leadership. It’s not your typical leadership book but it is so, so good. 

Of course I’d be crazy if I did mention the “You Were Made for More” phenomena with Girl, Wash Your Face Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. This girl has a way of writing that makes you feel like she’s your best friend. It’s no wonder it’s at the top of the charts consistently, and that she’s turned herself into a worldwide brand. I loved these books because they were easy reads, and so freaking true. That said, in the grand scheme of my PD game, they were pretty basic. Basic is good, but for those of you who have read these two books, I highly encourage you to branch out even more in the PD space!

One thing I committed too, on top of my reading and listening goals each year, is participating in Mastermind groups led by my John Maxwell Certified Life Coach, Amy Snow. Two books we covered in 2019 that were highly impactful on my life and business were High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard (I recommend the corresponding  Journal) and Emotional Intelligence 2.0. I learned so much about myself… my personality, how I interact with others, where I struggle, and how I can improve in my relationships and performance habits. Both of these involve self assessments, which are fun and so very helpful in determining what action needs to be taken to improve yourself. 

I’d be remiss to not mention a book that truly gave me tangible ways to change my habits, incorporate new ones, and set myself up for success daily. The book was Atomic Habits by James Clear. My most favorite tactic that I now teach my Team is that of habit stacking: incorporating one new habit you’d like to implement (such as meditation) with one old habit (like brushing your teeth). I was able to break bad-for-me habits and add good ones in 2019 thanks to this book.

Finally, the book I’m nearly finished with now that I’m now recommending to all of my Coaches:  Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo. I love Marie, the fact that she’s not afraid to drop F bombs and be herself, and her tell-it-like-it-is persona. The book is what it sounds like: a guide to being your own problem solver in the world of entrepreneurship, business, and just life. 

My list is growing for 2020, and I can’t wait to share those with you as I read them! If you’re not already following me on social, please do so. I leave clues in my Facebook Stories often. If you have questions on what book may be best for you, send me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to chat.

I pray you find a book that speaks to you, that you never feel fear entering the Self Help section of a bookstore, and that you OWN the fact that you get one life, and it is entirely up to you. 




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