Welcome to Coach Basics! By now, you’ve probably perused the website and have even dabbled in the training videos. If not, have no fear. These are tools and resources for you to use throughout your journey as a Coach, and they exist in the fashion they do so that you will duplicate the same training and tools with your future Coaches.
So this is the beginning. This is the beginning of your Coaching journey. You will grow, personally and professionally — no doubt about it. You will most likely change your health for the better as well. Regardless, change is about to happen in your life, and with all change comes hesitation. Hesitation that we won’t be good enough, won’t have enough time, and won’t enjoy it.
It’s normal to be a little scared. It’s normal to feel like you want to learn everything about the business before you dive in. It’s normal to opt for passiveness instead of jumping in feet first. But I have good news for you: You do not have to be an expert in order to be a successful Coach. In order to be a successful Coach, you need to have just two qualities:
A love for building relationships
A love for Beachbody programs and products.
What are the actual detailed requirements for being an online fitness Coach? Easy. You merely have to be an Active Coach, which simply means that you are on a current monthly order of Shakeology. Yes, that means canceling your Autoship Shakeology (or even postponing) immediately demotes you to Inactive Coach status. If you’re looking to earn an income, no matter how small or large, you need to stay Active on Shakeology.
Otherwise, that’s it. You need to be ready to get to know people. Ready to listen. Ready to pay it forward. Ready to grow.
We’re excited to have you aboard with Body Electric. Let’s redefine what’s possible for you.